Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good News and Bad News

This is the reject picture from a few days ago. Mom didn't use it because she thought it made me look sad. For some reason, she thinks it is appropriate for this post. I don't know why. I was not sad at all. I was looking to see if there were any Temptation crumbs on the floor. I had just eaten one and sometimes there are crumbs on the floor after I crunch it up. Mom was lazy last night and didn't post about my vet visit.

Karen Jo: Sorry, Herman, when I got home from work, I was so exhausted that all I could do was go to bed.

I know what the good and bad news is all about. The good news is that although I went to the vet, the vet lady didn't stick anything up where it doesn't belong. The bad news is that she STABBED me with a needle and it HURT, so I hissed at her.

Karen Jo: And you, my clever boy, hopped right back in the PTU so she couldn't get at you any more. That was the first time I ever heard you hiss.

I'm not stupid. I know that if I get locked in the PTU at home, then I am going to the vet. If I am at the vet already, then being in the PTU means that I get to come home. I was good and ready to come home.

Karen Jo: The shot was to help stop your poop puddles. I really wish the good and bad news was as simple as the way you see it. The bad news is that the feline leukemia virus has become more active in your system and it has given you Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD. The good news is that you are on Interferon and it may help deactivate the virus again and that the IBD may be controlled by a medicine that I just have to put in your ear. It is called Prednisol. It all depends on how well your immune system and the Interferon can fight the feline leukemia virus and how delicate the virus has made your digestive system. I am thankful that I was giving you The Missing Link to help build up your immune system for three weeks before this problem struck. On the other hand, I would give anything for my dabbling in your food to have been the reason for your poop puddles. You would have been back to your normal self again by now if that had been the cause.

This is getting embarrassing. My Mom is leaking water down her face. Mom, it's not as bad as all that. I responded somewhat to the first treatment, which is what let the vet lady know that it was IBD and not some bad bacteria that I got in my gut, so you don't have to give me the nasty pink stuff that you were dreading. I am not fighting the Interferon, just resisting it, but I let you give it to me. I am feeling better today.

Karen Jo: Yes, I am thankful that all you do is walk or trot away from me when you see the syringe in my hand, but you always let me catch you. You don't hide from me and make it really difficult. You even opened wide for me today.

I don't know why I did that. You squirted that stuff right in my mouth and I had to swallow all of it. I was so embarrassed that I made it so easy for you that I got sulky and didn't even want my Temptation after it was all over.

Karen Jo: You didn't sulk long. You couldn't resist your sardine, which comes right after your Interferon, which you well know. I was also glad to see that you put on some speed getting away from me when you saw the syringe. That means that you are feeling better. I bought you a new toy today and you even played with it a little bit. I saw a ball meant for a child, called a crystal glitter ball. It is kind of large for a cat toy, but it is soft and filled with a liquid with a plastic crystal in the middle and glitter which floats around in the liquid. Since Herman likes his flashy ball, I thought this might interest him. I thought it would be safe for him, since he doesn't bite or stick his claws in his other balls. I rolled it across the kitchen floor and he went for it. He batted it around a little. I am very heartened by this, since he hasn't played with anything for days.

My poops are better, too. They aren't as liquid.

Karen Jo: I just hope that they keep getting better. You don't seem to mind the medicine in your ear. We have a week to stop your poop puddles with this treatment. If it doesn't work, then we have to go for stronger medicines and maybe a change in your food. Oh, Herman, I am so worried. I knew when I adopted you that you had two fatal virii and that I might not be able to keep you for long. I was determined to take the best care of you possible and give you the best home you have ever had and spoil you rotten, so you could live the longest, happiest life possible. I really hate it that your feline leukemia virus has gotten active again so soon. I am hoping and praying that we can knock it down again and that you and I will have years together.


3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Karen Jo,
You are doing wonderful things to help keep Herman healthy. Don't worry about the tomorrows because they will come and bring what may. Take care of the todays and enjoy every minute that you two share.

Herman, take your medicine like a good boy and keep playing. It helps encourage your mommy and she needs a little help remembering how much you love her sometimes.

