Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Ha! Mom couldn't find any bunny ears for me, so I get a normal picture, just lying around and taking it easy. Sun spots were kind of hard to find today.

Mom used an old picture of one of her stuffies for her Easter picture. In case you can't quite tell, it's a duckling wearing bunny ears. Happy Easter, Passover, Spring Equinox, everybody!

Karen Jo: It amused me so much that I bought it for my Mom for Easter a few years ago. Mom liked seasonal stuffies very much.

I might be feeling just a little better today. After Mom ate her lunch I complained to her that I didn't like what I had on offer to eat. I sniffed at my Medley, then my Friskies, then my Stinky Goodness, then my I/D dry, but didn't eat any of them. I looked at Mom and made my complain meow. Mom got my extra food bowl and gave me some Purina Complete and I ate some of that. I was just being picky. By the time Mom got home I had eaten most of my Stinky Goodness and all of my Medley with my pro-biotic in it. I also made a big deal out of starving to death so she would feed me again right away. I didn't even want to wait for her to take her coat off. I haven't been so insistent about being fed right away for a few days.

Karen Jo: As odd as it seems, I was glad to see your picky behavior. You haven't seemed to care as much about your food lately. You haven't been waking me up for breakfast like you used to. It's as if you don't much care when you get breakfast these days.

Are you telling me that you miss being woken up before dawn to feed me?

Karen Jo: Yes, Herman. I never minded getting up to feed you. The only thing I minded was that when I did get up and fed you and you kept waking me up every hour afterward because you didn't like what I gave you.

I still meow at you to hurry up and get into the kitchen when you do get up.

Karen Jo: Yes, but you don't show much hustle going down the hall.

Not always, but I do hustle on some days. I sense that you might be planning on taking me back to the vet.

Karen Jo: You are almost out of your prednisol and I don't know if the vet wants to see you before deciding to prescribe you more or not. You also have a very bad mat on your right flank. It hurts you when I try to brush it out. I'll call the vet Monday morning and find out if you need to go in again.

I don't want any more fur stolen. I'm cold enough as it is with an almost bare chest.

Karen Jo: I'm sorry, Herman. I don't know how I missed this mat forming and I have been brushing you twice a day. I'll have to feel your fur more carefully and not just brush you and assume that it's taking care of preventing mat formation.


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We're so happy you're eating my friend! You know we're not going to stop purring for you and your mummy. You're both in our thoughts.

Kea said...

We're sending lots of purrs and universal healing Light to you both. Happy Easter!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Hoppy Easter, furiend!!!!

Glad to hear you are eating better!!

I have mat issues too even though I get brushed. This time of year is wicked!!

Purrs Goldie

Parker said...

Happy Easter!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Easter you two! Keep doing good Herman!

Anonymous said...

HoPpy Easter, Herman and Karen Jo!

The Island Cats said...

You sure have your human trained well, Herman!! Happy Easter to you both!

Anonymous said...

Hopp-ity Easter to you. We hope your Easter is eggs-tra special☺

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Easter!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Easter! I am glad that it sounds like you are feeling better.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Easter to both of you. We are glad you are eating better Herman.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Easter. Yoor so lucky, our mom won't spoil us anymore. We get our NB Pea and Duck and freeze dried salmon treats and dats it...she's so mean she don't even give us anything else if we cry and cry.

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

Happy Easter! =^_^=

Everycat said...

Happy Easter to Herman & Karen Jo!

We love the Easter Ducky with the bunny ears, he's great!

Whicky Wuudler


Herman we are glad you are feeling just a bit better and that you are eating a tiny bit more. We're still purrin for you Herman. We hope you and Karen Jo had a wonderful Easter.


Angel Simba said...

Happy Easter! Purrs for getting well this week.

Mr. Hendrix said...

I wish my mommy hadn't been able to find bunny ears for me. sigh. I am so humiliated. Your stuffy is cute!
Poor Herman, I am sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly. I will send many healing purrs and prayers your way.
Perhaps your pickiness about food is an even better sign you are getting more comfy in your home. Maybe it is because you know you'll never be hungry again so you can aford to be choosy?
Happy Easter to you and your mommy!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hoppy Easter!


(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Happy Easter!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, we're so glad you are eating well, Herman! Purrs and prayers for continued health and healing.

Happy Easter!

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Easter Herman and Karen Jo!! We are glad you are eating and we are sending lots fo healing purrrs your way!!
Your TX furiends,

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Easter, Herman and Karen Jo! Hope you had a good day !

Anonymous said...

Herman, you have to eat this stuff and not be such a nitpick. if i had such a fabulous banquet set before me, it would all be gone in a blink!

Anonymous said...

Herman, yoo is gots to be feelin gud if yoo is eattin even small stuffs. Gud fer yoo dood!! Maybe sum nip sprinkled on it may help?

Amy & the house of cats said...

We hope you had a good Easter Herman! We hope you are feeling better - we think eating is good but you don't sound super excited about it. We hope you keep up with the eating and are getting to feel better! We really want you to be ok Herman - we are sending over purrs and prayers for you to feel even better!