This is the reject picture from a few days ago. Mom didn't use it because she thought it made me look sad. For some reason, she thinks it is appropriate for this post. I don't know why. I was not sad at all. I was looking to see if there were any Temptation crumbs on the floor. I had just eaten one and sometimes there are crumbs on the floor after I crunch it up. Mom was lazy last night and didn't post about my vet visit.
Karen Jo: Sorry, Herman, when I got home from work, I was so exhausted that all I could do was go to bed.
I know what the good and bad news is all about. The good news is that although I went to the vet, the vet lady didn't stick anything up where it doesn't belong. The bad news is that she STABBED me with a needle and it HURT, so I hissed at her.
Karen Jo: And you, my clever boy, hopped right back in the PTU so she couldn't get at you any more. That was the first time I ever heard you hiss.
I'm not stupid. I know that if I get locked in the PTU at home, then I am going to the vet. If I am at the vet already, then being in the PTU means that I get to come home. I was good and ready to come home.
Karen Jo: The shot was to help stop your poop puddles. I really wish the good and bad news was as simple as the way you see it. The bad news is that the feline leukemia virus has become more active in your system and it has given you Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD. The good news is that you are on Interferon and it may help deactivate the virus again and that the IBD may be controlled by a medicine that I just have to put in your ear. It is called Prednisol. It all depends on how well your immune system and the Interferon can fight the feline leukemia virus and how delicate the virus has made your digestive system. I am thankful that I was giving you The Missing Link to help build up your immune system for three weeks before this problem struck. On the other hand, I would give anything for my dabbling in your food to have been the reason for your poop puddles. You would have been back to your normal self again by now if that had been the cause.
This is getting embarrassing. My Mom is leaking water down her face. Mom, it's not as bad as all that. I responded somewhat to the first treatment, which is what let the vet lady know that it was IBD and not some bad bacteria that I got in my gut, so you don't have to give me the nasty pink stuff that you were dreading. I am not fighting the Interferon, just resisting it, but I let you give it to me. I am feeling better today.
Karen Jo: Yes, I am thankful that all you do is walk or trot away from me when you see the syringe in my hand, but you always let me catch you. You don't hide from me and make it really difficult. You even opened wide for me today.
I don't know why I did that. You squirted that stuff right in my mouth and I had to swallow all of it. I was so embarrassed that I made it so easy for you that I got sulky and didn't even want my Temptation after it was all over.
Karen Jo: You didn't sulk long. You couldn't resist your sardine, which comes right after your Interferon, which you well know. I was also glad to see that you put on some speed getting away from me when you saw the syringe. That means that you are feeling better. I bought you a new toy today and you even played with it a little bit. I saw a ball meant for a child, called a crystal glitter ball. It is kind of large for a cat toy, but it is soft and filled with a liquid with a plastic crystal in the middle and glitter which floats around in the liquid. Since Herman likes his flashy ball, I thought this might interest him. I thought it would be safe for him, since he doesn't bite or stick his claws in his other balls. I rolled it across the kitchen floor and he went for it. He batted it around a little. I am very heartened by this, since he hasn't played with anything for days.
My poops are better, too. They aren't as liquid.
Karen Jo: I just hope that they keep getting better. You don't seem to mind the medicine in your ear. We have a week to stop your poop puddles with this treatment. If it doesn't work, then we have to go for stronger medicines and maybe a change in your food. Oh, Herman, I am so worried. I knew when I adopted you that you had two fatal virii and that I might not be able to keep you for long. I was determined to take the best care of you possible and give you the best home you have ever had and spoil you rotten, so you could live the longest, happiest life possible. I really hate it that your feline leukemia virus has gotten active again so soon. I am hoping and praying that we can knock it down again and that you and I will have years together.