Saturday, August 29, 2015

Meet Bentley

Hi, it's been so long since I've blogged that you've all probably forgotten about me.  Losing Brody and Cissy really knocked the stuffing out of me.  I had faithfully promised the vet lady who had found them and hand-raised them (they were abandoned by their mother at birth) that I would take good care of them for the rest of their lives.  When that turned out to be only a matter of months I felt awful and guilty, though there was nothing more I could have done.  I lost my heart for blogging and went back to playing games and one thing followed another and I just didn't blog.  I feel better about the whole thing now and will try to blog fairly regularly, though my life is rather hectic right now and I don't know how often I will do it.  It's been so long that I can't find my camera.  I had my bedroom windows replaced with more efficient ones and everything got packed up.  I will make a concerted effort to find it.  There have been two more additions to my cat family and I'm going to start with Bentley.

Bentley: Hi, I came to live here several months ago.  I had a pretty good life for most of my life, despite being front declawed.  I'm 13 years old and shortly before I came here some mean people got hold of me and turned me into an outside cat.  That's how I got FeLV.  I lost all trust in people and started to dislike everyone and everything.  Some other people came and put me in a cage and took me to the vet, which I hated.  I hissed and snarled at them all.  I was diagnosed and it was suggested that because of my age and my nasty disposition that I be packed off to the Rainbow Bridge.  Luckily for me the Humane Society stepped in and they rescued me.  They contacted Felines & Friends of Santa Fe and they contacted Karen Jo.  She took me in, but I didn't like her either.

Timed passed and Karen Jo kept petting me through the hisses and snarls and I finally decided that not only was she ok, she was great.  I call her Mom now.  At first I stayed in my room, but that got boring after a couple of days, so I came out and started hissing and snarling at all the other kitties who live here.  Eventually I settled down and stopped hissing and growling at the other kitties, except Oja.  I don't like her at all.

Oja: That's because I let you know right away who's the boss around here.

Bentley: Oh, go ahead.  Rub it in.  I'm the oldest, so I should be boss.

Oja:  I was boss before you came and I am going to stay the boss.  Just get used to it.

Bentley:  Anyway, things were going great until Mom got mean and gave my room to another cat.  I stayed mad about that for a couple of weeks.  I got used to it, though, and things are back to normal.  I spend most of my time just lying around, but I do love to get attention from Mom.  I also love large catnip toys.  I rub my face all over them and drool on them.

Spyro:  Much to the disgust of us other catnip toy lovers.  Bentley drool is a bit off-putting when I want to rub my face all over a catnip toy.

Bentley:  Big deal.  It dries in just a little while and there are plenty of toys to go around.  I don't indulge in kitty wrestling, which is a big sport around here.  I snarl at any kitty who tries it with me.

Bambino:  I'm the only one who tried it and you smacked me in the head.  I won't try it again, I promise.

Tabitha: Bentley smacked me in the head, too, and I was only trying to be friendly.  I rubbed up against him and he hit me.

Bentley: I am sorry about that one. I wasn't used to you yet.  I won't smack you again unless you pounce me like Bambino did.  I still miss my room and go in sometimes when the door is open, which isn't often.  There's a weird kitty in there who hides all the time.

Karen Jo: That's Joni.  We'll talk about her next time.


Summer at said...

Nice to meet you, Bentley! I'm glad your human is back at the blog again because I'd only started getting to know all the kitties when she stopped. I'm sorry you were treated so meanly - I don't blame you for being kind of grouchy and angry. It sounds like you are lots better now with almost everyone, though!

wildcatwoods said...

We have missed you and thought of you often. So glad you are back and have added new kitties to your home. Hugs to Bentley!

Cats of wildcat woods

Random Felines said...

Welcome back!! Glad to meet you Bentley

Motor Home Cats said...

Welcome back everyone - and hello to Bentley and Joni.

Cody and Gracie


Glad to see you Karen Jo.
Hello Bentley it is nice to meet you.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Nice to meet you, Bentley. Very happy you are settling in. You'll like it there.

Glad you are doing better, Karen Jo. It isn't easy to lose one and you evidently lost 2 close together. :(

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are thrilled to see you back and we sure have missed you. We have thought of you lots too but we knew how tough it was . it is very nice to meet Bentley and we are sure happy you've settled in nicely.

The Florida Furkids said...

We are SOOOO happy to see you blogging again!! We loved meeting Bentley and look foward to meeting the other kitty!

The Florida Furkids

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We're so happy to see you back!! And what a handsome fella Bentley is, I know that he's probably very grateful to have you come into his life.

I am so sorry for your losses. I know how hard it is, and I can relate to the blog-pause. We really are happy to see you back and blogging again, you've always been one of our favourite blogs.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We missed you too! We're glad Bentley has such a wonderful forever home! Thank you for taking in these very special kitties and giving them the loving forever home they deserve.

Forty Paws said...

We missed you! Glad to meet Bentley. It is hard to find oneself in so many different lives as Bentley has. We are glad that he now his forever home with you Karen Jo.

Hugs to all of you,
All of us at Forty Paws and Maw

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi Bentley, and hi Karen Jo. Thank you for doing what you do. <3

Robert McCreary said...

I am so glad that you are back! I missed reading your blog. I have thought about you and wondered how you are doing.

The Devil Dog said...

Welcome back. We are glad to hear from you again and sorry you were feeling so down. If you need, Lucky can come for a visit and give you some pug loving. (You can keep her as long as you want, lol) But seriously, nice to see you are sharing the love and glad Bentley has a wonderful forever home.


The Island Cats said...

We're glad you're back to blogging, Miss Karen Jo! Bentley looks like a nice guy. It's nice to meet him.

meowmeowmans said...

HI Karen Jo! We've missed you lots, and are so glad to see a post from you! :)

It's really nice to meet you, Bentley.


Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Karen Jo! We are so glad to see you again! We are very happy for Bentley.
Hugs to you all,
Samantha & Mom

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Welcome back! It is great to see you again. Welcome to you also Bentley. It sounds like you went through a rough time but you are in a good and loving home now.

pilch92 said...

I am happy to see you blogging again, but I can see why you needed a break emotionally. Bentley is adorable and I am glad he has a loving home now.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Bentley, you have come to the best home ever! Karen Jo will love you forever!

Mickey's Musings said...

Nice to meet you Bently. We know you will love your new home.
KarenJo is pawsome :)
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
PeeEss: KarenJo, we are sorry that you had to deal with the loss of two kitties so close together.Remember that they were sick. Instead of being abandoned, they had a loving home with you and were cared for until they passed.That is the kindest thing a human can do.
Hugs, mom Nancy

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Nice to meet you Bentley, we are sorry you were declawed and put outside. We can't imagine going outside without claws.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Bently!!! it's nice to meet you - you have the bestest mom in the whole werld (well, aside from ours) and you have the bestest home too!!! we is glad you gotted gotcha'd!

Fozziemum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

Humans can be cruel....and yet there are humans like your Mom, Miss Karen Jo who make the difference. Happy Miss Karen is back, missed you and pleased to know you Bentley

SuziQCat said...

Glad to see you blogging again. Nice to meet Bentley and can't wait to see the other addition! Love that you continue to take in the "positive" cats and give them love!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We kept you on our list...

Welcome back.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Bentley, some people are just mean, and I hope they meet justice face to face one day. I sometimes think that justice for animals will come when they see their tormentors facing justice.

I never knew your family before but people seem happy to see you - you have been missed then :-)

Harvey, Miranda and Silver