This is the most appropriate badge I could find for Herman and Emma. Herman is FIV+ along with having Feline Leukemia. Emma just has Feline Leukemia. Adopting these two adorable kitties is the best thing I could have done for them and for me. Herman came along shortly after I lost my Mother and was feeling very much alone in the family home by myself. I was sad and lonely; he was sad and lonely; we were a perfect match. Other than his one bout of active Feline Leukemia, Herman has been perfectly healthy in the almost two years that he has lived with me. Emma came to live with us on March 1st of this year. Herman was showing some signs of being lonely while I was at work and the word came that a nearby shelter had a cat with Feline Leukemia who needed a home at once because the shelter didn't really have an isolation cage and all the foster homes were full. I went and picked her up the day after I found out about her and talked to the lady at the shelter. I can't say that they loved each other at first sight, but they get along well. There was never any real antagonism between them. Emma hasn't been sick at all. If you are thinking of adopting a first cat, please consider taking one with FIV or Feline Leukemia. These diseases are serious, but they are not an automatic early death sentence. There are treatments to help keep them healthy and research is coming up with new drugs to help or even cure the diseases.
This is Hal. A life on the streets of Albuquerque, NM, has left him with an aversion to dogs and children, a cauliflower ear and FIV. He really needs a quiet home and a loving human. Please consider adopting him. You can find out more about him here.http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/17712249?rvp=1
You, Herman and Emma are poster children (and kitties) for adopting "less adoptable" pets! You have two awesome kitties who many less-enlightened beings would have passed over! Paws up!
Herman has been such a special fella to us since you adopted him, and of course we adore his BOOTIFUL sister. To think that Herman could have never had the chance to be his loving self by not having a forever home is too sad and we're glad you guys found each other.
Yes you are the poster family for this. Our Au is FIV positive and he's 13 and a half; proof that these kitties can be just as tough as other kitties. Also, with new anti virus drugs coming up, this will soon be totally treatable.
Nice post!
Whenever we see a cat that needs a home with FIV or Feline Leukemia, we think of how successful it has been with Herman and Emma!
Herman and Emma have been so lucky to have a wonderful, amazing human to love and care for them. We wish the same for Hal.
You two are really so very special! Less adoptable? NOT!!!
Hey, check my blog tomorrow. I've gotta find a home for a sweet little one and she could use your purrs of experience.
Great post. Our Ivy is 12 and an FIV cat. We love her so much and she is a joy - she has been healthy all these years. You always win if you adopt a less adoptable pet!
Cats of wildcat woods
Great post. Thank you for being so open minded and seeing what is so special about both Emma and Herman.
Karen Jo
You really saved two beautiful babies and they are so happy to be there with you.
Sweet post!
We are happy to know all three of you!
You are an excellent poster child for this! We have taken in cats who are adults (even Chey was adopted as an adult!) and while working at the shelter we are very taken with many special needs kitties, we haven't yet adopted them. Before Gemini showed up on the doorstep, we did consider a Geezer cat instead of a kit, but decided a kit AND a Geezer would be a little much for the elderly cat!
Pawsome post! We luf Herman and Emma! Thanks fur sharing their stories with us. What an inspiration to less adoptable pet week! xoxo
I'd have to say that Herman and Emma are the luckiest cats in the world to be with a special person like you.
Fabulous post, Karen Jo. We are so thankful that you and Herman and Emma found each other, and that you were willing to adopt your two best friends! And note for Herman and Emma: we agree with Brian ... you may be extra special, but "less adoptable?" No way! :)
We think Herman and Emma are lucky to be together and with you...
what a great post and I am happy to heave learned more about Herman and Emma too. I met Herman and came to see him many times before he got his sisfur Emma and mom admores you and your attitude for caring for Emma. And Herman too of course with their disease. Mom said he heart breaks for that poor baby waiting for a home who had to fend for his life on the streets.
I sure hope Hal has a forever home looking for him right now! Hey, there is a bit of a Cobbie update on my blog today.
I am so happy that Hermine and Emma found you, Karen Jo cause you love them for them. You have given them a wonderful home and lots of love each day.
Thanks for your kind purrs for my mommie they are making her feel better.
We are so glad that Herman and Emma have such a loving forever home with you. this makes us feel happy.
All five of us needed homes too, and three of us because we are seniors and lost our previous owner.
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