Karen Jo: Oja wasn't very happy about it, but I was. I got an email from Dropcam requesting a post and to send them a link to the post. I did one for them, but now I got another request for a post with a link in it. So here it is. They were interested in my cats' quirks.
Bambino: I demand petting at 0-dark-thirty after Mom gets back from the big white litter box. I taste every food bowl until I find one I like. After I am done eating, I dig at the place mat, trying to bury any leftovers. I give Oja gentle head butts and rub up against her. I am the only cat she allows to do this.
Spyro: I love getting way up high. I also get up on the valence above the curtains in the living room and I get up on top of doors. I try to get outside when Mom opens the door. When Mom sits at the kitchen table and tries to read the newspaper, I sit on the paper and demand to be petted. While she is petting me, I snuggle my head into her armpit, then bite her. You should hear her yell!
Oja: This is the first picture Mom ever took of me I have a short curly tail. When I am happy, I curl it up like a chow dog.
Rocio: Or a pig.
Oja: ::WHAP!:: I am also the grumpy cat of the family. It takes me weeks or months . . .
Rocio: Or years . . .
Oja: to make friends with another cat. I did make an exception in Julius' case and accepted him right away.
Rocio: I am the only cat who likes to sleep like this. I like to tease Oja and make her yell, which is probably why she never made friends with me.
Horus: Like Spyro, I like to get up high. Here I am up on top of the filing cabinet. I also get up on top of the valence in the living room and up on top of doors. I also like to try to escape when Mom opens the door. Sometimes Spyro and I work together. One of us distracts Mom and the other one runs out. As she makes a grab for the escaping cat, the other one runs out. We only want to go out and scratch our backs on the concrete and chew on the grass, but Mom always walks around behind us until she can grab us and take us back inside. I like to threaten Rocio and make him yell. Oja is my friend and I don't like the way Rocio makes her yell.
Julius: I am the newest one here. I have only been living here for a couple of weeks. My quirk is that I'm afraid of the Lady. This is as close as I will let her get to me, unless she is giving out treats. Then I will get close enough to her for her to touch me. I even let her pet me a little until the treats run out. Then I run away again.