Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun and Games

Here I am snoozing on the carpet.  This is another picture Mom took while she was trying to get a good one for the calendar.  Mom did get one that she thought was good and sent it in.  I may have left the impression that I don't play with Mom, but I do, just not all the time when she expects me to.  We had a really good play session just a few minutes ago and we also had a good one just after the last time she posted.  I am getting just a little bummed out, because the weather is getting too cold for open windows.  Mom closed the windows before she went to work today because there was a cold wind blowing.  I didn't have fresh air all the time she was gone.

Karen Jo:  Sorry about that, Herman, but I don't want you getting too cold while I am gone.  I opened the windows again when I got home, to air the house out a bit.  I am going to have to close them again soon.  Next day off I am going to have to clean the filter and put the heat back on, just in case.  Oh, joy! Taking out the filter and cleaning it are no problem at all.  Getting the filter back in is a real pain.

I found a new way to get attention.  Mom likes to watch TV in bed just before she goes to sleep.  I found out that if I jump up on the bed and put my head right in front of hers, so she can't see the TV, I get lots of petting.

Karen Jo:  It's fun for both of us, and it gets you to lay your head down, so I can see again.  I can be tricky, too.

You will never believe this, but I am letting Mom give me my really yucky medicine by just sticking it in my mouth.  I never thought I would do that.

Karen Jo:  I thought I would try it.  I was finding it so hard to get all the medicine sucked up into the syringe that I was afraid you weren't getting enough of it.  It's all over now for another month.  You were really good about taking it tonight.  You spit it out twice, but you didn't fight me about getting it in and you finally swallowed it.  I hope you are as good about taking it next month.  It will make things so much easier and I will be sure that you are getting your full dose.


Summer at said...

Herman, medicine aside, it sounds like your life has gone back to nice and normal - so different from a few months ago. Purrs to you!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

My friend, you gotta watch to make sure the human isn't outsmarting you! Ah but who could resist the petting...

Angel Simba said...

That is another nice picture of you , Herman. Your furs are looking good and healthy. I am so happy you are doing well.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hello Herman, sounds like you are doing pretty darn good there buddy, keep it up! Pretty smart on the petting deal!!!

The Island Cats said...

Herman, sounds like you are doing really good now. It's nice that you decided to not fight your medicines anymore...makes it so much easier for everybuddy!! And we're kinda sad cuz our windows are getting closed too...we like the open windows!!

Ingrid said...

Sounds as if you feel well and it's nice that you take your medicine. Arthur had to take a dewormer pill and spit it out despite the fact that we had wrapped it in a) chicken, b) minced meat, c) whipped cream, nothing to do, he ate everything except the pill !

Everycat said...

Herman you look tuckered out after all that playing, I'd have a nice long snooze if I were you. What a good lad you are taking your medicine so well.

This fresh air thing is a bind isn't it? How do you think you'd like a nice padded harness Herman? So you could go for walks with your Mom? Might be nice to accompany your Mom on the odd evening constitutional do you think?

Whicky Wuudler

Jacqueline said...

Sounds like you are doing well, handsome Herman...So soothing to lie on Mommy while getting attention=such a lovely way to fall asleep!...Happy week, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh Herman, we can't get over how good you look! Your Mom has done fantastically taking care of you.

We get in the way of our Mommy when she reads in's a nice way to get some pets and sometimes Mommy will read out loud to us. We love that.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Enjoy the cooler weather! WE are still stuck in summer!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sounds like life is very good for you now Herman.