To both of you, snuggles and purrs from me and the gang,
Taz, Runt, Charles and me, Anna in IL

Anonymous said...

Karen Jo, not one of us knows how many days are given to us. We are sorry you are sad right now, but please try not to worry. You have already made a great change in Herman's life and will continue to do so. Anna gave great advise... just take care of the todays... you can not live in tomorrows anyway.

Big hugs to you and Herman!

Parker said...

I agree with the G's and with what pansylovr says - we never know, so enjoy sweet Herman in the now - we're all praying that you knock it down again!

Angel Simba said...

We'll purr for further improvements with the ear medicine and interferon. Is there a possibility that Fancy Feast is too rich?

Daisy said...

Herman, you are so lucky to have such a wonderful mom to take such good care of you. I hope the medicines help your pooper problem.

You asked about the chicken liver treats, and they are very, very delicious. The ingredients are just freeze-dried chicken liver. We get it from the store where we get our food from, but I think I might have seen it at Baby Patches' online store. The brand name is "Grandma Lucy's"

The Creek Cats said...

We're sorry it wasn't better news. But we are so glad to hear your poop puddles aren't so bad. We remember the poop puddles with Cal. We hope the medicines make you 100% better, real fast, Herman!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are sorry that the virus has become more active and hope it can be slowed down again. We are glad you are feeling a bit better and hope this is the start of your improvement. We agree, live for today. No-one, not only you Herman, knows what is around the corner.Before we were born, our dad had a serious accident with the tractor on a day our mum normally went swimming. For some reason she cancelled at the last minute, and if she hadn't been home, our dad would have died. They live for today and each other now and refuse to think what tomorrows could bring.
We are purring for you.

momsbusy said...

What matters is that Herman knows he is loved and happy. His life now is much better than if he was in a shelter where he would not be able to thrive as he is now. In the short time you have brought him into your home, he has come out of his shell and shown what a beautiful purrsonality he has. We cannot change the past and have no real control of the future. We must live for the here and now. You have given Herman a wonderful home filled with love. Enjoy each day you have together. Our thoughts and purrayers are with you and Herman.

The Island Cats said...

We hope those medicines work for you, Herman and you can get your virus under control again. We want you around for a long time too!

Forty Paws said...

Hang in there Herman! We know about poopy puddles around here! Oh yes! Obi leaves poopy puddles in the corners because he has IBD, and that is life with him. And now that the whole cat family eats DM, several of the other cats have loosey goosey stools. Oh well.
But we really hope that things settle down and that you have many more years with Karen!! We're sending tons of purrs and purrayers and hugs to both of you, ok?

Luf, Us

The Monkeys said...

Herman, you hang in there and help your Mom to make you healthier with your meds and good foods! We want you around for a long time and so does your Mom!

Kea said...

Please do on-line research on IBD. A diet change is crucial and IBD can be managed. There are LOTS of resources available, as well as the Yahoo support group (the new one).

I know of several kitties who are doing very well on raw or a grain-free diet. They have the occasional flare-up, but that's it.

It's extremely stressful, trying to deal with any illness, but it *can* be managed, and managed well.

Sending (((hugs))) and Light and healing purrs.

Marg said...

We know it is hard when we all get sick but just remember to try and think like us cats think. We don't worry about tomorrow. We just think about the present and a nap or the next nom nom.
And IBD can be managed. So we are sending lots of positive purrs that Herman will feel better soon. Take care.

Whimpurr said...

Praying for another "remission" of the Felv and hugs to a wonderful mommy!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Hi KarenJo and Herman. You two make such a perfect team. KarenJo, you are a very good mommie.
The most important thing in life is to make each day a good day and I think you are surpassing that. Herman looks quite content. Not all kitties are wild monkeys all the time, some are more passive.
I really like the way Herman is growing and looking so well. Really, if you look at the older pictures, he looks much brighter. I think he adores his mom.

bonkbonks for a snappy day

Gattina said...

