Monday, August 31, 2015

Introducing Joni

Joni: Hi I'm the newest addition to the cat family.  I'm feral and 10 years old.  For the last several years a very nice old man was taking care of me and my buddy.  He fed and watered us and let us in the house in bad weather.  We had a cat door to come and go as we pleased, but we mostly stayed outdoors.  One day there was no food or water and the cat door was locked.  We were very sad.

Karen Jo: The nice old man went to Heaven.

Joni:  The next day or so we found food in cages.  We were so hungry that we went in and were caught.  My buddy tested negative, but I tested positive, so we were separated.  I was due to be packed off the the Rainbow Bridge because of my age and distrust of people, but Felines & Friends rescued me.  There is a place in Utah for cats like me.  A refuge for feral FeLV+ cats where we can run around outside all we want and F&F wants to send me there.  The problem is that they are at capacity now and I have to wait.  The only place F&F had for me was a cage, so Karen Jo got called in to help.

Now I have my very own room and lots of food and water and toys and a window to look out of.  Karen Jo leaves me alone and doesn't come looking for me.  She just comes in and leaves the food and water and goes away, closing the door behind her.  I like it here in this room and have no desire to ever leave it.  I miss my buddy, but Bambino and sometimes other cats come in to visit.  Sometimes Bambino even spends the night with me.  It's too scary outside my room.  Do  you know what's out there?  I'll show you:
 Spyro:  Come on out.  I love other kitties.  I have come in to see you and I like you.
 Oja:  You can come out if you want.  Just remember that I am the boss around here.
 Rocio:  Stay in your room.  If you come out I will hiss at you.

Karen Jo:  Rocio, you have been in to visit Joni and you didn't hiss at her then.

Rocio:  That was in her room, her territory.  If she comes out here, I will hiss at her.
 Bambino:  Please come out.  I want to play with you so much.
 Horus:  Stay in your room.  I don't like new kitties and I will hiss at you.
 Julius:  Please come out.  I love new kitties and I want to play with you.  I would come visit, but I'm too scared of the Mom to go in when she opens the door.
 Tabitha: Come on out.  I like all kitties and want to make friends.
Bentley:  Come out.  That room belongs to me and the Mom had no right to give it to you.  I want it back.

Karen Jo:  Bentley, that's not nice.  Each kitty in turn has had that room to themselves for a while.  It's Joni's turn.

Karen Jo:  I haven't found my camera yet.  If I don't find it soon, I guess I'll use my phone.  I forgot to say yesterday that one reason Bentley was so grumpy when he arrived was that he had four rotten teeth and was in pain.  Once we got him all fixed up, he mellowed tremendously.


Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Joni, nice to meet you.
Tou are very pretty.
WE are sorry about your purrson going to the Bridge,
and being separated from your friend.
We are quite sure you will enjoy living with KarenJo.
You might even get used to the other kitties :)
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Angel Simba said...

Hi to both Bentley and Joni. You have had a rough road before. Karen Jo is a really good person. You will be well cared for with her.

The Island Cats said...

Hi ya, Joni! Nice to meet you. It looks like you have a pretty good place to live now. :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad you found Karen Jo and the other kitties.

Summer at said...

It sounds like you would have more friends than foes if you came out, Joni! I'm just glad you have somewhere to be right now instead of a cage!

The Cat Guy said...

Hi! So nice you got your own room! Sad you were separated from your friend, that makes me very sads, but it looks like you got lots of new potential friends as you wait for your new home. Welcome!

Cats Herd You said...

Joni, it must be frightening to be in a new place, but it's so much better than a cage, isn't it?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Joni, I think sooner or later you'll know that you got very, very lucky!

Ingrid said...

Long time I haven't been here ! How lucky Joni that you found him and saved him ! It will take some time until he will get used and leave his room !


Hi Joni
it is very nice to meet you.
YOu have lots of friends who want to meet you.
You should come out and find your new friends.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hi Joni, nice to meet you. You are lucky you have Karen Jo to look after you. She will take great care of you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You will be in good paws now Miss Joni, Karen Jo will love you are get you whatever you need.

pilch92 said...

Poor Joni, I feel bad that her friend is not with her, but I am glad she is safe with you.

meowmeowmans said...

Hello, Joni. It is very nice to meet you. We are glad you are with Karen Jo now; she is a most wonderful human, and she will love you and take good care of you. As for the other kitties, we bet you'll all figure stuff out soon. Hugs!

Unknown said...

Nice photos. Hope you will be happy and have more friends. Everything will be fine since you're not alone.
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Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

Hey Karen Jo. Miss you and the kitties. Are you all ok?