Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tired Thursday

 I can't believe how weird Mom is acting.
Emma:  I am looking for Mom's mind.  I think she lost it.

We are used to Mom coming home and announcing that she is tired.  She does that almost every night.

Emma:  Last night she came home with flowers and a balloon.  Instead putting on her PJs after she fed us, she put on a clean shirt and changed her shoes and combed her hair.

She called her friend that she goes out with and off they went and didn't come home until stupid o'clock.

Emma:  When she finally got home, she had more balloons.  When we tried our best puzzled looks to find out what was going on, she said that she was re-tired and was celebrating.

Of course she was tired all over again, after working seven days in a row then staying out until stupid o'clock, but we don't see anything good about that.

Karen Jo:  Retired doesn't mean that I am tired all over again.  It means I don't have to go to work any more.

What about the green papers?  You always told us that you had to go to work to get green papers for our food!

Emma:  And toys!

And treats!

Emma:  And litter!

Karen Jo:  Don't worry.  I worked for a long time and earned a pension and Social Security.  They will send me green papers every month.

You mean they are going to give you green papers NOT to go to work?

Karen Jo:  That's right.

Weird!  But I think I will like it.

Emma:  Me, too.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Wow, congratulations to your mom on her retirement! That's fabulous for her--and for you both too! :-)

Max said...


Summer at said...

Getting paid to stay home? Whoa, that sounds like magic! In fact, it almost sounds like being a kitty.

Angel Simba said...

That certainly does sound like it called for a big celebration! Congratulations that you are re-tired!!!

Marilia said...

Hahaha! You make me smile ever and ever!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations on your retirement! And guys--this means she'll just be around to pay attention to you!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Herman and Emma - From what we unnerstand about Beins retiring, you are gonna LOVE it. Mom will actally be around ALL THE TIME!

Attention all day long, late morning sleeping, toys tossed in mid-day, scritches, etc.

The Royals and Gentleman Beau said...

Your Mum has worked long and hard to earn her retirement green papers - Well Done, Mum!!
Enjoy all the free time with the furbabies!

And we hope you all have a lovely
End of Summer Weekend.

Rose and the Royals

Katnip Lounge said...


You are all gonna have so much fun!

ConCATulations on your Mom's retirement! Our Mommy says: "you lucky dog"!!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Happy Retirement to Mom! She can stay out all hours now. But, she can snooze with you kittehz all day, if she wants! xoxo

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE were not sure when our mom got retired, either. Then we realized she would be home with us all the time we deiced er like it. We hope your Mom enjoys it

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oh wow, we want our mummy to retire too it sounds excellent!!!

Congrats to you guys and to your mummy. She's a very good mummy so give her extra cuddles!!

Motor Home Cats said...

Wow - Congratulations Miss Karen Jo. We think Herman and Emma will be very excited when they realize you will be home a lot more now.

Cody and Gracie

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations on your Mommy's retirement=we hope you all enjoy a lot more time together!...Have a fun weekend, precious friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Wow! Our mommy says she is so jealous that your mommy got to re-tire...Have lots of fun and remember that your mommy doesn't have to get up to go to earn green papers-but she will have to continue to get up at oh dark thirty to feed you, but you can let her go back to bed after.
So, snuggles and concats to all.
Taz, Runt and Charles

Chesney Cats said...

Karen Jo, congratulations on your retirement!! It will be wonderful for you to spend more time for your kitties...Hooray for you all!!