Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Farewell, Brody

 This is the last picture I took of Brody.  It was two weeks ago today.  I couldn't bear to take pictures of him wasting away.
This is the very first picture I took of Brody.  There are far too few pictures in between.

Brody's last vet visit was bad news and I didn't want to tell you that his temperature was 105.3 and he had fluid in his abdomen.  Luckily the fluid was where it was easily removed and Brody went back on Dex + B-12 and Lasix every day.  It didn't help.  By Sunday night, I knew that he was packing his bags for the Rainbow Bridge.  He didn't eat all day Monday and he had that sad. lost look in his eyes.  Monday night, he was waiting on the bed for me, just like he is in the picture. I cuddled up to him and started petting him and he got up on me in his favorite position, on my thigh with his head on my stomach.  I petted him until I fell asleep.  Sometime in the night, he left the bed, because when I woke up in the wee hours to pee, he wasn't there.  In the morning, I found him by the food in the computer room.  He had run away to the Bridge.  It was like he knew that he had to eat, but he couldn't do it.

I took the body into the kitchen on a kitty comforter and laid him down near Cissy's cave.  I wanted her to know what happened to him.  She came and sniffed over and over again, like she couldn't believe it.  I think all the kitties sniffed him at least once.  I called the vet to cancel his appointment, which was this afternoon.  After a while, I took his body to the vet to be cremated.  I brushed off a bunch of fur and put it in a plastic bag, because I knew that the private cremation was so much more expensive than the communal cremation.  Isn't it silly that after spending at least $5000 to keep him alive, I wouldn't spend $70 to get his ashes?  It's just the way I feel.  Everything that was the Brody I loved so much went to the Rainbow Bridge.  What was left was just a shell.  I can feed the other cats for a month on that $70.

I will order him a plastic tombstone from the company I get them from and get a solar light from the store and bury half his fur next to Austin. I'm crying too hard to see well, so I'll quite now.


Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Karen, we are crying along with you.
We are so sorry for this loss.
Comforting purrs,headbumps and hugs for you.
We know you'll miss Brody, but remember he was happy because of you.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
and mom Nancy

Ivan from WMD said...

Oh, we are so so sorry that Brody's gone. We hope that his last loving night with you helps with the terrible sadness. Know that you were a bright light in his life. :-(

William and family.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I'm so sorry. You gave Brody the gift of a good home and he was so fortunate you were there for him always.

The Cat Guy said...

It's so hard to say goodbye. My heart hurts with you. Purrs and hugs.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are so sorry and saddened to hear this. Keeping you in our thoughts and purrs during this difficult time.

Chesney Cats said...

So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Brody. You are in our hearts & purrayers. (((Hugs)))

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am so sorry for your loss of Brody. You gave him a loving home and tried so hard for him. He knew how much he was loved.

Just Mags said...

Oh, we are so sorry to hear that your sweet Brody left for The Bridge. We are leaving you and the kitties warm, tender, hugs, purrs and nose kisses

Fuzzy Tales said...


I'm so, so sorry Brody has died. I find it so amazing, your capacity for love -- you take on these wonderful Beings, knowing that their lives are apt to be short. Bless you for caring so much. I hope you never ever question the good that you do, the difference that you make.

Peace to you and godspeed to Brody's spirit.


SuziQCat said...

So sorry to hear about Brody. You and he were fighting so hard. I'm thankful you were able to get some special time with him and that he made the decision for you and left for the bridge by himself. He will always be remembered.

Random Felines said...

we are so very sorry about Brody...but please remember that he had a chance with you he never would have had elsewhere....

Marilia said...

Oh noes... so sad!


There are no words.
I'm so very sorry Karen Jo.
We'll miss you so much Brody.
Now run and play with Abby and Gracie and all the others who greeted you as you arrived at the Bridge.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my, we so hate hearing about dear Brody, such a sweetie. Thanks for giving him so much love.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

God's speed to you Brody; know you were loved and always will be by all your friends and family; and mostly mom. I am sorry Karen Jo, my sincerest sympathy to you. Laura

Zoolatry said...