I have no experience with that ! the only thing I know from others here, that there are now medication on the market which really help ! I hope it does it for Herman too, he is in such good hands. I understand that you are very worried, it's very hard when your kitty is sick !

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Sending you purrs. Riley had FeLV, but no poop puddles. He was on a wheat/corn/soy free diet for most of his life though. We wish our vet had given him interferon. We hope it helps Herman.


{{{{Karen Jo and Herman}}}}

Oh Mommie Karen Jo we understands your worries, but just believe that you caught this quickly and that Herman will be fine. We will keep you in our purrs....

kitty kisses

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Karen Jo,
One thing we are sure of, is that yoo are making Herman's life happy. Wether that will be for a short time, or many years ~ yoo will always know yoo made that boy happy.
So we are sending BIG rumbly get well purrs for Herman, and (((((hugs)))))) for yoo. Enjoy every minute, of every day, and that will add up to a good life.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Karen Jo we are so sorry for the bad news! We were really hoping it was just a bug that could be knocked out with antibiotics! We are sending lots of purrs and prayers for Herman - and we have him in a post today too so hopefully we will get a lot of purrs (and grrs from our doggie friends) headed your way to help out (or at least comfort you all a bit). You are doing such a wonderful job taking care of Herman - he really is getting the wonderful life you hoped for! We are sending lots of hugs and gentle kitty headbuts your way!

SuziQCat said...

Herman, I hope you continue to're mom is doing all she can to help you. You are one lucky kitty to have been adopted by her.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're hoping you two have years together too. It's great you two have each other. We want you to get better, Herman!

Anonymous said...

Think positive and visualize a good outcome from all this. It will help both you and Herman...he can sense your moods and if you are happy and calm he will be too. Sending healing thought your way!

Old Kitty said...


I came over from Amy and the House of Cats.

Oh Hermann!! You are a very very brave little kitty - I'm sorry the vet stabbed you but this was all done to make you all better! And your wonderful mum, KarenJo is only doing the best she can to help you along.

I know with your courage and yoru mum's braveness you both will have many, many happy and healthy years together.

Take care

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I cam right over when I heard from Barney that you were in need of some prayers. I am sad to hear that your illness has returned but hopeful that the medicine will give you nice time with your mommie. Pray that you will continue to improve with your health. You are a dear friend and I want you well.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We love you, Herman, and we are sending you healing purrs......bucketfuls of them!!!!! We want you around for years to come. xxxxxxxxx

Cat said...

Hi Herman, I think you are one of the luckiest kitties in the world to have a mom who loves you so much...I think that if there is anything she can do to make you all better she will do it...even if means she has to move a mountain for you. I think that proves that you are extra special. You be tough, buddy and you work extra hard, too, just like your mom and together you will go a long way!! Think positive and know that you are very loved.
Your friends Lautrec and Tiny

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Herman and Karen Jo, we are sending out our best purrs to help this get under control! We want you two together for a long time!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Herman, we are glad you are feeling a bit better. We always purr for more time, but remember it is quality not quantity and you are getting great quality!

The Kitty Krew said...

Ohhhh, we're sending many many purrrrrrrs to you, Herman, that yuor mommy will get you feeling all better and have you around for a long long time to come!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

One Cats Nip said...

Herman your Mom is doing a wonderful job with you! I hope everything gets better im purring for you

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Herman, Hand in there. Your Mom and vet are doing every thing to get you better again.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We know yoor mom will do her very best fur yoo Herman. Speedy is an IBD cat and hadded runny poops fur four years off and on (mostly on) until mom found something called Natures Balance Green Pea and Duck Limited Ingredient just calls it duckpea...but now he haf no more runny poops and da vet commented on how much nicer his fur is. He also haf more energy and wants to play a lot more. Just a thawt.

Pip said...

pansylovr is wise in many ways. I can adds much to what they sais.
Karen Jo you are an earth-born angel to take care of Herman so well.
We are purring very hard for both of you!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed with lots of GoldenSibe Vibes fur both of woo!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Mr. Hendrix said...

