Friday, January 24, 2014

Fantastic Friday

 Bambino:  I feel a little better every day.  I am eating like I used to and drinking and using the litter box and doing the little things I used to, except play.  That may be coming.  Mom saw me running twice today.

Karen Jo:  The blood test showed just what I expected it to.  Bambino is definitely FeLV+.  I found out something I didn't know before.  Sometimes the virus causes FeLV+ kitties to develop a low grade fever with no other cause.  When the fever breaks they are back to normal.  I am encouraged to know this.  Bambino has been eating like he can't get enough again.  There is never any Stinky Goodness left, except the kitten food.  No cat seems to really like that stuff, though some of it disappears.  If Bambino isn't back to normal by Monday, he has to go back to the vet.  At the rate he is improving, I have hopes that he won't have to make that trip.  Thanks for all the purrs and good wishes.  With all that going for him, he should be well soon.
 I'm up on the couch with the Halloween bear.  Mom hasn't cleaned up since the last time the blurpy was here.  Horus and I both escaped the other day.  The fun thing is that Mom always goes after Horus first because he is harder to catch and I never leave the yard, but he does.  That means that I get to stay outside longer.  I don't like the cold white stuff on the ground, though it isn't everywhere and I can find some grass to munch.

 Oja:  Here I am in the cushioned chair again.  Mom is complaining that every time she gets out the clicky box, I am under here where it's really hard to get a good picture of me.  She should get out the clicky box when I'm out.  I don't know what's up with Bambino.  Mom was lying on the bed, watching TV and Bambino was lying on her, getting petted.  I came up close to get some petting, too, and Bambino whapped me.  He has never done that before.
 Rocio:  I understand now why this is Horus' favorite spot.  It's really comfy.  I have gotten fed up with Horus trying to intimidate me.  This time I growled and charged Horus.  That'll teach him.
 Horus:  Julius was playing with this stuffie a little while ago.  I'm trying to see what the attraction is.  Or maybe I'm looking for stray treats.  The blurp tosses them all around.
Julius:  Mom was a little slow with the clicky box.  When she started trying to take my picture, I was up on the pillow with Spyro.  I cuddle with Spyro lots.  Mom keeps trying to get a picture of my snuggling Spyro in the blue cat bed, but she has to get too close to get a good picture and I always run away.  The only time I come near her is when she is giving out treats or if she is lying in bed with other cats around.  Then I will lie next to her feet.


Summer at said...

I am so glad to hear Bambino is feeling better! Purrs and paws crossed that he does not need to go back to the vet after the weekend.

Cherry City Kitties said...

We're still sending our healing purrs to you Bambino, let's hope no more trips to the v-e-t!

Hang in there Julius, one of these days all of this will be a walk in the park!

Cherry City Kitties said...

pee ess: Is it time to induct new members at the Tabby Cat Club ???
~ Recruiters Dexter and Willow

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Hope Bambino is doing better quick! You all look like you're having a good time!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so glad Bambino is doing better!!!

The Florida Furkids

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are very happy ta hear that Bambino is feeling better and eatin well!

Clooney said...

Bambino we are so happy to hear that you are feeling even better, that is awesome! Continuing to send purrs in your direction. Have a great weekend everyone!

Timmy Tomcat said...

We are all walking around with our tails-in-the-air because Bambino is feeling better. You keep up eating and taking care of yourself young kitty.
Timmy and family

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad you are feeling better Bambino, and hope you keep improving.

Katnip Lounge said...

HURRAH for Bambino!!! Paws crossed that a vet visit is NOT in his future...

Katie Isabella said...

Bambino, I KNOW you will get 100%! I know you will.

The Island Cats said...

Bambino, we hope you continue to improve and don't have to go back to the vet on Monday.

meowmeowmans said...

YAY! We're so glad that Bambino is doing so much better. We have our paws crossed that he does NOT have to go back to the vet!

Old Kitty said...

Sweet Bambino!! Rest, rest, rest! And take things easy - enjoy your treats and snoozes! Yay! Awwww lovely Rocio, Horus, Julius, Spyro and Oja!! Yay for keeping mum busy with the clicky box! Take care

Mickey's Musings said...

Keep on feeling better Bambino !
It is good to see you kitties relaxing and getting along...mostly.
We like to be difficult when Mom has the flashy box too,heehee
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
and Angels Tiger and Tillie

Unknown said...

Bambino take care! loves you!

Silver Meow

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that Bambino is starting to feel better! Sounds like your household is beginning to return to "normal".