Karen Jo ~ holding you and all the kitties close in thought and prayer. Fondly, Ann

CatInTheFridge said...

We are so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. We didn't know him, but we know too well how it feels. We lost our Rocky in August and did the same thing - let all the other kitties see him to know he's gone. I think that's so important and you did a good thing for them. We're sending lots of purrs. Love, Alana and Crepes.

Helen said...

Karen Jo -
You gave Brody love, he was a lucky guy to have you. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers -

Angel Parker Pie's family

Old Kitty said...

Awww darling Brody. We are so sad to read that you've gone to the Rainbow Bridge. You will always be loved and missed dearly. Take care

Marg said...

Oh gosh, we are so sorry about Brody. He was so lucky to have you to take care of him and to give him so much love. You are so good to take these cats in. I sure do thank you. You sure are in our thoughts and prayers.

www.shelter-cats.com said...

Your account of Brody's passing is heart wrenching. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Cody and I send our deepest sympathy and prayers ((((hugs))))

Maggie May said...

Our hearts are so sad for you. You are in our thoughts.
Maggie May

wildcatwoods said...

You gave him such a good life however short it was. He had that last night of love with you. I am so so sorry and am crying with you. You do a wonderful thing by taking in these cats and giving them love, kindness and a home. Brody will live on in your heart and in all of ours - he is watching over you now from the Bridge.

Cats of wildcat woods

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Our hearts break for you. Brody sound like he was a loving kitty, and he knew he was loved by you. We are so sorry for your loss. Sending purrs and prayers

Rene said...

I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our Tucker in mid July, and we couldn't take any photos of his final days either. Please accept our condolences.

Dma said...

so sorry to hear the news...

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Karen Jo I am so very sorry to read this and cry along with you. I know so well how much it hurts and that you will be feeling so lost. Take a little comfort from the knowledge that you gave him so much love and that he knew that. Hugs to you xx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Having lost two young cats to FeLV, I feel your pain and sense of loss. It is such an awful disease and it is so hard to see them wasting away. I am lucky to be in a place where I could simply bury mine in my garden. But they stay with you whatever.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Sending comforting thoughts and prayers. We're so sorry. xx

Katie Isabella said...

Karen, I am crying too. God bless you and he and all the babies there that you are caring for. Thank you for the love and life you have given him . He loved you.

Timmy Tomcat said...

This is so sad to hear Karen. Dad has big tears along with all of us. You have had too much loss and we do send our purrs and prayers of support and love.
May you watch over us now all fit and feisty dear Angel Brody until that day we all meet again.
Timmy Dad and Family

The Island Cats said...

Karen, we are so sorry to hear about Brody. You truly are a saint to take these babies in only knowing that they may not be with you long. Thank you for giving them a home and loving them so much. Purrs and hugs.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oh Karen Jo, I am so so sorry for your loss. Sweet Brody knew so much love living with you, and I know he loved your so much. We're keeping you in our thoughts today. Fly free sweet Brody.

meowmeowmans said...

We're so very sorry, Karen Jo. Thank you for giving Brody a lifetime of love in his all too brief time with you. He loved you, and knew that you loved him. Surely he, Herman, and all the others you've loved so well, will be waiting to greet you when you arrive at the Bridge. Sending you all love, purrs and prayers of comfort.

Thomma Lyn said...

I am so sorry, Karen Jo. The Ballicai and I are sending lots of love and hugs and purrs. Brody was so loved and cared for by you, and I know that Brainball greeted him with head bonks at the Rainbow Bridge. Keeping you in my thoughts and heart.

Jacqueline said...

I was so sorry to hear this terrible news about your sweet Brody, Karen Jo...Blessings to you for all the wonderful care you give to these darling babies...Wishing you and the kitties peace and comfort during this time of sorrow...Hugs and love to you all...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

Lily said...

We are so sorry. Sending you hugs and purrs of comfort.

Asta said...

We mouwn with you..go on soft angel wings sweet Bwody. You will aways be wif yoow family in theiw heawts
Smoochie kisses
Asta and Mommi

Cat said...

