Sunday, January 26, 2014

Super Sunday

 Bambino:  I have some great news: I'm well!

Karen Jo:  I'd say 99% well.

Bambino:  Why only 99%?

Karen Jo:  The Prince of Pounce isn't back yet, but I'm sure he will be.

Bambino:  I got a little better every day and the night before last I played with Mom's shoe laces and the sleeve of her pajamas.  Today I rassled with Julius and napped with him.  I can do my mighty leaps again and I eat up all my treats and food.  Yesterday, even the kitten food disappeared.  I say I'm all well.

Karen Jo:  You are certainly well enough not to have to go back to the vet tomorrow.

Bambino: YAY!  I want to thank everyone for purring for me.  It worked!
 Spyro:  It is Sunday and most of us are taking our Easy.  I'm in the blue bed by the heat vent, keeping warm.
 Oja:  I'm up on the tall scratcher, catching some rays.  Mean Mom says she isn't going to take any more pictures of me.

Karen Jo:  That's not what I said.  I said I wasn't going to take any more pictures of you in your cushioned chair under the kitchen table or in your chair in the computer room.  It's too dark and the pictures don't come out well.  I am going to concentrate on getting the camera out when I see you out, so there will be new pictures of you.

Oja:  Oh, that's ok then.
 Rocio:  I'm up on the big pillow in a great big sun puddle.  It's so bright I have to cover my eyes to nap.  Mom says that I've been a bad boy.  I've been annoying Oja again, once in the computer room and once in the kitchen.  She is such a lay-about that I've just been trying to get her up for some exercise, but she doesn't like it one bit.
 Horus:  The trouble with sun puddles is that they move.  When I started my nap I was right in the middle of the bigger one.  At least my tail is getting some rays.
Julius:  I'm glad that Bambino is well again.  I missed playing with him.  I'm getting my rays up on the table.  I still won't let the Lady get close to me with the clicky box.  I did let her pet me while she was giving out treats, but I run from her the rest of the time.


The Florida Furkids said...

Great news! We know you'll be 100% soon!!!

The Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Bambino, we're so glad you're almost 100%!!

Summer at said...

Such great news! I'm sure Bambino will be 100% shortly!

Katnip Lounge said...

That 1% will be DONE by tomorrow, Bambino! HURRAH!

Ellen Whyte said...

Isn't it typical? You get well and you have to go BACK! We're still purring, just for that, ok?

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi Bambino !
I saw over att TCC that you have been sick , so I´m glad to read over here that you are atleast 99 % well again :)

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Glad Bambino is doing so much better! You all look so cute today!

Cats Herd You said...

That's great news. Glad you're feeling frisky again!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Super news, Bambino! We're glad you don't have to go back to the dreaded vet, and that you're almost back to 100%.

meowmeowmans said...

We're so happy to hear you are doing so well, Bambino! Hooray for the power of the purr (and prayer)! :)

You cats sure are experts at that Sunday Easy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are very happy to hear the good news Bambino!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad you are feeling so much better Bambino.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Feelin "pretty" good every day is "very" good!

Anonymous said...

What great sun puddles you have! Cinco and Manna are jealous. I'm glad to hear that Bambino is doing so much better! It's tough on everybody when someone gets sick. It is also good to see Oja out and about. She is too pretty of a girl to hide in the dark all of the time.:)

Timmy Tomcat said...

Good news Bambino... Purrs