Friday, February 16, 2018


Cricket:  My eye is almost completely healed, with no yucky medicine.

Karen Jo:  You might have healed faster if you had let me put the medicine in your eye.  My arm is also healed, where you scratched me while I was trying to get you into the PTU.  I do wish you would stop running away from the camera.
 Tabitha:  You didn't post a picture of me last time.

Karen Jo:  You wouldn't hold still.  Here you are this time.

Tabitha:  I sometimes eat a little of the premium food, but mostly I like Fancy Feast.

Karen Jo:  I'm glad to see that.  It's good for you.
Chevelle:  I'm just hanging around in the computer room.  Mom really needs to clean up the house.

Karen Jo:  Yes, I do.

Rocio, Gandalf and Clancy:  What about us?

Karen Jo: Rocio, you were under the couch or the bed with Julius.  Gandalf and Clancy, neither of you would hold still long enough for me to snap a picture.


da tabbies o trout towne said...

cricket; we iz buzzed happee for ewe yur eye iz all most 1000000
purrcent better ~~~ YAY !! ♥♥☺☺

Summer at said...

Medicine or no, I'm glad your eye is nearly healed!

Katie Isabella said...

Cricket, thank goodness your eye is better; and the rest of don't fuss if you don't always cooperate with pictures...right?


Hello everyone. WE are all glad you are healing up nicely.

pilch92 said...

Glad everyone is healing.

meowmeowmans said...

Cricket, we sure are happy your eye's doing so much better!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad your eye is healing, Cricket.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You guys need to pay more attention to The Mom. She wants what is best fer you...