More tears from us, too....so many tears for Brody from all his fans...we could fill an ocean. But he was loved and he knew it and THAT is the most important thing. He was sweet and good and always will be and you are that and more for all you do. Brody would agree that the 70$ would be better spent on his buddies. RIP Brody! xoxo DaBadCats & DaMeenDawgs

Cherry City Kitties said...

We are so sorry to hear about Brody, but we know how much he was loved in the special home you have created for such special kitties. Our mom and dad help out a FIV/FeLV sanctuary near here sometimes, so we really get it. Brody was lucky to have had such a wonderful life with you. Hugs and love, fly free Brody.
Harry, Dexter, Tipp and Willow

Everycat said...

Karen Jo, we are so very sorry to learn of Brody's passing. He was a lovely little fella and we know that you gave him a good life in the time you had him. FeLV is a mean, mean condition and what you do for these kitties is remarkable. Please take good care of yourself, sending you love, rumbly purrs and a hug

& Jane The Ape xx

CATachresis said...

We are so very sorry to hear of Brody's passing :( You took such wonderful care of him and we just wanted to come and share hugs and purrs with you, Caro and Austin xxoo

Ellen in Oregon said...

We were so sad to hear Brody lost his battle. He was so lucky to have had you to love him & take such good care of him. You were always there for Brody & he knew how much you loved him. I so admire how you commit yourself to caring for FeLE+ cats like Brody. despite difficult times like this. even though it can be so hard on yourself. Please take good care of yourself during this difficult time. I hope the other cats are a source of comfort to you.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Karen Jo, I am so sorry for the loss of Brody. A warm hug, purrs and tail wags of comfort.

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Well, phooey! we had been purring very hard for the Brodman and we are so very sorry to hear that he lost his battle but think of all the old friends he is being met with at the Bridge.
Karen Jo, you have a special gift to give these kitties a wonderful life until it is their time to go to the Bridge. Snuggle the others and remember Brody and his love.
Sending our love and purrs,
Taz, Runt, Charles and their mommy, Anna in IL

pilch92 said...

I am so sad for the loss of your beautiful Brody.

Lui said...

I am so sorry.
My heart breaks reading this after going through a lot of goodbyes in the past to my furry friends . . .

It is never easy.
Our thoughts are with you. ..

Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Karen Jo weez be so sowwy fur yous loss. Brody is in a much better place now but only cuz hims not be sick anymowe. Cuz hims wuz in da bestest place in da world bein' in yous home. Now hims will furevew liv in yous heart. Weez all shawe yous leaky eyes and bwoken hearts. Wish we kuld say or do sumfin' to make this easier fur yous, but mommy sez there is nuffin' in da world dat can make this better. Weez awe sendin' hugs and kitty kisses and lots of purrayers fur all of yous.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Samantha & Mom said...

We are so sorry to hear that Brody went to the Rainbow Bridge!! We shall miss him!! Lots of purrs and prayers for You all!!
Samantha & Mom

Lovable Lily said...

Please know that we are thinking of you and sending you soft hugs for the loss of your sweet Brody. He was a very beautiful looking little man.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Marilynn said...

Ohhhhh =(
We are heartbroken for you at losing Brody. He was such a beauty, and (as all of our li'l jewels are) such a precious member of the family.

Purrrrrrrsssssss and hugs for all of you ...

Marilynn, Grace & Company

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are so sorry.. Purrs and prayers,,
~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Brody. He was so brave and didn't make you make that final decision for him. Keep all the good memories safe in your heart.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Karen Jo, we are so very sorry that Brody had to leave for the Rainbow Bridge. But thanks to you his life was full of love and caring. His last moments were in a place where he was safe and loved. We are so very sorry you didn't have more time together, we know you will always treasure your memories of him. Purrs of sympathy and comfort and HUGS.

Just Ducky said...

Purrs to you on your loss.

The Cat Realm said...

tears in my eyes. so very very sorry! at least he was in the most loving place he could be in before he had to leave for the bridge. big hug and lots of purrs to you!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are so sorry to hear about Brody. Our thoughts. We always know these kids are so lucky to have the loving home you give them.

catsynth said...

