Monday, June 13, 2011

Mancat Monday

I am just relaxing.  Mom likes to take pictures of my profile sometimes.  I got more turkey today.  I didn't want as much as I did yesterday, but I still ate quite a bit.  Silly Emma didn't want any at all.  She doesn't know what she's missing.  I pestered Mom for my Interferon this morning, but she wouldn't give it to me.

Karen Jo:  You only get Interferon every other week.  You have to wait until next Sunday to get it again.

We really need to have the litter boxes changed.

Karen Jo:  I know.  I will do it on Tuesday, when I can pick up enough litter to do the job.

I had to give Emma another lesson in who is in charge around here.  Mom came when she yelled at me.

Karen Jo:  I wish I knew what started these "lessons".  I hear Emma yell, well, snarl is a better word, and invariably find both of them in the bathroom.  Herman is sitting there like an Egyptian statue and Emma is cowering against the bathtub or the litter box in a defensive position.  I have to persuade Herman to back off and Emma makes a run for it.  I stand in Herman's way to keep him from chasing her.  Then it's all over and they are friends again.

It was really windy inside the house again today.  The door to Emma's room slammed shut.  I bet Emma was glad that she wasn't inside at the time.

Karen Jo:  I need to buy some more door stops and make sure that they are under all the doors in the house.  Today you lost access to some food, water and the second litter box.

I loved watching Emma be a klutz tonight while she was playing.  I laughed myself silly when she fell off the couch while playing with Da Bird.

Karen Jo:  She just gets excited and forgets how close to the edge of the couch she is.  She plays up on the couch because you pounce her sometimes when she is playing on the floor.

I just pounce her every once in a while.  It's fun.


Ellen Whyte said...

Oh Herman, don't be mean to Emma! Be a gentleman, darling.... and get treats for it!

Summer at said...

I agree, Herman! It sounds like you are being a little bit mean to Emma. But of course, us girlcats have to stick together!

Kwee Cats said...

We got 4 girl cats among us 3 Tommy Cats, and they are always being a problem...except for when they are being a pillow :-)

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, you shouldn't be mean to your sister Emma, she is very nice. Sisters are nice, just give her a chance!!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Herman, we know that sometimes you have to assert yourself as Alpha Cat, but be nice!

Fuzzy Tales said...

"Herman is sitting there like an Egyptian statue and Emma is cowering against the bathtub or the litter box in a defensive position."

Gees, that was just like Annie and Nicki...only they never were friends! LOL.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Herman, I think she is there to stay and trapping her in the bathroom is not very nice.

Anonymous said...

Herman it sounds like there is something in the bathroom you don;t want to share nor do you want to share the floor so Emma can play in the floor. Can you not be good friends with Emma and you two have lots of fun together. You are doing really well with her most of the time so keep up the good work, ok? Hugs and nose kisses

The Monkeys said...

Herman, we wish we knew what you two are discussing to make Emma scream! We do like that you're both good friends even after the screaming!

OKcats said...

Herman, sometimes I like to try to boss Fuzzy around, too, and I get in big trouble. I just like her to know that I'm in charge (even though I'm only 5, and I've only lived here less than 2 years and she's a geezer who has lived here forever). Moms just don't get it.

Your friend, Zoe

Katnip Lounge said...

Are you two arguing over the litterbox? We do that sometimes.

Emma, did you really fall off the couch? We can't help laughing, it IS a little bit funny.

The Island Cats said...

Herman, I like to boss Zoey around too...and then she tries to boss me...somehow that just doesn't seem right...y'know? Boycats should always be the boss!


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Hndsome profile, Herman. I like turkey too. Yum.

Tigger said...

I too pounce whenever possible, or whenever the mood (or turkey) strikes!

Marilia said...

Oh Hermann, don´t fight with Emma... we, the parents, stay sad when our cat sons fighting!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Hi Herman. Sorry I haven't been by to visit in a while. And that I missed your b-day. Looks like you got a lot of fun loot!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Iffen it helps anny, TBT finds the beat dels on good litter at WalMart... But the Petco has good refill bucket deals too.

meowmeowmans said...

We understand about giving a whack here or there, Herman, but please be gentle with Emma, okay?