Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

 More 'tocks shots.  Mom put some new catnip on our scratchers and I am checking it out.  I turned around just as Mom took the picture, which is why I am blurry.
Emma:  Mom actually thought I was going use the Alpine Scratcher and wanted a picture of it, but I was only trying to decide on whether or not I wanted one of the toys in the toy buckets.

Karen Jo:  Emma is feeling much better.  She is no longer spending time in her hidey-holes and is coming into the living room again.  Her eating and drinking and litter boxing have stayed normal the whole time, so I don't know what it was, but it is possible that she had a tiny flare up of her feline leukemia.  One of the most prominent symptoms is lethargy.

Emma:  I feel pretty normal now.  I am not yet ready for much play time, but I am taking much more interest in looking out of the windows again and not sleeping all day long.  I must say that Herman has been very kind to me.  He hasn't chased me once while I was feeling bad.

I have been looking out for her.  I sleep near, but not too near, her.  Just now she is sleeping up on the big pillow on the table in the living room and I am in my bed, right next to the table.

Karen Jo:  Herman has been the playful one lately.  We have played soccer and Da Bird and toss the mousie in the last few days.  Herman sleeps with me at night, unless the coughing spells get too loud; then he deserts me.

It's hard to sleep with all that going on.  You shake the whole bed when it gets bad.

Karen Jo:  Hopefully it will get better soon.  We are due for some cold weather starting today and I have an appointment with an allergist next month.  I put off getting that appointment way too long.  I should have done it last spring.

At least you still cook interesting things.  I keep asking for tastes, but you are stingy.

Karen Jo:  I am not stingy.  You don't follow me to my bedroom where I eat supper any more, so you don't get any more bites after I leave the kitchen.  You didn't even notice that I had shrimp for lunch.

It was cold, so I guess I didn't smell it very well. Maybe tomorrow.  I did enjoy the bites of steak and sour cream and chicken and roast beef I have been getting.

Emma:  I don't see how you can eat that stuff.  I sniff it and it doesn't smell like food to me at all.

You are just silly.  It is all delicious.  I want to go outside something terrible.

Karen Jo:  I have noticed.  I have to push your head back in the house every time I open the door.  I can take you for a ride in your stroller.

I don't want a ride in my stroller.  I just want to go outside on my own.

Karen Jo:  I am sorry, but that is impossible.  It's dangerous out there.



dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You listen to your mummy Herman. It is so very dangerous out there, and we'd hate to have anything happen to you (as would your mummy)

We're both purring for your poor mummy to feel better. No fun being sick.

Summer at said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better, Emma! And Herman, I think you are crazy for wanting to go outside - that's where the vet lives, you know!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Emma, we're glad you're better!

Herman, listen to your human. Going outside safely is one thing (harness, enclosed catio or your stroller) but roaming free is entirely another and most definitely not safe.

That said, Nicki would be gone in a heartbeat if the mom let him, in spite of our enclosed back space.

wildcatwoods said...

Herman, you have a nice cozy home with a mom who loves you - you don't need to go outside! We hope Emma feels all better real soon. No more hidy places Emma.

Cats of wildcat woods

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Cute tocks for sure!!!!!!!!!!

Shelly says you don't wanna go outdoors.....she lived out there for over a year and is now so happy to be an indoor only kitty........there's too many scary things out there for kitties.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yep dangerous out there--but that doesn't mean you shouldn't show her your back of disrespect--especially in Tock-Tober.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Emma, we are glad you are feeling better! Herman, you just think you want to go out. Stay in and be with Mom. Kirby has slipped out twice this week and scared Mom!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Never mind the camera we love to always see cute tocks!

meowmeowmans said...

We're glad Emma is feeling better, and hope that Karen Jo is soon, too!

Herman, listen to your mom, okay? Outside without a harness is SKERRY!

Motor Home Cats said...

Yep, we agree with everyone else. You need to stay inside where it's safe. You have lots of scary things outside where you live. We are glad to hear that Emma is feeling better, and is getting over whatever she had.

Cody and Gracie

Marilia said...

Great news about you, Emma!!!


We are so glad you are feeling better and hope KJ will do so soon after that visit to her Doctor. Herman you are looking mighty fine!

The Island Cats said...

We're glad to hear Emma is feeling better now.

Pip said...

Your mom is very right to keep you in the house Herman! She loves you.
Herman could you please gives your mom some purrs from us?
Take care of yourself Karen Jo!

Ellen Whyte said...

Time to move house, Herman! MOL, just what your mummy needs, we're sure. maybe you have a nice roof to play on?

We hope the allergies get better and that Emma is back on track again.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and yes, it is dangerous outside so the stroller is very wise!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Emma, I am very glad you are feeling better. I'm with your mommy, I've been an outdoor cat and an indoor cat and indoor is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better and safer. There are no sofas outside, no warm afghans, no steak...

Herman, I'm glad you're playing more! Sorry your mommy is keeping you up at night. Mine does that this time of year too. I hope she feels better soon. purrrrrrrrrrs

PS, great 'tocks shots!

Jacqueline said...

We love our stroller=it's so fun to ride around and get all those weird whiffs :)...Have a fun Halloween weekend, lovely friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Emma, you should try all kinds of foods when you are young. Especially Bein foods (for seem reason, they usally taste better than canned stuff).

Herman, please dont go outside loose. There are THINGS out there that are NOT NICE to kitties! We dont go out annymore ourselfs...

caspersmom said...

Oh Herman, I am with you. I want to go outside so much also and my Mom says the same thing as yours does. I am glad you are feeling better Emma. We are going to purr and pray that your Mom's cough will go away. So glad she decided to go to the doctor. My Mom has had an allergist since 1972. The grasses and weeds are in their prime at this time of year. You all take care O.K. Happy Halloween!
