Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Driving Mom Crazy

I finally sat nicely for Mom to take a picture. You can see my still almost naked chest. The fur is growing back, but very slowly. Mom is getting sneaky. I woke her up for early breakfast before dawn, which I wasn't doing when I didn't feel like eating, so she got right up and fed me my Stinky Goodness. I woke her up again for second breakfast after dawn, but still earlier than she gets up and I got more Stinky Goodness. Then she made me wait. I didn't get my elevenses at all. That's when I used to get my sardine. I just got my Interferon and a treat. I meowed at her about it, but she just told me to eat what I already had. She ate her lunch and offered me a taste of corned beef, but I didn't want it. Then she did all the stuff that she does before she goes to work, including brushing me and giving me my medicine in my ear. I wanted more food, so I meowed and meowed at her. Finally she opened a new can of Stinky Goodness and I got all excited, because Stinky Goodness tastes the best right out of a new can. When she gave it to me I dove right in, then realized after a few bites that she had put that pro-biotic stuff in it. I walked away and didn't touch it again.

Karen Jo: At least I got a little bit of pro-biotic into you that way. I was hoping that you would eat more of it while I was at work.

I told you that I probably wouldn't get hungry enough to eat it, even while you were gone. I got even with you tonight. When you got home I did the usual "I'm starving. Feed me now!" routine and you gave me my Stinky Goodness. Then I gave you the "I don't want that. Don't you have anything else?" meows.

Karen Jo: And you didn't stop until I gave you some of the I/D canned food. Then you ate some of that.

Hahaha! That will keep you guessing.


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Good boy Herman!! Keep the humans on their toes, and eat LOTS!!!

Angel Simba said...

Oh, Herman. You are going to drive your Mom crazy!

I think I like the idea of not putting your probiotic in your moist food, as it seems to turn you against it, whether it is your regular variety or your I/D. Maybe Mom could put it in a little baby food meat like one reader suggested, and give it to you as your early breakfast when you are most hungry. Has she thought of skipping the probiotic entirely and trying to convert you over to just I/D? Maybe I/D on its own will sort out your poop puddles.

Your fur is looking lovely in your picture. I hope your chest fur speeds up now that it is getting to be spring.

Daisy said...

Herman I am glad you're starting to eat better!

Anonymous said...

Herman, we're so glad you're eating again!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Herman, you do look great today! You are very handsome and mancatly to keep mom on her toes and drive her crazy too!


Kea said...

You're looking good, Herman. We like to play that game too: meow and meow for food, then ignore what we're given. Sometimes our human will have several brands/flavours on the go at once. Heh heh. You gotta train 'em right!

Lisa Kolosey said...

It's so good to see you are looking much more bright eyed. I used to give Snafu a little plain yogurt as a probiotic when he wouldn't eat his pb powder mixed canned food. With everything we and the Vet tried to get him to stop "poo puddles", nothing worked until we stopped feeding him every odd thing and changed him over to dry Science Diet for kittens. IT WORKED. We'd read about it before, but didn't believe it would work. It was a last ditch effort. I know Herman's not a kitten, but surely he could use the calories after all his problems. Anyway...thought I'd mention it as a consideration.
~Lisa Co9T

The Monkeys said...

Your poor Mom, Herman! It's really hard to get anything by you!

Anonymous said...

boy you really know how to keep your lady on her toes.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Herman! We see you all OVER the Cb and just had to follow you guys! You really are a handsome dude! Thanx for stopping by the pther day and we hope you stop by again!!!

Sniffs & Scratches~
The Kool~Kittie~Krew
aka...Skeeter, King, Pandora, and Cricket (mom too)

Brian's Home Blog said...

YAY! Whatever works Herman, keep it up! I sometimes drive my Dad crazy, but it's a short trip!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Good for you Herman! I am glad you are getting your appetite back AND the added bonus that you are training your human!! HE HE HE!

meowmeowmans said...

MOL. Way to drive your mom crazy, Herman! So glad your appetite is coming back, buddy. We know that pro-biotic stuff is kind of yucky, but it is good for you, so please try to eat at least a little bit of it.

Gattina said...

Herman seams to behave normal again, lol ! That's nice !

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Herman you are definitely acting like a typical kitty again - always keep the humans guessing! We just wish you would eat the probiotic stuff - it is too bad it tastes yucky to you. We still suggest your mom try mixing it with a little baby food - that stuff is awesome tasting and the smell coveres all the yuck up. But she should of course check with the vet first - just to be safe.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We love you, Herman, and we are purring that you will take your meds willingly for your mom........she's only trying to make you feel better. xxxxxxxxxx

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Herman, you keep her guessing and worried!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We been actin fussy about our foods lately, so The Big (Mean) Thing has started just leavin it out there all day. Until we get hungry enough ta eat it... Boo...

The Island Cats said...

We're glad you're eating better, Herman! But you really should try to eat more foods with the pro-biotics stuff in's good for you!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad you are eating better Herman. We always know when something has been put in our food.

Pip said...

Is very good you are eatting Herman, but becareful, beans can be sneaky sometimes and go against all our careful training.
Is good you did that last bit, you has to punish them when they not do what is required.

caspersmom said...

Herman glad to hear you are eating better, please keep it up. Your Mom is just putting that pro-biotic stuff in to help you get all better. It's not to make you mad or anything. Your Mom loves you very much. Take care O.K.


caspersmom said...

Herman, I tip my igloo over on purpose. I love to play with it. Mom keeps telling me its just to sleep in, but I have noos for her.


Nishant said...

Your fur is looking lovely in your picture. I hope your chest fur speeds up now that it is getting to be spring.
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