Sunday, March 14, 2010

Maybe a Little Progress

Finally a new picture of me. Mom almost forgot to take a picture of me today, but she finally remembered. I always take a nap after lunch and Mom didn't remember to take my picture until after I started my nap. I nap in this bed when there isn't a sun spot on my platform. My chest fur is growing back nicely, but slowly. It is still really short. I saw Mom coming with my Interferon today and didn't even try to get away. I still protest a bit about getting it, but I take it. I wasn't a bit interested in my toys today, but I came right up to Mom for my brushing.

Karen Jo: I think things might be getting just a little bit better for you, Herman. One of your poop puddles was quite a bit thicker than they have been. I think you are feeling more like yourself, too. You woke me up before dawn for breakfast, which you haven't been doing lately. You also put on some speed going down the hall in front of me, which you haven't done in quite a while. Maybe the time isn't too far off when you'll be thundering down the hall at full speed again.

But I still have to go back to the vet, right?

Karen Jo: Yes, Herman, unless those poop puddles get a whole lot thicker in the next couple of days, you have to go back to the vet.

Will I get stabbed with a needle again?

Karen Jo: Probably. Those shots perk you right up and thicken up your poop. Unfortunately, the effects wear off in a couple of days.

I have gotten some awards and you have been ignoring them.

Karen Jo: I know, Herman. I will get to them, possibly tomorrow, but Tuesday at the latest.


3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Glad things are looking up...The vet might not be your favorite human right now, Herman, but if he makes you feel better, then KJ can relax and enjoy your handsome floofiness.
Keep up the good work.
Snuggles and purrs,
Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna in IL

Kea said...

Fingers and paws crossed that things will continue to improve, Herman! Sending purrs and kitty kisses.

Everycat said...

This sounds like good news Herman. A bad tummy can take it out of a chap, so we really hope you are on the mend and gaining back some energy. Gerry is very happy that you are taking your Interferon like a good cat. Here's to solid poop!

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

We sure hope you keep improving, Herman! Purrs to you, buddy!

Gattina said...

Very good Herman, continue this way and you will jump around like a grasshopper again !

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad those poop puddles are getting better and we hope you are back to normal soon. Purrs to you!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Devil Dog said...

Herman, your mom is more concerned about you than awards. Get better quick and I bet she'll post them. We are happy to hear there is some improvement in you.

Roxy & Lucky

The Monkeys said...

We're purring that you start feeling like yourself again, Herman! Keep up the good work!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Herman, we so hope that you continue to get better.....and, of course, we will continue to purr for you. xxxxxxxxx

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

We hope you get better soon! Meanwhile enjoy your nap in the compfy bed there =^_^= purrs2U!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, we're so glad to hear about your progress. Purrs and prayers to you both. :)

Lynx217 said...

We too hope you get to feeling better soon, Herman. We know what it's like to not be feeling well and how draining it can be. Please don't fight your medicine, as your mommy is only doing her best to help you feel better. Take care my floofy furfriend! Paws crossed you get better!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope you start feeling better Herman so you don't have to get poked again!

One Cats Nip said...

Herman your looking wonderful! Your mom sure does love you lots and takes real good care of you

Old Kitty said...

Awww Herman!
You brave brave kitty! I'm so glad to read that your fur is growing back and that you are feeling a little better! Your mum must be so relieved.

Good luck with the vets - they are only trying to make you better so hang in there, you wonderful gorgeous kitty!

Congratulations with your awards!! I look forward to seeing them and reading about them!

Take care and thank you for your kind words about my ol girl.


WE are glad to hear progress!
Just keep it up. I can attest to things getting better with poops...mine did and I know yours will too.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad to hear there is some improvement Herman, and hope you continue to improve.

The Island Cats said...

We're glad you're doing better, Herman. You look very handsome in your bed there!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You look very comfy in that bed. We are glad you are feeling a little better!

Azreen Sulaiman said...

Hi Herman :)

We hope you'll feel better soon! With how well Karen is taking care of you, I'm sure your full health will be restored :)

Rest well and be good :) Btw, Azreen and I (I helped pose :D) made a gift for you for coming to our blog ^_^ It's not much, but we do hope you'll like it!

Kenzo & Azreen

MaoMao said...

Awww, Herman -- big huggies to you and your Momma. We are so glad that you are feeling better, and we hope you keep feeling better and better and better! You are a beautiful boy and we know your Momma loves you so much. Warm fuzzies to you both!

Kittyhugs and purrs from the Ballicai!

Pip said...

Hang in their Herman, you'll be back to your old self in no time. You sure looks comfy in your bed.
KarenJo is a super mommy!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Herman! We are a bit behind so your vet visit is today - we hope it went well! And tell your mom that we think you know that the medicine makes you feel better which is why you are good about it - Floyd was like that with his medicine too. He would even let us know when he needed to be back on it by going to his medicine spot. We bet that is why you are so good too - you know it helps you! We are glad you are feeling better - just play a little bit so your mom can relax a little, ok! We are still sending you lots of purrs and prayers!!

L. Alida said...

Oh Herman, I worried about you all weekend! Your pressie should be going to the post office today. I hope your energy comes back soon.
It sounds like you are starting to feel better. Mommy Karen Jo loves you so much. She's doing a great job. I hope the VET can make you feel even better.
I will check on you again this week. You can come to Toeshee's birthday party on Thursday. :)
Love and Hugs,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Keep improvin, Herman, an soon ya will be able to poop with pride!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Keep at it Herman!
It's not pleasant going to the v-e-t but it's a necessary evil and they are making you feel better.
Mom says she'd like to pet your handsome floofyness.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh noes, poop puddles does not sound good. We hope you will not have to go back to the vet!