Thursday, July 15, 2010

Too Hot to Play

My nip syringe is still one of my favorite toys, but lately the temperature has been up in the 80s and I don't feel like playing much.  Mom found my nip ball again, but I'm too hot to chase it. We don't have A/C because this kind of weather never lasts long and we don't really need it.  It gets down in the 50s at night and I play with Mom after she comes home from work sometimes.  Mom has gotten good at popping my little half pill into my mouth and I have been letting her do it without much fuss.  I don't know what has gotten into me.  I used to really fight this. Maybe I got as tired of the baby food syringed into the mouth as she got of fixing it and doing it. This way Mom can be sure that I am getting my full dose, which is the main reason she tried switching methods.  I got to try something new today.  Mom made pork chops and she let me have some tiny bites.  I liked it. She offered me some popcorn last night, but I wouldn't even lick it.  Mom tried to really sleep in yesterday, but I wouldn't let her.

Karen Jo:  I have been really tired and I thought I would be a bit lazy yesterday morning, but you had other plans.

You have to get up and give me my Interferon.

Karen Jo:  Yes, and give you your elevenses and cheese, too.

That's right.  I can't let you sleep through all that.  At least I am gentle about how I wake Mom up.  I usually just tap her cheek with my paw, or get on her chest and meow in her face.  Yesterday I had to put my paw on her arm and extend my claws to get her moving.

Karen Jo:  That last method is quite effective.


SeaThreePeeO said...

MOL Herman, we like you method for waking your mum up. We hope the weather cools down for you soon.

Kea said...

Hi Herman! We understand about not playing much in the heat. We're wilting with the humidex and we don't have a/c, either.

Good for you for letting your mom pill you! We're very impressed!

And pork chops! Some of us here LOVE pork. YUM!

Happy Thursday!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Herman, you truly are the king of your house, we should take lessons from you!

Summer at said...

That's a pretty good wake-up tactic, Herman. If I want mine up, I make a grab for the covers and try to pull them off her

Angel Simba said...

Hmm, the claw extension method........

It is hard to want to play in the hots. I am glad things cool off in the evening for bth you and your Mom.

Very good of you to cooperate so well about your pill.

The Monkeys said...

Your wake-up method sounds great, Herman!

We hope the temperature cools down a bit for you. We have the hots here too and it's not easy to play when it's hot!

The Island Cats said...

It's been hot here, Herman, and even with the A/C on, we haven't been playing much either. We hope it cools down soon...for all of us!

Marg said...

Hi Herman, glad to hear that you are doing all right. It is very hot here too so we do a lot of napping.We wake up Mom the same way, a little tap on her cheek.
Have a great day.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, been too hot for much here too. I'm happy to hear you are being so good taking that half pill!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We laughed at your extended claws to get your mom up this morning - we had a very exciting game of THoE about 5 a.m. - Mum wasn't very impressed when we kept running accross her tummy and jumping on her head - still we did have an early breakfast!!

The Florida Furkids said...

You had pork chops? Were they nommy?

We're glad your not fighting your pill anymore. Sometimes you just have to let the Moms think they've won. At least you let her know you're still boss when you wake her up.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Misadventures Of Me said...

No cool air breeze? Just hot air breeze? YUCK! We know why yoo dun want to play much at this time.

Thank yoo fer coming to my party!


SuziQCat said...

Great job Herman...glad to hear you are still feeling well, even with the heat. I hope it will cool off for you some soon.

Love those wake-up techniques...Smokey will tap me on the face, and Tanner will sniff my nose :) Devon normally is still asleep, so I don't have to worry about him.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Great wake up techniques! You are such a good guy to take your pill!

Jacqueline said...

You are a good alarm clock, Herman!...Stay cool in this heat, but we are glad to hear you are still playful when it cools off at night...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Katnip Lounge said...

We are too hot to play here, also. We perk up a little in the evening but mostly we're snoozing until Fall.

Herman, CC recommends toe-nibbling for a wake-up call. Works on Daddy every time!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Other than the heat, it sounds like you are doing better. That's good.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Herman! We are glad you are doing good and taking your medicine too. We understand about it being to hot to play - we have A/C but mom keeps it set so it is still warm - and we don't want to play if it is too warm (well, maybe the little kittens do but not the rest of us). And we think it is smart of you to rest - heat is just yucky if you ask us!

Max said...

I would not want to live without a cold air blowing thingy. But it does get hot here, at least judging by how much the People whine when they go outside...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It stays HOT here from May to September, so we have a cooling machine.

We wake TBT up by walking all over him and sticking our whiskers in his face. THAT really wakes him up...


If I am let in to wake up my Mom I have to MEOW really really loud and tap her over and over again. She listens to a radio through these little strings in her ears. She has tinnitus in her right ear and the radio helps muffle the sound at night. It is a trick she learned to help sleep better.


T said...

HI sweetie, hang in there. I know it's hot but so happy to see you still have and love your nip toy xoxo