We are so sad to hear about Brody. We can see how much he was loved and gave love in return. Sending you our thoughts and condolences.

CatSynth (Luna and Amanda)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

So very sorry for the loss of your dear, sweet Brody. (((hugs)))

Katnip Lounge said...

We're sending soft purrs and love to you. We so wanted Brody to get better but sometimes it just can't happen--thank you for giving him the best chance possible and loving your little boy with all your heart.

Forty Paws said...

We are so very sorry that Brody has crossed over. Many hugs and purrs and purrayers are being sent to you from all of us at Forty Paws.

Luf, Us and Maw

Donna said...

I has a Sad. Rest in peace, good kitty. {{{Brody}}}

Max said...

Damn :(

I am so sorry...and Brody, we'll catch you on the flipside...

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me and my mom-person are so sorry for this loss :(
Comforting purrs,headbumps and hugs for you <3 <3 <3

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are so sorry to hear this Karen and no you will be feeling very sad. Brody was a sweet little cat and you cared for him so lovingly and we're sure he has left a hole in your heart. Take care.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx & Mum Sue

The Swiss Cats said...

We're so sorry for your loss ! We send you comforting purrs and gentle head butts. Purrs

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of sweet Brody. Sending gentle purrs of comfort and healing your way. {{{hugs}}}

Ingrid said...

That must be awful for you ! I know this feeling only too well. At least he went away in peace and spent his last night close to you.
I agree, memories you have in your head and a urn sitting there doesn't change anything, it's far better to spent this money for the other cats. I would have done the same. I am lucky I could bury my cats in our yard, where I have a little graveyard for all our pets. But the memories I have in my heart.

John Bellen said...

Poor Brody. Most animals want to die alone, it seems; he knew, though, that he was loved, and he spent his last hours with his favourite person. Godspeed, Brody.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so sorry about sweet Brody. We're sending you soft hugs and purrs and prayers for you and the other kitties. When Angel Clifford passed we let everyone sniff at him to say goodbye too.

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I am so very sorry. Sending purrs of healing and condolence during this difficult time

caspersmom said...

I am so sorry Karen Jo that another sweet friend of yours had to pass.

I can remember when you were wondering if you should get a cat and now you are doing many wonderful things for so many cats. God Bless you Karen Jo.

Cleo and Monica

Colehaus Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear that sweet Brody was needed at the Bridge. We'll look for his star in the heavens and make a wish that he always shines brightly in your heart. Purrs....

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

KarenJo, your words put tears in our eyes. You are a wonderful woman to give these kitties such love and the home they may not have had a chance at. Brody was one lucky kitty. He loved you. Thank you for caring for these kitties like you do. (((HUGS)))

A Tonk's Tail said...

oh Karen, what heartbreak. We wish there were words to bring healing to your soul. Thinking of you....

Team Tabby said...

We are very sorry to hear the sad news about dear Brody. You are in our thoughts.

and mom Nina

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

TBT here: I think it was a good thing that you let the other cats understand that Brody was "gone". I've always done that myself. I think it helps them.

But also, my thoughts to you on the passing of another dearly-loved cat.


Debra Taylor said...

I am so sorry you lost Brody. I know how heart breaking this is. Our kitty friends are like people, in my opinion.
Debby in Arizona

Angel Simba said...

Mom and I were so sorry to read about Brody. He had a loving home with you and the other kitties. We are back to doing a bit of commenting.

Angel Simba said...

Please come back to blogging.

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

Hi Karen Jo. I hope you and your kitties are all doing well. I did not know Brody left for TB. I hate reading this weeks late, but I have been wondering where your blog was in my feed. Is there anything you need? Can I help? Be well, Linda and Savannah

Clooney said...

Oh Karen Jo, we are so sorry to hear that Brody has passed on, that is such sad news. We are glad he was loved so very much by you and had you before he left, that is truly special. Sending you our gentlest purrs and holding you close in our prayers and hearts.

Be Well Sweet Brody