Karen Jo, many hugs to you. You are doing everything you can and Herman knows it and loves you for it. So do we. I have IBD as well. It was brought up by my FIV. I know it isn't exactly the same, but I've lived with my IBD for 5 years with occassional flair ups of loose poops and puking. Mine is managed with food and vitamin drops.
I get Prescription Hill food (from the VET) and I get ID and DD mixed for crunchies and WD and DD cans of stinky goodness. They are high fat and high vitamin and hypo allergenic (DD) food. Perhaps these will help.
I only get Tempations a couple times a month because they can flair up my IBD. My "treats" are the stinky goodness 2x a day.

You are the bestest lady to rescue a special needs kitty. We know it is hard and stressful, but the snuggling and purrs make it worthwhile, or so mommy tells me.

We're here to support you!


PS Herman, I don't usually say this, but take your medicine and don't give your mommy and guff about it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are purring for you sweet Herman.

Rusty said...

I just had to stop over and say that I hope that you continue to improve. Being sick is no fun and I understand all about that leaking water from a mom's face. It happens here to. I am purring for you and Mom is praying. Best to you always.

Ikaika said...

We hope you are feeling better today, Herman. We found this link that may have some interesting information for your mom to talk about with your v*e*t:

Purrs and healing energy coming your way --

'Kaika and his mom

Anonymous said...

Herman we is sorry yoo hadid to go to the vet but we sure hope dat every fing is going to be fine fer yoo now!

We gots our purrs goin so dat yoo will get fixed up and back to normal fast!

Lynx217 said...

OMG I feel so bad for you. Our daddy's AstroCat had a very aggressive form of FeLV and it killed him very quickly despite the best in medical care. But the cat was still out hunting through it all! We all so hope that you get better, because we've all gotten so attached to you! Please get better! Jazzy sends tribblepurrs and I'll try to send some of my alpha-personality over to demand that the nasty thing leaves forever!

Meowers from Missouri said...

dear miss karen jo an' herman: we unnerstans about goodnews/badnews, too. but you, miss k, are doin' a wunnerful job of takin' care of herman, an' of spoilin' him, just like you aimed to when you dopted him. an' that's not a "good" thing; that's the BEST thing!!

herman, you're makin'
yer mama's job easier--an' that means you is a really smart kitty. we kitties is a handful, an' beans needs all the help they can get to keep us well. just be sure that efurrything she does fur you is good, even if it don't seem that way at the time.

our love & purrs are comin' atcha both!!

edmund, nitro, xingxing, & igmu

The Meezers or Billy said...

Miss Karen Jo and Herman - we love you guys so furry much. We is sending you extra loud rumbly purrrrrrrsssssssss for Herman to feel better!

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrrrs and love to you both Karen Jo & Herman!! We know you will get better and have lots of years together!! We are sending lots of healing purrrrrrs your way!
Your TX furiends,

meowmeowmans said...

Aw, heck, Herman and Karen Jo ... we're sorry to hear the virus has gotten more active. We are purring and praying that the Pred and interferon work their magic. We love you guys a lot, and want you around for a long, long time.

Mickey's Musings said...

Gee Herman,we are sorry about all your troubles. We will purr extra hard so the medicines work their magic on you :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Karen Jo and Herman, keep up the good werk. We are purring hard fer both of ya ta get through this an have a long happy life together...

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Karen Jo, Rumblemum here...

You are doing such an amazing job with Herman. You're both in my thoughts, and I truly hope for a miracle that sweet Herman has many, many, many more years ahead.

He's so loved, and I know he knows it.

Cory said...

Herman, we are purring so hard for you! Not only does your mommy love you very much, we ALL do!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Purrs to you and your wonderful mommy. Hope you feel better soon.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Herman and sweet Karen Jo! Our hearts are sad for you at the cozy cottage. Turely sad....but you are filled with love for each other and one day at a time you will get on with your lives together...days do not count, only the moments you spend with each other are important. Be they good or bad...makes no matter as long as they are filled up with love. We all love you and will be here for you through all of this...
Love Misses Peach and mommy Karla

Everycat said...

