Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuxie Tuesday

But, Mom, you have to make a Tuxie Tuesday post.

Karen Jo:  I just had two really busy days at work and I'm exhausted.  My back is screaming and I can barely keep my eyes open.

You were the one who asked if I could join the New Tuxedo Gang Hideout and they let me in.  The least you could do is my Tuxie Tuesday posts.

Karen Jo:  All right, I'll make a deal with you.  I will stop moaning about how tired I am when it is time for your Tuxie Tuesday posts if you will let me do Wordless Wednesday posts, too.

Wordless?  Does that mean I can't talk?

Karen Jo:  That's right.

But I like to talk.

Karen Jo:  I am very aware of that.  You are a very vocal kitty.  I miss doing my Kitty Limerick posts and if I can do Wordless Wednesday, that would give me some time to research and work on limericks for the other kitties.

I guess that will work.  Oh, hi.  Guess what I am doing in my photo.  Yup, chillaxing on the carpet again.  I just got through playing with that ball.  Guess what else happened today.  The temperature got up in the 80s today and Mom opened all the windows and left them open.  Yay!

Karen Jo:  I just turned the thermostat all the way down again.  I like open windows as much as you do.

I am going to make all the kitties very jealous.  Several of you have commented that you envy my three bowls of food in the photo from yesterday.  I really have SIX bowls of food all the time.  Two canned: Fancy Feast Elegant Medley and regular Fancy Feast.  Four dry:  Friskies Seafood, Natural Balance Duck and Green Pea, Purina One for Sensitive Systems and Purina Kitten Chow (for the extra protein).  There are two reasons for this.  #1  I am a picky eater and what I scarf down today I may not touch tomorrow.  #2  This is the most important one.  There are three varieties of Feline Leukemia.  One attacks the lungs and brain; one attacks the bone marrow; one attacks the digestive system.  I have the last one, which is the mildest form.  When it flares up, it takes away my appetite and gives me horrible diarrhea.  The food I do eat just goes straight through and I get very little nourishment from it.  The weight just melts away.  This means that I should be encouraged to eat as much as I like when the Feline Leukemia is inactive, so I have reserves to fight off a flare-up. Mom is ecstatic that I weigh 14 pounds now and have a little furchin.  It is very unusual for a cat in my condition to put on extra weight at all.  So that's why I have such a large buffet.

Now for some more fun stuff.  Did you know that if you prick the end of your human's nose with your claw, it gets them out of bed for breakfast very quickly?  It even works at oh-dark-thirty, which is when I want my breakfast these days.  I went for a while being content to wait until the sun was up, but I changed my mind and want my breakfast earlier now.

Karen Jo:  It is very effective.  I want to assure everyone that it is just the tiniest prick, but it does get my full attention.

Are you going to sleep late in the morning?

Karen Jo:  Yup.

Oh, goody!  More cuddle time.


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Since I am a little cat and my human thinks I am too thin, I would get a spread just like you, Herman... if the other two cats weren't so intent on stealing my food all the time! Sheesh. So I kind of envy you.

Angel Simba said...

We enjoyed reading your Tuxie Tuesday post, Herman. We didn't know about the fact that there were those three types of leukemia. How nice that you get to have so many food choices!

SeaThreePeeO said...

We're so glad that you've put on such a great amount of weight Herman. We say chow on down!

The Island Cats said...

Wow, Herman! You are lucky to be able to eat all you want! And we're glad you've gained some extra weight! We'll try that nose thing with our mom...we would love for her to feed us earlier than she does!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are going to try the nose prick idea tomorrow - about 3.00 a.m. we thought!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am glad you talked her into doing your Tuxie Tuesday post Herman...and way to go with the nose!

Kea said...

We're very glad you have extra weight on now, Herman. We're not really jealous of your buffet because our mom feeds us several brands/flavours of stinky goodness at once (we're picky too...because we're spoiled, she says). Okay, okay, we boys ARE jealous of all the kibble, because our mom won't let us have much of that. Pfffttt to her!

BTW, a claw in the eye also works very well to get moms up out of bed at oh, 3:30AM. Or 4AM. :-D

Anonymous said...

So happy your mommy is keeping your Tuxie Tuesdays! And we totally understand why you have a HUGS buffet. YAY for the 14 pound marker! WOO~HOO...we'll have to try to nose prick. Skeeter just grooms mom's hair and eyebrows when she wants something!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I love cuddle time! I wish we had that more often around here!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Dude, you gots da bestest Mom, to do all dat fur yur tummy. I don't wake my beans but Nina noes when Mom's clock is gonna be noisy an she walks round on da beans, purrin loudly, just a few minits afore dat noisy clock. Isn't dat nice of her to wake them gently to a soothin purr?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I usually bite my mum's nose to wake her up. We are glad to hear you have put on a good bit of weight.

Ivan from WMD said...

Herman, I hope Russell never finds his way to your house. He would vacuum down all your food in about a minute and a half!


Herman you are a charmer and definitely a talker. But we adore you and we are glad that you have a little more to love around the middle. WE hope you continue to feel so good.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We wish out Mom and Vet would let us pot on weight rather than loose it!

caspersmom said...

Congratulations on your weight gain Herman. So glad that you are doing so much better and playing more. Wow I wish I had a buffet like you do then I could nibble on anything I want.


Daisy said...

Herman, I am glad you are putting on some weight! I only get to eat a tiny, one ounce raw medallion in the morning and the same in the evening!

Anonymous said...

wowee, your buffet is PAWsome!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, now we are glad ya get a vareity of foods each day, but we dont envy the reason for it...

Oh, an when we try the nose prick, we get "tapped" on the head an we dont like that. It doesnt get The Big Thing up annyway...