Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finally Blogging Again

 Here I am in one of my safe spots.  Mom never bothers me when I go under the table like this because  I only go under here when I am really ticked off and want to be left alone.  What ticked me off so much?
Remember this thing?  I thought it was a toy and liked playing with the white fuzzy ball on the end.  One day when she wasn't feeling too bad, Mom gave me all the nip treats I wanted, then played with me and while I was feeling really mellow, she tried to put it on my head.  That's when I realized what it really is.  It is the dreaded Santa hat!  I squirmed and struggled and wouldn't let her put it on me, then I went under the table and didn't come back out for a long time.  I hope she doesn't try to put it on me again.

Karen Jo:  I may give it one more try, but I won't really force it on you.  I have the chin strap let out as far as it will go, but I think it may be a little too tight for you.  I have been away from blogging for so long because I got worse and finally ended up at the doctor.  I thought something weird was going on because, although I felt tired, I didn't really feel sick.  It turns out that I have a very minor cold, but my allergies have gone berserk.  This can get really bad for me because my allergies not only give me itchy eyes and a runny nose, but they affect my bronchial tubes as well.  I can start coughing and not be able to stop for half an hour or more.  Now I am on a couple of high-powered cough medicines and two allergy medicines and I am almost back to normal.

Mom spent a lot of time on or in her bed and that meant lots and lots of petting and cuddling for me.  Mom has decided that I can only have as many treats as I want once a day.  I make the most of it.  Mom used to make me scratch on my platform for every treat, but when I wanted lots and lots of nip treats, I started to reach toward the bag with my paw.  Mom got the message and gave me a treat each time I stretched out my paw toward the bag.  Now she gets close to me and I tap her hand when I want another treat.  I make a meal out of them, then we play for a bit.  After the nip really takes effect, I play THoE all over the house for a while.  The other times that I ask for treats, I only get up to four.  I have learned this.  Today when she got her coat on to go to work, I asked for a treat four times, then went into the kitchen to eat my regular food.

Karen Jo:  You are always surprising me with how smart you are.  I don't know if you are counting up to four treats or if you have learned what "no more" means.  I suspect the former, because you didn't even ask for another treat after the fourth one.  I want to thank every one for all the good wishes for me to get well.  I am on my way.


AFSS said...

Karen Jo we are glad to hear you are feeling better. Sending more healing purrs. ~AFSS

Herman, I thinks you would look very handsome in the Santa Hat. ~Artemisia

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Herman, give Mom a good time and let her put that hat on you just long enough for a good pic.

Mom, please keep taking good care of yourself and feel better soon.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara

Kea said...

Lots of healing purrs to your mom, Herman!

And wow, we want to come live with you and get all those treats! :-D

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hold out fur lots and lots of treats prior to any Santa Hat photoshoot!


Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope your mom is better soon - we are pleased you can count to 4 Herman - we can't yet!!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I would not like to wear a santa hat either. You are a smart kitty!
Merry Christmas!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are purraying for your mom, handsome Herman.

We're also purraying you won't have to wear that Santa hat....we are so lucky cuz our mama just puts things like that on our heads in pictures and not real time....:)

Love to you and your mom.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Glad to see your Mom back up and blogging!
We hope she feels better and better each day!
Oh tell me about the "dreaded Santa Hat!!"
My Mom pulled the same trick with me!
They really need to get a life, don't they?
Love, Cody

Gemini and Ichiro said...

No hats for me any more! Hope that you and your Mum get lots more cuddle and treat times!

Lynx217 said...

cats are so much smarter than humans will ever know. Nimbus is the same way, he knows when we're talking to him and when we're not, and he knows the meaning of NO (he not only stops what he's doing he walks away too!) and when he got his heart diagnosis, he learned very quickly that if he rested every few minutes during play time he wouldn't feel so bad. he STILL takes rest breaks!
lotta humans been sick lately, our hoomin got sick twice already! we so afraid wif her working TWO jobs now trying to pay bills she gonna get real sick again. hope you get well soon, KarenJo!

Summer at said...

Herman, I am glad your human is feeling so much better, but I will tell her for you... NO SANTA HAT FOR HERMAN!

You're welcome!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom would not try the hat with Angel because she is still very timid. The boys would fight too hard!

We are glad Karen Jo is feeling better. Mon has allergies that affect her bronchial tubes and her asthma. She knows how your Mom feels!


Karen Jo
We are glad to hear you are on the mend. Glad you went to the Doctor.

Herman we would love to see you in the Santa Hat but we know how it is. None of us like those things either.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad Mom is feeling better. But we agree "NO" to the Santa Hat. Unless ya wanna be a kitty model, clothes are just wrong.

Herman, you are invited over for THoE any time. We love that game!

meowmeowmans said...

Yay! We are glad Karen Jo is feeling better. And Herman, we understand about the hat. We're not big on those things, either.