Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weird Stuff

Mom's been trying to get this picture for days and days and it finally worked. Mom fixed up this table for me before I moved in. It has a comfy blanket and a big pillow on it because it is a really good place for sun spots and looking out the window. I never used it much before, so Mom put all these interesting papers on it and now I rest up here every day.

Karen Jo: It amuses me that you like to nap on my income tax forms.

All kinds of weird things have been showing up in my treat saucer lately, but I don't like most of them. I resisted the temptation of the baby food much better today. I only ate half of it.

Karen Jo: I ran out of turkey baby food and gave you chicken today. Evidently you don't like that as well. You aren't doing yourself any favors by not eating the baby food with the pro-biotic in it, Herman. I also been trying different things to put your Benefiber in. So far you have turned your nose up at salmon cream cheese, cat milk and cheese spread. I wanted to try chicken broth, but I couldn't find any that didn't have onion in it. I haven't wanted to give you baby food twice a day, but if that's the only thing I can find that you will actually eat with medicine in it, then I'll give it a try. If I can't get you to take it willingly, I can always dissolve it in something and squirt it into your mouth, like I do the Interferon. I do think you are still improving. You jumped in the litter box while I was brushing my teeth today and did your usual routine when you make a poop puddle, but nothing happened. I hope that means that things are firming up a bit.

I feel like eating different things. Today I ate my I/D dry food instead of my Friskies. You ate something for lunch that smelled good, but I didn't get any.

Karen Jo: I had corned beef and potatoes. I let you smell it, but you didn't seem to want any. The vet said not to give you any fatty meat, anyway.

Hmpf. I wish you would have a steak again. I like steak.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Herman, you MUST eat the baby birdie flavored foods wif the meds in them. Or we are gonna come over and MAKE ya while yer Mom is gone!

Ayla will run around and above ya til you are dizzy and the Iza will put it down yer throat while she sits on you!

An we gotta ask... Are the poop puddles in the litterbox? We do hope...

The Florida Furkids said...

Herman you have to eat those foods. Your Mom is trying so hard to help you get over those poop puddles. You know she loves you a lot, so maybe you could try to eat things she offers you?

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

I have also been trying to put different things in your Benefiber

Elaine from 1st babies

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are just being silly with your Mom Herman...get that medicine the easy's much better than the alternative!

Everycat said...

Come on Herman dude, you have to play the game and get that fibre into you, else it's gonna be syringe world for you! Who knows, if you take your medicines and the poop solidifies, maybe there will be some lean juicy steak in your future?

Mmmmm steak!

Whicky Wuudler

meowmeowmans said...

We like steak, too, Herman. We agree with our pal Whicky ... maybe if you take your meds and get a little better, you'll get some yummy lean steak. :)

Anonymous said...

Herman, you should see Mom do the 'I wonder if Gracie will eat this dance". It's hysterical. Mom worries because Gracie is not very good about eating her foods and Mom worries about her being so skinny.

Gracie loves Pot Roast and Filet Mignon... but Pot Roast is far and away her favorite. Silly kitten.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Beds are always much better when they have papers on them, and better still if your mum is trying to read them. Now if you would just eat your food with Benefiber and probiotic in, that would be better still.

Anonymous said...

Be careful - too much baby food can cause constipation - so make sure Herman is pooping something! I know it is hard to get meds in him - have you tried dissolving the probiotics in broth and squirting it in his mouth with a plastic syringe? I do this.

The Island Cats said...

Wow! We would eat all those foods no problem!! Herman, you gotta eat your medicines!!

And we saw that you won the cool nip syringe from I Have Cat!! What a cool prize!!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Herman we understand about liking some stuff and not others - mom went through this kind of thing with our big brother Floyd when he was still here with us. She would put his medicine in stuff to eat and sometimes he would, sometimes he wouldn't. And then just when she thought she found one he consistently liked, he would change his mind! Us kitties can be fickle with the foods. But we think you should eat the foods with the medicine because it is better then getting it squirted in your mouth. And we want you to get better. We are sending you purrs and prayers for the strenght to eat the stuff even if you don't love it!

The Devil Dog said...

We like steak too, Herman. Lucky will jump for steak, so mom has to be real careful otherwise she'll lose hers.

I like to lie down on mom's clothes or the clean laundry. It's fun to be a pill.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Keep trying the treats. Who knows, you may find one that you really like!

Nishant said...

.it's much better than the alternative!
home jobs india

Anonymous said...

i am sorreh you are still having the poopie puddles, but your running commentary with your mommeh always makes me meow out loud!

L. Alida said...

Sweet Herman, I am thinking of you and your dear Mommy so much ! I'm glad to see that you are interested in eating a bit more. Please take your medicine okay? We all love you and we are so happy that Mommy Karen Jo has a a kitty that she's always longed for. Just keep getting better and better okay?
Mommy Karen Jo, you are doing a great job! You could get a job as a VET assistant! :) Herman is so lucky to have you for a Mom.
I hope this week is sunny and happy for you both and I will stop by to check on you soon.
Lots of Hugs,

Anonymous said...

hey by the way, did you know you won the prize over at I Have Cat?!

DILLIGAF said...

Maximus Spittimus is curious why you don't shread paper? He always does. It's good fun!

Four Dinners
Aide de Camp

Everycat said...

I hope you are only quiet because you are busy nomming up your fuuds and medicine Herman :)

Whicky Wuudler

T said...

have your mommy email me! You won the SYRINGE! We wanna get it to you!