Team Tabby gave me this great award over a month ago. Thank you so very much. I really appreciate it. According to the rules, I am supposed to tell you seven new things about myself. Well, the new things about me are pretty depressing, so I am going to cheat and tell you seven things that I have done recently instead.
1. I forgot to tell you what happened when Mom made me chicken livers. I goofed when I said that Victor Tabbycat told me about chicken livers. He told me about turkey giblets. It was Da Fambly Cats who told Mom how to make me chicken livers. Mom cooked them up and they smelled great. I kept walking into the kitchen and smelling the air and meowing. When they were ready, Mom chopped them up very small and put them in my dish while they were still warm, but not hot. I really checked them out, then walked away. A couple of hours later, when they had gotten all cold and dry and looked more like kibble, Mom walked over to them to give them to the ravens and I trotted up and started eating them. I ate about a third of them and left the rest for the ravens.
2. I let Mom pill me yesterday because I was feeling pretty rotten, what with the vet visit and getting a shot of Vitamin B with anti-poop-puddle and all. Today I felt a lot better and things were different. I gave Mom a battle royal all around the living room before she finally got those nasty pills in me. She won't try that again in a hurry.
Karen Jo: I recently found out that you have a reputation at the vet's for being difficult to medicate. I learned that you hadn't been getting Interferon before because you wouldn't let your foster Mom give it to you and that pilling you was out of the question. I feel honored that you have let me give you your medicine with so few problems so far. I will find a way to get those pills in you, don't you worry.
3. Tonight I found out what one of those ways might be. Mom crushed my pills and put them a tiny bit of water and syringed me. Let me tell you that was nasty. Those things taste horrible. Kitties, take my advice and never get poop puddles so bad that you have to take this stuff. Luckily Mom gave me a treat right afterward to take away the taste. I wouldn't even take the treat at first for scraping my tongue against my teeth trying to make the taste go away.
Karen Jo: Sorry, Herman. I only used water this time because I wanted to make sure that I got all the crushed pill I could into the syringe. I needed to see that the pill powder at least suspended in the water, if not dissolved. If I find that this is the best way to go, I will use something tastier as the liquid, like watered down baby food.
4. Mom finally Furminated me. It worked really well, except that I am so bony now that the broad rake kept catching on bones. Mom has gone back to the brush, which I like better anyway. The vet got rid of my new mat and Mom hasn't seen any new ones forming.
5.There is a little blue pillow on the couch that I like to nap on and I have discovered that it is really nice to cuddle up to. I even rest my head on it sometimes.
6. I was really hungry this morning. Mom got up a little earlier than usual and I really meowed loudly for food. Mom gave me my Medley and went ahead and put my pro-biotic in it as I seemed so hungry and might eat it all. Did I ever! I ate up every bit of it at one go and even licked my dish clean. Mom gave me some Stinky Goodness and I ate some, but not much, of that, too. I got unmedicated Medley and more Stinky Goodness for elevenses and I ate about half of the Medley and a tiny bit of the Stinky Goodness. I got fresh food before Mom went to work and I ate about half the Medley yet again. Tonight I ate up my Medley with my fiber in it and some Stinky Goodness and told Mom I wanted some fresh food a little while ago. I have eaten some of both so far. I also ate more than usual of my kibble. This is more than I have eaten in one day in weeks.
7. Last night I came in very soon after Mom went to bed. I have been waiting until Mom was asleep already lately and mostly sleeping on her feet. Last night I snuggled right up next to her like I used to and we had a nice long petting and cuddling session before she went to sleep. We both enjoyed that very much.
I would like to pass this award along to:
Mickey, Georgia and Tillie
Mr. Hendrix
Angel and Kirby
Junior and Orion
Ayla and Iza
All the cats at Brian's Home