Saturday, July 17, 2010

Windchimes Arrived

Karen Jo:  The lovely windchimes arrived today.  Thank you very much, Meezers.  I love the tone and they aren't too loud.  Right now they are hanging on the kitchen door, but I will find a spot for them outside.

Enough of the boring stuff.  Look what else was in the box! There's a catnip banana, a fevver-butt skunk (which I took before Mom could snap the picture), a fuzzy ball and a crinkle ball.

Mom took back the fevver-butt skunk to take another picture, but I put my paw on it again, so you can't really see it very well.  I played with the skunk until Mom took the nip banana out of its bag.

Wowie!  I really love this nip banana!  I dropped the skunk and grabbed it as soon as Mom put it on the floor.  I licked it and bit it and bunny kicked it something fierce.  Thank you so much, Meezers!

In other news, now that I am letting Mom pill me, she is doing it three times a day, every day.

Karen Jo:  The directions say to give it to you up to three times a day to firm up your poop.  Now that all I have to do is pop it into your mouth, I can give it to you just before I go to bed without much fuss.  Maybe we can get your poop all normal and you can stop taking the pills.

I would like that.  You better not try this with that really nasty pill.

Karen Jo:  I won't.  You will get that one crushed and mixed with baby food and syringed in.

Remember when I wanted some cheeseburger?  I waited patiently, not meowing too much, all the time the burger was cooking.  I meowed at Mom when I saw her putting the stuff on the bun.  I got really excited when the cheese came out and Mom gave me a tiny piece.  When I saw Mom put it all together, I ran and jumped up in her chair at the table to wait for it to arrive.  Mom put it on the table right in front of me and let me sniff it. Then when she shooed me off her chair, I ran off into the living room and didn't come back all the time she was eating.  She didn't save me any, so I still didn't haz cheezeburger. Darn!

Karen Jo:  You know the rule.  If you are not there while I am eating, I figure you don't want any.  It's not like you are going hungry.  You ate up a whole can of food within an hour of my getting home tonight.

I had an outside adventure.  I usually just greet Mom at the door when she gets home.  I have never tried to get out the door, so Mom doesn't really worry about how close I am to the open door.  Tonight, I decided that I wanted outside.  When Mom saw me heading for the opening, she tried to block my way with her shopping bag, but I dodged it and got outside.  I found a really interesting bush about a foot from the door.  Mom dropped her bag and scooped me up within seconds.  I meowed and squirmed, but I was back inside in no time.

Karen Jo:  I am really glad that you just wanted to explore a little and weren't trying to run off.  It's really dangerous for kitties outside here at night.  The coyotes come into town looking for easy meals and kitties disappear much too often.  I will have to be more careful with the door.


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What a wonderful package.
It is easy to see Herman really likes those toys. And what kitty wouldn't, excellent selection.
Love & Purrs,
Mom ML & Kitties

Angel Simba said...

Presents for both of you, how nice!

Yay for you, Herman, being so cooperative with your pills. But not so yay escaping, especially if there are coyotes around. Mom and Dad think it was a coyote that took my brother Rusty quite a bunch of years ago. They are still sad about it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

What cool stuff you two got and it sure is wonderful to see you playing Herman. I agree with Simba, don't go out where the coyotes are, they ate a couple of my good friends.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Herman, the photo of you NOMing the toy made our mummy laugh so hard!!

Inside is good my friend, it's where the cuddles and the tuna is. You stay safe.

The Island Cats said...

Congrats on your prize, Herman! That nip nanner is great, isn't it?? We love ours!!!

And be really don't wanna be outside...there's too many dangerous things out there! (But wasn't it fun to get out there for a little bit?!?)

Sweet Purrfections said...

It's great to see you playing and to hear that you are eating. Just stay inside.

I pulled that same trick on my mom a few months ago. Before she could finish saying, "she won't try and get out" I was outside on the porch.

Marg said...

Herman it is so much fun to see you playing and having a good time, even trying to escape for a minute. Bet that was scary for Mom. And you are taking your pill without much fuss. That is all fantastic news.
Have a great week end.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so glad to see you taking your pills for Mom! Be careful with your outside adventures! They are fun, but can be dangerous!

One Cats Nip said...

What a great package! Both thing for you and your mommy!

Katnip Lounge said...

Wow! That's a fantastic package from the Meezers! We like the picture of you shouting for your Mom to open up the banana...we love those too.

Good for you that you take your pills easily now. They will make you feel even better than you do now.

And Herman, stay indoors. We have coyotes here and they are Not Nice.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo must be feeling purrty good to go running out da door, but really, don't do dat again! Dem nip nanners is fun to bunnykick...and drool all over!

Jacqueline said...

You got such great gifts, we love our nip banana too!...We hope you don't try to run out anymore=Calle got out once and was scared and ran all around our yard like a wild cat, thankfully, finally running into our garage=Mommy has watched the door since then...Happy weekend playing with all your cool toys sweetie...kisses handsome boy...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those wind chimes are lovely, and Herman, you got great gifts too. We saw your big teefs when you were trying to get your nip nanner out of it's bag.

Summer at said...

Herman, how can you want to go outside when the nip nanner is INSIDE???


That was a really nice package from the Meezers. We have a nip nanner too and I LOVE IT!

Oh this is funny my word verification is herma! Nearly HERMAN!

