Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco de Mayo!

 Wouldn't you just know it?  Mom decided to put the little sombrero on us this year instead of on the stuffie.  I tolerated it -- just barely.  Mom had to be quick on the button to get the photo before I shook it off.
Spyro:  Nobody's puttin' nuffin' on my head!  I grabbed it off and put the bitey on it!

Karen Jo:  We hope that everyone has a great Cinco de Mayo.  Be sure to head on over to KC's party

Spyro:  Mom even helped the birdies celebrate by putting out food and water for them, which she didn't do yesterday.

Karen Jo:  I am afraid that the Bird Channel is going off the air soon.  We have had a dry Spring and the bears may be getting hungry.  There was an article in the paper advising people to stop putting out bird seed and water.  I am going to use up what I have on hand, which isn't much, then stop until winter. Sigh.  I so love to hear and watch the birds around the feeders and bird bath.

Herman and Spyro:  And so do we.

Enough bad stuff.  Let's celebrate!  Mom is cooking steak tonight and we get bites of steak and tastes of sour cream.  Yummy!

Spyro:  I don't know how you can eat that sour cream stuff.  I think it's yucky.

More for me!  Yay!

Herman, Spyro and Karen Jo:  Have a wonderful celebration, everybody!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo Sinko boys!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Be careful of those bears!

Truffle and Brulee

Summer at said...

Spyro, you totally knew what to do with that hat! Happy Cinco de Mayo to you and Herman!

GLOGIRLY said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo, Herman & Spyro!
Nice long as you can rip it off and attack it. hehe!
Katie & Glogirly

meowmeowmans said...

Sorry to hear about Bird TV going off the air there, but better to be safe than sorry. Bears can be scary!

Happy Cinco de Mayo, sweet friends. We like that sombrero, whether your wearing it or biting it! :)

Hugs to you all!

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo. We're going to the party at KC's too!!!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Team Tabby said...

Hi Spyro! we've been lazy about visiting and have only just noticed you have found a forever home with Herman and Karen Jo. we think that is wonderful! Nice to meet you.

Happy Cinco de Mayo day, love the sombrero.

Mindy, Moe, Cookie & Mike

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Spyro definitely has the right idea of what to do with the sombrero. Each of you looks adorable in your picture with it. Spyro, your cute little white tummy is absolutely adorable. We're sorry about the BIRD channel being off the air until winter, but that's much better than the BIRD channel turning into the BEAR channel.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Mmmm, you kinda lost us at the steak and sour cream thing. MOl!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hope you had a great day celebrating. Steak sounds good but I am not so sure about the sour cream.

Thankyou for your purrs and kind thought during my recent illness, SS and I really appreciate them.

Tia and Millie said...

Thank you, Herman and Spyro, for dropping over for my gotcha day! Hope you had as much fun at KC's party as I did! It was great, and Millie said she really enjoyed playing with Spyro!

The Island Cats said...

We hope you had a great Cinco de Mayo and didn't drink too many meowgaritas!

Ingrid said...

Spyro is right ! nothing on cat heads, lol ! I can do it with Arthur when he is deeply asleep !

Marg said...

Sorry we are late for your Cinco de Mayo day but we sure hope you had a good one. Herman, you look good in that hat. We don't like it when Mom does that to us either. Spyro, you had the right idea. Take care.

Ellen Whyte said...

Enjoy the party, you three! We're curious about bears. Au think he'd like to have one about, just as a trophy bear. We are glad we don't live where you do :-) Herman, you look cute in a hat, and Spyro, you look pawsome eating yours!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We only had a frjita fer breakfast.

GRAÇA said...

Que lindos que ficam com os chapeus ,estava com saudades poe isso vi ver se estava tudo bem com vosses e desejar uma boa semana,da sempre amiguinha

Jacqueline said...

Fun post!...Happy Friday and have a fun weekend, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki