Friday, March 26, 2010

Feeling Better

Mom tried to take a picture of me today, but something went wrong and it didn't show up on the camera's card. Here's another fuzzy one from yesterday. I just wouldn't sit still for her. I think Mom has outwitted me on the medicine front. I didn't want early breakfast today and I just wanted to get some cuddles and scritches when I did wake her up. I sometimes like to stand on her and have her pay lots of attention to me. Things were going great until I moved my feet and all of a sudden she said she had to get up right then.

Karen Jo: You stood on my bladder, Herman. That's a sure fire way to get a human out of bed.

Once she was up, she got me my breakfast, with nothing icky in it, then she started getting dressed and all that other boring stuff. For my elevenses, I got some more of that yummy baby food with the pro-biotic in it. I had eaten about a third of it before I realized that it was spiked. I walked away and stayed away for a long time. While Mom was eating her lunch, I took a few more bites, then walked away again. I felt sure I could hold out, but Mom left it there when she went to work. It kept calling me and I finally gave in. By the time Mom got home from work, I had eaten every bit of it. When Mom got home, she gave me my Stinky Goodness dinner, then put something I had never seen or smelled before in my treat dish. I tasted it, but didn't like it.

Karen Jo: I am trying psychology on Herman as well as tempting his taste buds. Since he arrived, he has always gotten something special around eleven, served on a white saucer. At first it was warmed up chicken, then his sardine. This morning it was turkey baby food with pro-biotic. Tonight it was salmon cream cheese with Benefiber. I'll see if he eats it tonight. If not, I have some other ideas for getting the Benefiber in him. If all else fails, I can always dissolve it in a little water and squirt it in his mouth. It is worth all the trouble. I think I spotted just the hint of something solid in his poop this morning.

I am feeling better, too. This morning, while Mom was brushing me, I was lying on one of my big mousies with a ribbon tail. The brush caught on the ribbon and Mom pulled the mousie out from under me. I grabbed it with my paws and rolled it around just a tiny bit. Tonight I batted my nip ball twice. Toys are beginning to be interesting again.

Karen Jo: I am so glad to see that. I hope that soon we will be having soccer games again and I will be looking all over for your balls.


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Keep up the progress my friend!! You're still in our thoughts and we hope you get to be 100% soon.

Everycat said...

Very glad you are eating up the pro-biotic Herman and enjoying your fuuds again. Now just nom up that Benefibre and you will be back to your old self in no time :)

Whicky Wuudler

Angel Simba said...

Mom has sometimes taken that Benefiber and it truly is tasteless, so maybe it can be sneaked into stinky goodness in a little extra water. Maybe first breakfast time?

Goood that things are improving!

The Devil Dog said...

Progress, we love to see progress. Oh Herman, we want you to feel better and both you and your mom be happy.


The Monkeys said...

We're glad you're feeling better, Herman! You've gotta stop giving your Mom a hard time so you can feel perfect!

Brian's Home Blog said...

See Herman, you can do it and we're all cheering you on!!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Yay Herman! We are so happy to read that you are taking all the probiotic!! That is great news! We are still purring that things firm up! It sounds like you are headed in the right direction!!

Anonymous said...

Yay for you Herman! Keep up the good job!!! Glad to hear things are getting better on the "poop deck" MOL!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Hi Karen Jo and Herman
Thanks for calling to visit us - it is lovely to see you both.
We hope your poops are getting thicker everyday. We will call again and see you.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad you are eating your probiotic now Herman, and that your poops are improving.Now you have to be a good boy and eat your Benefiber.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Baby steps wif da food. Yoo will get better we can feel it. Toys are so fun.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are doing good, Herman. Keep it up!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

You need to take the medicine and listen to the mom. She is helping you to get better. Good Work!
When you are better will you still get the midmorning chicken and sardine?

T said...

Awww Herman, what a beautiful cat you are and what a lovely mommy you have...she loves you lots.

Will you tell her to please email me? I have a surprise for her (and you too)! ihavecat (at) gmail (dot) com.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Herman, we are glad ta hear about the progress. You be a good boy and eat that food wif the "stuff" init!

Team Tabby said...

Hi Herman, we sure hope you are feeling better. You are too nice to be feeling sick.

We are giving you an award. It's waiting for you on our blog, for when you feel like playing along.

Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike

Nishant said...

Goood that things are improving!
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