We are so glad you are feeling so frisky, but please be careful, going out is unsafe for kitties unless accompanied by an adult Mom person.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Herman, we are so glad ya are takin yer pills 3 times a day real good.

Sorry ya didnt get any cheesburger, though. Its tasty stuff. Cheese an meat "Mrower"!

Stay away from the door. It leads ta dangerous places!

Anonymous said...

what an excellent prize package! the Meezers are verreh cool, aren't they? it is good to see you playing so much, Herman, even if you are getting out the door - it just shows your spunk! watch out for those coyotes though, yikes.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Herman what a great package! The windchimes are beautiful and the nip banana looks so fun (we have a couple and they are great - we know you will love it for a long time - they last really good with the nip smell!) And the skunk and balls look fun too!

And it is so great you take your pill with no problem - we hope it helps a lot! But it is too bad you didn't get any cheeseburger because they are tasty.

But hey, stay inside ok - it is way too easy to get scared and lost outside - we would have it if that happened and we can't even imagine how your mom would be! So just stay safe and inside.

Everycat said...

What lovely gifts. It's great to see you playing like a maaaad cat Herman, we can see your fangs too!

I think a cat who takes his pills so politely ought to have his very own, especially cooked pork chop!

Whicky Wuudler

PS: oooh Herman you escaped!! Don't make that into a habit please.

Ikaika said...

Lots going on for you, Herman! Great toys! And congrats on taking your pills. You should have gotten cheezeburger for that! And please be careful and stay in your yard if you leave the house again ... we have coyotes, too, and they're bad news for kitties.

Ramblingon said...

Herman darling..I was purring for you. I learned about you from Every Cat. I came to see how you are.

Purrs and headbutts and I wish I had a nip banana too..mommy better start looking better!

Ramblingon said...

Ooops...I was accidentally using Mommy's blog to comment. I'm sorry. I am Admiral Hestorb but Mommy got to the computer first..

The Meezers or Billy said...

YAY! we is so happy you likes your toys! and we is happy that your the mom likes the windchimes too!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Naners and sparkle balls are our favs, too. And good thing you didn't get too far outside before your mewms snatched you up!

Black Cat said...

Oh, it's so good to get to know you! You have found the bestest Mommeh! :)xxx

Pip said...

Hi we stops by to sees how you are doing. We hopes you are having great fun! We misses you though.

meowmeowmans said...

Oh yeah, Herman ... DEFINITELY stay inside, where it's much safer. Besides, that's where the nip nanner is! :)

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

We'ze just checking to make sure things are good with posties for almost two weeks-weze worried.
Sending snuggles and purrs,
Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna, in IL

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

What a great prize package! We have a nip banana too, and the nip smell has lasted many months. We're glad you are having so much fun with it.

Pip said...

We is worried about you Herman, can you just tells us you and your mommy is okay? Please?

Everycat said...

Just dropped by to say Hi and see how you and Karen Jo are doing. Hope you are both well and that you got your very own pork chop.

Whicky Wuudler

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Herman and Karen Jo,
Are you two all right? It's been almost a month since the last post...Drop someone a note or post a little something on the blog, so that we know you are all right.
Taz, Runt and Charles are sending you purrs and I am sending my worry.
Mommy, Anna, in Illinois

SuziQCat said...

Hey Herman and Karen Jo...I hope things are going's been a while since you updated. Still sending purrs your way.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Herman and Karen Jo - we are in the group that is a bit worried since you haven't posted in so long - we are purring that everything is ok!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are in the werried group too. is efurryfing ok?

DILLIGAF said...

I has missed you Herman but I is backimuss!

Maximus x

Four Dinners
Aide de Camp
Maximus Spittimus

Anonymous said...

Hiya sweet Herman! Just stopping by to see how you are doing!

The Florida Furkids said...

Add us to the worried pals. We hope things are okay.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

meowmeowmans said...

Just checking in ... is everything alright?

Everycat said...

*leaves two prime pork chops at Herman and Karen Jo's door*

That should bring them to the surface!

Hope you two are ok

Whicky Wuudler

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, we figure you would have let your readers know if you were going on vacation. So we're guessing your computer is down and you can't post. We do hope all is okay because we're worried about you too.

Pip said...

OK we're really really worried now. Please tell us you are ok.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

How are you Missie KarenJo and Herman?
We love you and we are bonkbonk missing you very much. I hope both of you are enjoying a nice summer.

bonks and bronks, Pierro and Miles

meowmeowmans said...

Hi Karen Jo and Herman. Just checking in again. How are you guys doing?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are worrying about you as well and hope you both are okay.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Herman we hope you can fight that bad FIV....we will be purrin' loud for you and your Mom=^Y^= Pawz Crossed

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

We's emailed you more than a few times... come on, let's hear from you. I's worrying mine furs off.
Please be okay and please let us know.
Love & Purrs,

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Hi Herman and Karen Jo,
We really miss you and hope all is well.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Herman and Karen Jo, it has been a long time since you posted on either blog. Are you both OK? We're purring for you.

Hendrix & Mommy Amy

Everycat said...

Karen Jo and Herman, we really hope you are both ok and just taking a bit of a break for summer.

Everyone cares about you very much.

Whicky Wuudler
& The Ape

Tony Destroni said...

haha nice the both of you .enjoying the tinkling of the wind chimes while enjoying their summer break ..

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are sooooo glad to see a note from you on the CB. All your friends have been very worried about you. We know what it's like to be offline for computer problems.