Monday, March 8, 2010

Curly Fur?

We got rain today, instead of snow, and the humidity was higher than normal. This is some of my tummy fur and Mom thinks she can see little waves in it. What do you think?

I am still making poop puddles, so I have to go to the vet in the morning. At least having poop puddles all the time hasn't affected my appetite. I love it when Mom opens a new can of Stinky Goodness and I was starving when she got home from work tonight. She popped open the can and I jumped up on the counter and started licking it right out of the can. Mom pushed my head aside so she could divide up the can into fourths with a fork. When she lifted up a fourth with the fork, I grabbed the whole thing in my mouth and nommed it right down. Mom laughed and put another fourth in my dish. I nibbled a little bit of that and had a bit of dry food to go with it. I still am not interested in playing, but I love my brushing. I am not fighting the Interferon squirts very much. Mom shows me that she has a treat for me, then comes to give me the squirt. I walk away from her a little bit, then let her catch me. She steadies my head with one hand and gives me the squirt with the other. I run off a little ways after it's over and she follows me and gives me my treat. Then I get my sardine. It's not too bad. I hate to be held or confined, so, unless I really start giving her problems, she is going to keep giving me my squirts this way. She will look for the soft pipettes that Whicky Wuddler recommended, so she doesn't hurt my gums.


Jess!c@ said...
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Zoë said...

I hate rain, we've got snow now falling down overhere, I've had it with that aswell :) I want sunshine, let Spring come over!

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling that well. Hope the vet will have a simple cure - hopefully not any shots:( -

I'm now a follower of your blog by the way. I guess I will read about your visit to the vet tomorrow. Goodluck!

Woofs from Zoë

Daisy said...

I think it is cool that you have some waves in your furs!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, there is curls in there! Good luck with the visit to the V-E-T tomorrow, we're purring for you sweet Herman.

The Creek Cats said...

We think we see a little wave in your handsome furs, Herman!

Sorry to hear you're still having poop puddles. We hope the vet is able to fix you right up!

Kea said...

Good luck at the vet, Herman. We hope the poop puddles go away soon! Some of us had that problem, but in our case it was only the food our human was feeding us.

Sending lots of purrs and Light.

Angel Simba said...

I hope the VET can work ou what is going on, Herman. Good luck.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Your floof is lovely, Herman!

Good luck at the vet's!

The Monkeys said...

We're sorry you have to go to the Vet, but it's good news that your appetite is good! Hopefully the vet will make you feel better!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we's purring for you to get better Herman!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am sorry you must go to the vet. I hope you feel better. You have a cute little tummy.

Ingrid said...

That's strange that you still have this problem, but as long as you have such an appetite, it can't be very serious !
Thank you so much for your kind words for Lisa !

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are purring for you Herman. it is raining here today, again!

Lisa Kolosey said...

I bet you do have some curly furs in there. Snafu has curly furs in his arm pits and in his pants. So far he keeps them pretty clean, but they need brushing on occasion. Herman, we wish you well and are glad your taking your meds like a mancat.
~Lisa Co9T

The Island Cats said...

Yep...we can see some waves there...we sure hope you stop your pooping puddles soon...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, everyday, ya get a little better. We bet the poop puddles will disappear some day too! Ya just got ta get used ta the food...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope the vet gets rid of your poop puddle problem for you. We see your little waves. Are you going to be a curly cat like Daisy?

Anonymous said...

nice furs! sorry you are still not feeling too well. you will get better - just keep letting your mommeh catch you.

Amy & the house of cats said...

WE think that we can see some waves in your furs - we aren't surprised because we know a lot of kitties with long furs that get that - we think you all are so lucky!

It is great that you aren't fighting your mom too much on the interferon - we hope it stays that way! Oh, and our mom remembered that she got some of those pippet things at Sally Beauty Supply, so if you have a beauty supply place nearby they might have them.

We are behind, so we know you have the vet appointment today - we hope it went well!!

meowmeowmans said...

Love the waves in your furs, Herman! We hope your next V-E-T visit goes well, buddy.