Saturday, March 6, 2010

Not Lucky

Mom took this photo right after my brushing. After she finishes brushing me, I usually look at her, hoping to get some pets and scritches. I almost always get them. I didn't fight Mom so hard about my squirt today and I didn't sulk afterward. I heard her in the kitchen getting my sardine ready, so I went in and ate some of it. My chest fur is starting to grow back some. Mom says it looks and feels like velvet. I made lots of poop puddles today and that means that Mom has to take me back to the vet. I don't want to go.

Karen Jo: I don't want to have to take you, but we have to stop the poop puddles. Thank you, everyone, especially Whicky Wuddler and Mom, for the great advice on giving Herman his daily squirt. Herman likes Temptations even more than his sardines and it would be more immediate, so I'll try giving him one right after the squirt. I have already used Temptations to get him to scratch on his platform rather than the couch, so he's used to getting one as a reward.


Sweet Purrfections said...

You are looking mighty fine! I hope you don't need to go to the vet, but if you do, I purray he will give you something to stop the poop puddles and you're feeling okay soon.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We're sending even more healing thoughts and purrs your way Herman, I hope the vet can help.

the_cat_family said...

Hi there!
My name is Hope, and I am also going through the same thing you are going through right now... I ad massive on and off poop puddles for over 3 weeks so the vet put me on 8 days of Metronidazole, and another antibiotic to stop the diarrhea (this one only for a couple of days). My bowels were super inflamed too :(... I am still getting over it! Now that i am finally over the antibiotics, meowmy is giving me probiotics, more specifically, bene-bac.
About the squirts - I have great news for you!!! My brother Bugsy needs to take the squirts everyday, because of his stomatities. Meowmy used to have the hardest time giving it to him, but now she does it in SECONDS!!! She bought a Bag called "Klaw Kontrol" bag, you can google it for the best place to buy it, but there is good pricing here ( Anyways, this bag is fantastic! Meowmy says it has saved her relationship with Bugsy, as he no longer runs away from her! She even wrote a review about it, if you are interested:
Ok... I think I already said too much for now! I hope you get better real soon! I know this is no fun! Tell me about it!
Happy Cat Family

Kea said...

(((Herman and mom)))

We're purring that you are better soon, Herman. Sending healing Light!

The Florida Furkids said...

Oh darn...we were hoping those nasty poop puddles were gone. We hope the V-E-T fixes you up this time.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry you are still making poop puddles, Herman! We hope the vet has something better up his stethoscope! ((Purrs))

Brian's Home Blog said...

I know those puddles are no fun, we're purring that they go away soon! Oh yea, you're looking darn handsome today dude!

Gattina said...

Oh Herman, I hope the vet will find out why you make these puddles. Rosie eats dry food with rice that's for sensible stomacs. And wet food also for sensible stomacs. I have to fee her apart from the others.
My old Lisa went to the Bridge on thursday. Fortunately we had time to say good bye, but still the house seems emptier.

meowmeowmans said...

Oh dear. We hope the V-E-T can find a solution for you soon, Herman. We are purring and praying for you and Karen Jo.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are looking very hangsome Herman. We hope the vet can put a stop to your poop puddles.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It is embarrassing to admit, but I had real problems like that fer a couple months when I first came here...

But I just got used ta the different food after a while.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We so hope those puddles stop SOON!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Noll's Nip said...

I am purring for you Herman. Poop puddles BE GONE!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE hope the poop puddles go away soon!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We're so sorry you're still making poop puddles. We hope you get better very soon.

caspersmom said...

Herman you look so handsome after your brushing. So sorry to hear you are still having your problems. Whicky's Mom had really good advice. Mom copied it cause Patches has trouble with the opposite of yours. Constipation, and Mom has a hard time getting laxatone down her. Hope you are feeling good really soon.


Amy & the house of cats said...

Herman we know the vet is no fun but we all really want you to feel better soon! We think that if you go to the vet then they can help you out! We are sending lots of purrs your way!! (we are a bit behind, so once we get caught up hopefully you are doing a bit better)