Karen-Jo you are doing a wonderful job caring for Herman. Before you, he didn't have a wonderful loving home, let alone anyone who looked after his health. Give yourself a hug from us. Everyone who said it is right, none of us know how much time we have.

Herman, you are such a clever fella, already opening your jaws for the Interferon? WOW! - it took Gerry weeks to learn that bit, so you big lad, are doing good. That IBD is a bummer, but it can be managed. A change of diet to either a grain/cereal/soya free wet food or a special IBD management food might help you out big time. There's a tasty paste you can buy (from vet or online) called Pro-Kolin, which has kaolin in it and also pre-biotics which can really help sort out the runny poos.

We send you both lots of love, hugs and large, cheering rumbly purrs

Whicky Wuudler

Teddy Westlife said...

I send my very best purrs for Herman to feel better soon. Time to get well again Herman!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Seems like you have a lot of info to go over Karen Jo and Herman, these CBers have so much knowledge to share. Sounds like this condition is manageable but we are so sorry that it has turned out like this. Herman we are purring that you take your meds like a big mancat and get healthier so your Mom doesn't have to worry so much. She is taking such super care of you!!

{hugs} to Karen Jo! You are doing the best you can!!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Herman, I don't unnerstand lots of dat med stuff, but I do noe yur Karen Jo needs lotsa purrs an cuddles an it also helps to see you play. So yur job is to get better soon an cheer up yur speshul mom.
PS If you don't want yur Temptations, I'll haf 'em!

L. Alida said...

Oh Karen Jo and Herman, my eyes are leaking right now after learning that Herman's virus is active again. I am holding you both in my heart and thoughts. Karen Jo, you are such a wonderful kitty mommy! Herman has truly blossomed under your care. He is such a handsome kittyboy. You have given him the Best Life Ever! Herman, you are such a good boy to take your medicine so nicely. Each day with our beloved furbabies truly is a blessing. I will hope and pray that you two have many Blessed days together. I have a little pressie for Herman that I will send out as soon as possible. I'm glad to see he wants to play again.
Please believe in miracles Mommy Karen Jo. I have seen it in my life with my kitties.
Sending all my love and healing thoughts!
Gentle Hugs,

DILLIGAF said...

Maximus Spittimus has requested that I inform you that Herman is not only (almost)...the 'almost' is at the insistance of Maximus handsome as him but he also a very very very brave Herman.

Maximus Spittimus will now send as many purrs as possible to Herman.

(Good luck babe x)....(and Herman)

Four Dinners
Aide de Camp

Motor Home Cats said...

Herman and Karen Jo,

Our Jade had IBD and once she came to live with us, she got better, but still wasn't perfect. She still had many days where she had tummy trouble, but she knew she was loved and that was the most important thing. Herman, you are loved by your mom very much. That is why she worries so much about you.

Karen Jo, you are an awesome mom to Herman and he is so lucky to have found you. Keep doing what you are doing. Love is the most important thing.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Gracie

The Furry Bambinos said...

We are sending love and purrs to both of you! We also wanted to say thank you for visiting us for Cookie and Caramel's birthday celebration.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

Anonymous said...

After reading your story Herman, I sat right here in front of my computer and prayed for you to get better. Also I prayed for your mommy that the Lord will give her strength to get through this bad time. I do pray things get better soon.

Anonymous said...

Herman, you're doing okay dude! just remember to keep being good for your mommeh. i know it's so sucky to take the medicines, but she loves you a lot so you gotta let her know that you understand she's doing it to help.

Poppy Q said...

We'll be purring for you too. I hope things settle down and you feel better soon.

MaoMao said...

Awwww, huge hugs to you, Herman, and to your sweet Momma Karen Jo! We are purring and purring for you, and we're sending lots of love and kitty hugs.

Momma gave us Ballicai a brand new blog. We're now at the (new) Ballicus Blog.

Hugs and purrs from Brainball, MaoMao, Dorydoo, and Marilyn MonREOW.