Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm Back!

I am back at last!  I'll let Mom explain all the technical stuff, but basically, the computer died and it took forever to get it fixed.  Mom took this picture of me the day the repairman called to say that the computer was ready, so you could see me in all my glory. All my fur has grown back in, even the bald spot on my back.  I am holding steady at 14 pounds.  You can see my furchin sticking out a bit and a jiggle when I run, but I feel great.  The weather is cooling off here and I have the fall friskies.  I love chasing flies around the house and I run a lot, well, a lot for me.  Sometimes I play with Mom for quite a long time.  I am taking my medicine like a good boy and I am as healthy as can be.  Mom uses the Furminator on me every day and I haven't had any more mats at all.  I barf once in a great while, like once every two to three weeks, but that's because I can't seem to remember that if I eat dry food until I am full, then take a drink of water, it all comes up again. Mom got a bird bath, so I get even more bird TV out the window.  I still wake Mom up very early for breakfast sometimes, but mostly I wait until it is light outside now.  I have cut back on my eating a bit to maintain my weight, rather than gain.  My fur is shiny and healthy now.  Mom isn't sure whether it is the daily Furminating, the healthier food (the duck and pea, Purina One for Sensitive Systems and the Fancy Feast Elegant Medley) that I have been eating, or both, but she sure is happy about it. So am I.  I am grooming myself now, probably not as much as most cats, but a lot more than I used to, which was hardly at all.  I haven't had any more hairballs, though, probably because of the daily Furminating.  Mom gets a small handful of fur off of me every day, but I always have plenty more.

Karen Jo:  I wasn't feeling too good during July, so my blogging dropped right off.  July is the month of both my parents' birthdays and for the first time, there was no one to celebrate with or any reason to celebrate.  When I got to feeling better, I took some pictures of Herman playing and turned on the computer to blog.  The computer turned itself right back off and refused to do anything at all.  I took it in to the only computer repairman in town, who is always bogged down with work, and began waiting.  It turned out that the power supply burned out and he had to special order a new one.  He called me Friday, too late for me to go get the computer before work, to tell me that it was ready.  I asked if he would be open today and he said he would be, so I got there at opening time, to find the place dark and locked up.  I tried again an hour later -- same thing.  I tried again in the afternoon and finally got my computer back, got it hooked up and dealt with a month's worth of e-mail, which meant ignoring most of it, as it was way out of date.  We are back and I hope to be blogging regularly again, both here and on Kitty Limericks.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Good to see both of you back! Looking good Herman!

Katnip Lounge said...

Hurrah Herman! Hurrah Karen Jo! we had been wondering and worrying a little bit. Now we know what the problem was.

Herman, you look fantastically fat and sassy...and that's a great thing. It must be all the flies you're chasing and eating...

Good to see you back. You're just in time for Mo-Cat day on the 9th!

Angel Simba said...

It is lovely to have you back! Sorry you had a down July, Karen Jo, and then computer trouble. Herman, you do look pretty fit and sassy!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so glad to see up back!

Anonymous said...

Boy - you had us all real worried something happened to you or Herman or both!!!! Our computer went down too - weird! Glad to see Herman is doing so well. Welcome back you two!!!

Jacqueline said...

Welcome back, we missed you guys!...A great update=we are really glad to hear Herman is doing so well...Happy week, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

meowmeowmans said...

Hooray! We are so glad you're back! Herman, you are looking fantastic, buddy! Keep up the great eating, playing and grooming. :)

Karen Jo, we can only imagine how difficult July must have been for you. ((soft purrs))

And we are sorry to hear about the computer problems, but glad they have been fixed.

We missed you both, and are glad to have you back among the blogging.

Purrs and headbonks,

Your pals at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life

Summer at said...

Welcome back, Herman! I have missed you!

Samantha & Mom said...

Yippee!!! Herman & Karen Jo is back!! We have missed you both!! Glad your computer is fixed, too!!
Hugggggs from your TX furiends,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How nice to see woo again!

It looks like woo are doing purry well too!

PeeEssWoo: That's what happened to Mom's laptop - power thingie!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad you're back, both of you. This is the month of my deceased parents' birthdays as well as my mother's death date, so this is the hard month for me.

The Island Cats said...

We are so happy you are back! And Herman, we are even happier that you are doing so well!

Max said...

