Monday, September 13, 2010

Mancat Monday

I love just chillaxing on the carpet in the big room, which is mine, all mine.  Mom says it's called the living room and I do live in it.  It's my very favorite place to be, except in bed with Mom.  I tried a different way to make Mom stay home with me instead of going to work. When she gets up, after she feeds me, she gets out her work clothes and puts them on the bed, then does all the boring stuff to get ready to get dressed.  After she put a clean set of work clothes on the bed, I jumped up on them and started grooming myself.  I thought if I just stayed on them and got enough fur all over them, she would have to stay home with me.  It didn't work.  When she got ready to get dressed, she just shooed me off them and brushed them off and put them on.  She even thanked me for making them all toasty warm for her.  Bah!

Karen Jo:  I am sorry that I can't stay home with you every day, Herman, but I have to go to work so I can buy your food, treats and medicine and pay my bills, too.  I spend as much time with you as I can.

Humph! At least I got some nice petting time after Mom got home and changed out of her work clothes and after I ate.  Mom is getting a day off soon.  I just hope that she doesn't spend it shopping or some other boring thing that takes her out of the house.

Karen Jo:  I have to do some errands and some stuff outside, but I will spend most of the day home with you.

Mom had fish for lunch today.  FISH!  And she totally ruined it. She put some bread stuff all over it and cooked it with some stinky stuff.  She took the junk off a little piece and offered it to me, but it didn't even smell good, so I didn't eat any.  I hope she has something good again soon.  It's been ages since she had anything I wanted to share.

Karen Jo:  I will be having chicken soon.  I will just cook it with a few herbs, so you should like it.  You have liked it cooked that way before.

That sounds good.  I hope you have steak again soon.  I like steak.

Karen Jo:  You got good and spoiled when I cooked the rib roast.  You helped me eat every meal until it was gone.  Maybe I will have steak again late this week.

The rib roast was great.  Do that again.  I guess I can wait for steak, if the chicken is good.  I want some good people food.

Karen Jo:  Like you don't get enough to eat.  You have bowls and bowls of kitty food out all the time and you hit me up for treats at least four times a day. Speaking of which, I got you some more Friskies Party Mix tonight.  I even found a new flavor for you.

Good.  Those go down a treat after I take my medicine.


Summer at said...

Do you think you can get your human to send me some rib roast, Herman? My human doesn't eat red meat and it sounds delicious!

P.S. Thanks for the congratulations on the Pettie Award!

George Online Cat said...

Purrs for Herman.

M Dawson said...

You two - you make me laugh! Herman you are doing amazingly well - just awesomely.

Cat said...

Hey Hermsters...I think we're going to have more bones next weekend...come on over and we'll share them with you..they are mighty tastey and the beans don't know how much good stuff is still on them when they get done eating them...a ton! We'll save you some...promise!! Lautrec and Tiny

The Creek Cats said...

We bet your mom would much rather stay home with you than go to work, Herman!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Is there room for two ladies at your dinner table Herman?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg said...

We would love to share that rib roast with you Herman. Just let us know when it is being cooked and we will be right over. Sure glad you are still feeling all right.
Have a great week.

Everycat said...

Rib roast? WOW! Herman you have trained Karen Jo so well, we may need to borrow you to train our apes too. We have never had rib roast, but if we are poorly the ape does cook us a little bit of cod with no bread stuff on it.

Have a good week Herman


PS: Nice work on the work clothes!

The Monkeys said...

Too bad your plan back-fired, Herman! We were going to try it too, but our Mom says a little cat fur on her clothes gives it more character!

We're glad you're eating well and feeling better, Herman!

Kea said...

Wow, Herman, you have your human well trained, at least with regard to food! We're very impressed!

The Meezers or Billy said...

our the mom goes to werk covered in furs. ::sigh::

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is a very nice picture of you handsome Herman! Sounds like the beef is yummy, she should make you some more!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Looking good, Herman. We think our Mom can ruin good fish, too!

Angel Simba said...

That plan for making Mom stay home was worth a try - you are lucky she wasn't mad about the cat fur.

Rib roast!!! Yummy yums. I like Party Mix too. What is your new flavor?

Anonymous said...

That was an excellent try at keeping your mom home. We try that too, and it doesn't work for us, either. CHICKEN!!! YUMMY~!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Herman, your conversations with your Mommy make us laff and laff! You sure are a properly Demanding Cat. We think our Daddy needs to cook us (them!) some fish again...he broils it with lemon and butter and the smell makes us crazypants until it's ready.
Have you tried Blue Buffalo kibble? Mommy give us that intead of Temptations (lower carbs)for treats and get this--we like it even MORE! We get the Wilderness flavor.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Mancat Monday, handsome Herman.....we are sooooooooo happy that you continue doing so well. xxxxxxxxxx

Max said...

Rib roast? RIB ROAST???? I have never had that!!! Why have I never had that??? I MUST HAVE THAT!!!

Oh. SOrry. But dang, dood, I need to try that!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! You got share a roast?! Lucky you!!!

SuziQCat said...

Herman we love that you are spoiled rotten and also eating well. Our mom runs off to work everyday too...we love to lay with her clothes, and get them warm.


You look fabulous in your living room and it sounds like you are giving your Mom just the right orders!


Jacqueline said...

Hi, handsome Herman, glad you are doing so well, sweetie; you certainly eat well at your house!...Happy week, lovely friend...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Tell yer Mom ta cut off a small piece of whatever meat she is havin an cook it separately wifout the weerd stuff onit. TBT does that sometimes (not often enough) but it is very good plain like that.