Saturday, May 28, 2011


 The sight of Mom crawling around on the floor trying to get good pictures of us never fails to amuse me.
Emma:  This catnip banana really amuses me and that seems to amuse Mom.  She was laughing, anyway.

Karen Jo:  I love the contortions you get into when you are really enjoying playing with something.

Emma:  I didn't find Herman very amusing on Thursday. After you wrote about how well we were getting along, he was really mean to me.  He backed me up against the bathtub and whapped me.

Karen Jo:  I don't know what got into him.  I heard you making the angry cat sound and came to see what was the matter.  I had to tell Herman to back off a couple of times before he actually did it.  Then you ran like crazy to get away from him.  When I went to comfort you, I found a big tuft of loose fur on your side.

Herman:  I was just reminding her who is the boss kitty around here.

Karen Jo:  I think you can do that without scaring her half to death.  I just don't get it.  Today when you wanted to share the Medley while she was eating it, she just half-raised a paw to you and you backed off.

Herman:  I knew that she wouldn't eat all of it, so I just ate some Stinky Goodness until she finished what she wanted and I got to eat the rest of it.

Karen Jo:  The two of you have been cuddling up together with me in bed like usual, so whatever ticked off Herman so much is all over and forgotten, apparently. At least the weather is finally warming up and we are getting more open windows around here.

Emma:  I love the open windows and the birds.  I get up on the very top of the easy chair and watch them while sniffing the fresh air.

Karen Jo:  I tried to get a picture of that, but you reacted to the camera whirr and jumped down.  I will have to remember to turn the camera on before I come into the room when I want to catch you doing something.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hermann, consider the possibility of the dreaded spray bottle making an appearance! DON'T TEMPT IT TO COME OUT!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Before we came, when the mom had Chumley and Annie, Chumley would whap Annie on the head when she butted in on his playtime with the mom. Not with claws out, just a whap on the head. It was funny! Of course, after Chum passed and Nicki came along, Annie didn't think it was great to have another interloper butting in on HER the shoe was on the other paw, so to speak. :-P

Kitty dynamics always are interesting!

Summer at said...

The three of us have been living together over 8 years and we still have spats and hissy fits.


Thanks for the kind words. Deacon would have loved meeting Herman and Emma, then of course both Essex & Deacon loved cats.

Dog Dad & Essex

Jacqueline said...

They sound like typical siblings=whapping one minute, cuddling the next!...We LOVE our nip banana too, beautiful Emma=love your bunny kicking shot!...Have a fun, safe long weekend, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Hannah and Lucy said...

We cuddle and play well together mostly but sometimes mum has to shout at us - well Lucy really - Hannah is furry laid back! So really we think sometimes we just need our own "space". Having said that we often snuggle together and love playing together and we even wash each other!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Admiral Hestorb said...

You two...I know it's going to happen, but try a little harder not to have hurty hissy fits.

Quill and Greyson said...

Thank you so much for your blogoversary wishes!!

meowmeowmans said...

Whapping and disagreements happen unexpectedly here, too ... mom and dad never even see it coming sometimes (we like to keep them on their toes MOL).

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Sometimes whap happens. Ichiro will be snoozing next to me for some time and then suddenly he'll decide to get up and bite me for not good reason. I haven't even done anything!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Caturday, sweeties!!!!!

We sent you an email this morning.

Love to y'all.

Katnip Lounge said...

Herman and Emma, we all get into it sometimes. Sweet Pea and May Ling spatted the other day and it looked like a cat EXPLODED from the amount of fur on the carpet.

Athena said...

Happy Caturday! We just got a nip banana today and we love it!

The Island Cats said...

We love our nip nanner too, Emma! And don't worry about Herman...sometimes Ernie gets all in my face and we fight. Then a little later, we'll be sleeping together on the bed. Go figure.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We have days like that, too!

Unknown said...

Belated happy caturday. I like your play cube and am thinking about getting one for our kitten. Hope the diet goes well.