WooHoo yer back! I must be psychic cause last night I asked the Woman where you'd been and she just screwed up her face and said, "You ate already, Max, don't ask again..." Sheesh. (But no, realy, it was just last night we were wondering...!)

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

We are so glad you are back. We really, really missed you.
Love & Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
Mom ML

pbgmomof5 said...

Oh Herman & Karen Jo, we are soooooooooo glad you are back. We were soooooooooooooo worried! It sounds like efurything is just dandy now in your little corner of the world! We look forward to more of your great blog posts!

Love Petey, Jack, Spunky, Tabitha & Madison LaRue (and Mommeh!)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad to see you are back again. We have been very worried about both of you. Herman, we are glad to hear you are doing so well too.

Everycat said...

Yay! Welcome Back!

So glad you are both ok, we were a bit worried. Herman, you are looking mighty fine there with your lovely furs.

Whicky Wuudler

Kea said...

We're so happy to see you both back! Lately we've been wondering what happened to you, were hoping all was okay, worried it wasn't.

Hurray for a healthy Herman! OMC, we're so thrilled to read this!

Lots of hugs and kitty kisses to you both!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We were worried about you too but I am so glad to hear all is well. Looking mighty fine there Herman!

Daisy said...

Welcome back, we missed you! I'm glad to see Herman looking so good!

The Monkeys said...

We're glad to see you're both back and doing well!

Herman you look fabulous and we think you're doing a great job with keeping up your health!

The Meezers or Billy said...

YAY!! We's so happy you is back! and feeling great! that's just awesome

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so happy to hear that you are all doing well. We really missed you.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We missed you big time and were really concerned.

We are happy to hear you're doing so well, sweet Herman. xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

oh it is so good to sees you are back! was a little bit worried, to be honests. today is our first day back from hiatus too! doesn't it feel good to come home? :)

Lynx217 said...

Welcome back! A lot of computers have gone down this year, even ours! We're still down so we're only here with pictures when we can borrow Mr. Cat's laptop. You're lookin' furry good, Herman! Keep at it!

Dma said...

good to have you back. you look great herman... and kj i hope you're feeling better.


Welcome back Herman and Karen Jo. We had been worrying about both of you since you hadn't blogged. We are relieved to know that it was the computer -- well ya' know technical difficulties!
It is soooo good to see you Herman and we are glad you are doing soooo well.
Karen Jo we are happy to hear you are feeling better as well.

hugs and kisses to both of you.

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Mommy did a little happy dance in her chair when she saw you were back...we were a little worried about both of you but figured it must have been computer woes to keep you away.
Welcome back!
Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna, in IL

Anonymous said...

Hiya Herman and Karen Jo!!! Welcome back! We've totally missed you! Sorry to hear about the 'puter sickies...but were so happy to hear how well Herman is doing!!! Keep it up, Buddy!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Herman, yoo look so handsome! Zippy made her happy chirp noyze right at yoor piksher. Isn't dat furminator just da most bestest thing? Even Zippy likes getting furminated!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Herman! Hi Karen Jo! We are so glad you are back! And Herman you are looking super handsome - even more than before! It must be because you are feeling so much better! We are so glad you are doing so well!!

And Karen Jo that stinks about the computer - we are glad it is fixed now. And I understand about the July thing - it is very weird for me around both my parents birthdays too (one in July, one in October). Sending you lots of hugs to you!

M Dawson said...

Good to see you both. Just SO GOOD to know you are both OK. Welcome back online.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh this is great news that you two favorite friends are doing well.
Yes, we missed you. We then though perhaps you went on a luxurious kitty cruise.


momsbusy said...

we missed reading your posts. good to hear you have been filling out your manly physique.

kazoku neko

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Welcome back!

Herman is doing well, the computer is fixed, and joy to the world! Seriously.

We are so glad things are going better.

Anonymous said...

Herman! Such wonderful news was certainly worth waiting for! We're so glad to hear how well you're doing!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Soooo good to see you back and cat-ch up with mews! Herman looks great and we are sure he helped you through the rough and sad times...

SuziQCat said...

SO happy to have you both back online! Looking good there Herman!!

Pip said...

I can tell you how relieved we are that you are back. We has been purring and PURRING!
We are so very glad all is well, even as we sympathize with KarenJo regarding her parents' anniversaries. Those are tough.
You are looking wonderful Herman, we are so happy to see you doing well!
Love TK and Squashies