Monday, September 27, 2010

Mancat Monday

Here's another picture from when Mom was chasing me around with the camera, trying to get a good picture to send in for the Friends of the Shelter calendar.  I am trying to decide what I want to eat.  Mom didn't get a picture of me today because she was lazy and didn't get out of bed when she was supposed to.

Karen Jo:  That wasn't the only reason.

Oh, yeah, she made a big mess in the kitchen, too.

Karen Jo: My lunch bag with my hard plastic water bottle fell off the counter and the water bottle broke.  There was water and ice cubes all over the kitchen floor.  And what did you do, Mr. My-water-in-my-bowl-isn't-good-enough?

I lapped up that water until I couldn't hold any more.  It was fresh and cold and tasted great.

Karen Jo:  After you finished drinking, I had to clean up the mess and it ate up my time.  I didn't get a picture of you and I didn't even get you brushed until I got home after work.

That was a nice brushing session.  After you finished with the brushing you petted me until I decided that I would rather play.  Then we played soccer with my rattle ball and my nip ball until I went to eat some more.  There was a strange smell in the house.

Karen Jo:  The house got so cold this morning that I turned on the heat, even though I still haven't gotten the filter cleaned.  The smell comes from the dust in the ducts getting warm and blowing around.  You enjoyed the warm air coming out of the vents, though.  I saw you curled up in your bed by the vent.

I like the warm air blowing around.  I guess this means no more open windows.

Karen Jo:  Not nearly as much as we have been having.  If it gets nice and warm on my days off, we can have them open for a little while.


Summer at said...

That's so funny, Herman, that even when a kitty and his human are so closely aligned, as you are with your human, that your agendas can be so completely different!

SeaThreePeeO said...

That warm air stuff sounds great. Our human is refusing to turn the heating on until the first day of October!

The Creek Cats said...

Fresh water off the floor. Is there anything tastier?

Admiral Hestorb said...

Good morning sweet darling! Glad to meet you thru the CB.

Purrs and bonks. And you look charming. Rather like me when I wake. I am long haired too..a Tortie.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Poor Karen!

I hate when I drop things (lucky for you it was just water!) When my cat is around...they just stand there and DON'T MOVE!

Furnace? Ugh! I refuse to turn mine on quite yet....not cold enough for me....I hate the smell when it first comes on!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Sounds like a bit of excitement at your place Herman!

Anonymous said...

Sorry your mommy's day started off so poorly. And WOW! THREE bowls of noms??? You are super lucky!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Did you play with the ice cubes? It is not cool enough for the warm air here. We still have the cold air blowing!

Anonymous said...

Herman you is just living the life over there.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Herman and Karen Jo! We think that you were trying to make the water a little easier to clean up for her Herman - drinking some means less to clean! And it is too bad that the weather is getting colder and that means no windows - that is happening at our house too. But it does make it great for snuggling - so keep that in mind!!

SuziQCat said...

Our mom dropped a glass bowl in the pantry and pieces of it went everywhere...she had to run the vacuum a special time...she was not happy!

Glad you are still feeling well...we have not turned our heat on...still in the 80's here.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Your poor mommy......terrible start to a day. We hope it improved quickly for her.

Wow, Herman, three food bowls????? Are you expecting dinner guests???? Do we get an invite?????? :) :)

Katnip Lounge said...

Herman, we are envious of your large buffet!

MOL about the cool water! That was a good one. Mommy busted the glass coffee carafe two days ago and was was a national disaster! Mommy needs coffee...Srsly.

Herman, you are lucky to have hot blowey vents; our hot air comes out of the ceiling and it's not half as good.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

The Woman has busted things with hot water but not cold... sigh. Stay warm!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, Herman, ya got 3 food bowls! They must be different flavors. You are lucky. We get one food at a time an iffen we dont want that flavor that day, it just stays there...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Wow Herman! You get more food than both of us get put together!It's no fun when things go wrong in the morning and it makes the Beans late.


Can we come over to your place to eat?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Mom needs you to help her just rest and snuggle a while.

Ivan from WMD said...

You have a regular smorgasbord, Herman!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

yes, our house gets that burning dust smell when we turn the heats on... we have not had to do that yet.
I love this picture with all of those bowls of goodies. You are living like a prince!
