Sunday, March 21, 2010

Not Hungry

Mom didn't take a picture of me today, so here's one from a few days ago of me drinking out of my fountain. I am still drinking plenty of water, but I am not very hungry. I am eating some of the canned food every time Mom gives me some, but I never clean my dish any more. I am also eating some of my new dry food, but not nearly as much as I used to eat of my Friskies. I am still making poop puddles.

Karen Jo: I wish you would eat more, Herman. I got you some more canned food, so there is plenty for you. I really wish you would clean your dish when I give you second breakfast the way you used to. That is when I give you your pro-biotic. At least you are still eating more at second breakfast than you are at your other meals, so you are getting at least some of the pro-biotic. You still scratch at your platform for treats, but only the same amount as always, so I don't have to worry about you filling up on treats. The vet did say that I could give you some boiled chicken, but only a little bit. I will look and see if I can find you some turkey, as Whicky Wuddler suggested. I got some real live dead shrimp, thinking I could share with you, but the vet said no. The good part is that you are still acting like a happy cat. You cuddle with me at night and wake me up in the morning. I love how you have figured out when the alarm goes off and wake me up before then, because you don't like the alarm. You come eagerly for your brushing and still purr the whole time. You come to greet me at the door at night and your tail goes right up with its little curl when you see me. You still give me a token struggle over the Interferon, but take it like a good boy. Your poop puddles are getting smaller, but I'm afraid that it's because you are eating so much less. I'll boil you a chicken breast in the morning and see if a little bit of that will stimulate you to eat more of your I/D food.


Ikaika said...

Karen Jo,

If Herman's pro-biotic is in powder form, you can mix it with a little watered down strained baby food meat and syringe it slowly into the side of his mouth. That way you can be sure he's getting all of it. I give all my kitties their meds and supplements that way, including two former ferals, and no problems.

Hope this helps,

'Kaika's mom

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Please try and eat a little more...We handsome mancats have to keep up our strength! (and the mommies worry less)

Karen Jo,
Maybe, since he is eating more at the first feeding, you might try splitting up the pro-biotic into both meals. He might get more that way.
He may also be eating less because the food you are feeding him is actually better, nutrition-wise, and he needs less. Something to ask the vet.

Anyway, to both of you, we are purring and praying here in Illinois for good news everyday.
Taz (the Princess) and the manly mancats, Runt and Charles, and of course, mommy Anna

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Just some thoughts...

We dont like beef stinkey goodness, for example, but we love little bits of The Big Thing's beef when he drops it to us. Same with other foods. What we wont eat from a can, we eat from the floor. MOL!

Mebbe that helps a little?

Everycat said...

Herman dude, it's good being purry and playful, but all that stuff takes energy, so you need chow down on your food big time. Here's to a large amount of chomping.

Rumbly purrs to you and your Mom

Whicky Wuudler

Gattina said...

I can assure you all my cats NEVER clean out their bowl ! they always leave a little bit, just as posh people do lol ! I think Herman knows now that he gets food regularly so he doesn't have to empty every bowl in one shot. I have no feeding times, when a bowl is empty I fill it. If he doesn't loose any weight it's OK. Little Rosie with her fragile stomac and intestins eats several times per day but always leaves a little bit in her bowl. I feed her in my room to see if she eats properly. When you have several cats it's not so easy to check.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Herman, it's okay to not eat all of your food, but you have to eat enough so you don't lose weight. It sounds like your mom is letting you try lots of yummy stuff, so we hope you start eating a little more so she won't worry. It's a good sign that you are eating some, drinking lots, and acting happy. We are a little jealous that you get a second breakfast...I think I need to have a little talk with my mom.

Angel Simba said...

Just a couple of thoughts:
I never clean my bowl - I always like to leave some, yet I will appeal to Mom for fresh a little later.

Mom wonders two things: (1) maybe haveing less food going through those intestines with IBD for a little while would actually help him heal
(2) she would worry that giving chicken or turkey might cause Herman to prefer that to the I/D and cause him to refuse the I/D entirely.

We're rooting for you to get all better, Herman.

Parker said...

Herman, please try to eat a little more - you need strength to keep purrin' and playing with your Mommy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Eat a bit more there Herman, even though some of us are nibblers by our nature.

The Island Cats said...

Herman, we hope you start eating better...we know your mom worries about you....

Marg said...

Herman I hope you start eating better. Hopefully Karen Jo will give you some of that boiled chicken. I would think that would be the best thing for you. And I would also try to put the pro-biotic in a syringe and give it to you in your mouth. Probably you aren't eating because that ID tastes so different.

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

we hope you feel up to eating more soon *puurrrrs2U*

meowmeowmans said...

Oh Herman, we hope you start eating more. It'll help you stay strong and get healthy.

Cory said...

Herman, you got us all purring for you! Eat!

The Creek Cats said...

Herman, please eat so you will not loose too much weight. We are all purring very hard for you!!

Thank you so much for stopping by and wishing me a happy Gotcha Day!
♥ Rambler

Mickey's Musings said...

We will send you some purrs Herman and hope you feel better and want to eat soon :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Herman, we are purring for you!

Cat said...

Chicken is soooo GOOD!! Eat the chicken Herman!!! And more of your other food, too...please!! We want to see you doing good for a long time!! And you make your Momma happy when you eat. So, my man, chop, that food!!! purrs, Lautrec

Daisy said...

Eat up, Herman! I'll bet the chicken will taste extra scrumptious!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I/D is a bland food so it tends not to be a very tasty diet. If he's just not eating because it's not that tasty it's less of a worry. If he goes for the chicken then that's a good sign!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You gotta nom more my friend! But also keep up the cuddles, they are very important.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Herman we know that the I/D food can be very boring to eat, but it would be a good idea for you to eat some ok! It sounds like you are feeling ok at least - I know my kitties do eat a bit less as it gets warmer in spring so that could be part of it if it is getting nicer there. And the watered baby food idea is good too, as long as the vet thinks it would be ok. Hopefully you will start to eat more soon - we are sending you lots of "get hungry" purrs and prayers!

Nishant said...

Anyway, to both of you, we are purring and praying here in Illinois for good news everyday.

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