Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuxie Tuesday

Mom finally remembered to get the camera out just before she went to work.  Here is where I love to spend the early afternoon.  Mom is weird.  She goes to work at 2:00 pm.

Karen Jo:  A grocery store has shift work.  I volunteered to work afternoons and nights for lots of reasons, but mostly because I am NOT a morning person.

My ham-mick is the very best place to nap in a sun puddle.  I am so glad that Mom was smart enough to set it up here.  If you don't have one of these, you really should get one from Forty Paws.  They are the best cat beds ever!  I don't even care that it is pink.

Karen Jo:  It is pink because I was expecting to get a girl kitten when I bid for it in the auction.  It was supposed to be her bed.

Man, am I glad that the little girl kitten never showed up.

Karen Jo:  You should be glad that she got her very own forever home where she is the only cat, just like you are.

Yeah, I am glad for that, too, but mostly that I am glad that I got her bed.  I finally started playing with Mom again.  She rolled my nip ball to me three times and I batted it back two times.  If it weren't so cold, Mom might be worried that I don't want to play much, but she has read so many blogs where the cats just like to nap through the winter that it seems more normal to her.  See, the one of the signs that Mom had that I was really sick last Spring was that I wouldn't play any more.  Now that she knows me better and knows more about cats in general, she knows that there are several signs that cats aren't feeling good and she watches out for all of them, but doesn't freak out about one, especially when she sees that it seems normal for other cats.

Man, am I getting the medicine. It just all came together.  I always get my Centrine, two half pills per day to keep my poop firm.  Once a month a get a week of Metronidazole to beef up my immune system against things like upper respiratory infections (which could set off an attack from my Feline Leukemia and send me to the Rainbow Bridge).  This is also the week for my Interferon (which helps keep the Feline Leukemia in remission) and I always get a daily dose of Prednisol in my ear to keep my digestive system in order.  It seems like every time my Mom sees me, she is giving me something.  I am not really complaining.  All of this is keeping me a happy, healthy boy and I love that part of it.  Mostly I just wish that the Metronidazole didn't taste so bad.

Karen Jo:  I apologize for the lecture on Herman's health, but reading about Admiral Hestrob just brought it all to the fore and I felt that I should write about it.  Please remember that Herman is mostly a perfectly happy, healthy and very loving cat and no one should shy away from adopting a cat with health problems for fear that the cat won't be like other cats.  Herman acts just like any other cat, apart from his personal eccentricities, which you will find in any cat.  I can hardly believe it.  Herman just reminded me that it was time for his Centrine by going to the little PTU where I give him his treats for taking his pills and looking inside, then looking at me, as if to say, isn't it time we did this?  He took his Centrine very easily and ate up his treats.

To change the subject, Mom brought home a giant piece of meat.  I can hardly wait until she cooks it.

Karen Jo:  I found a whole leg of lamb for $4.99/lb, all natural.  I love lamb, especially the leg.  I can hardly wait, too.  We are going to feast tomorrow night, Herman and I.


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

It takes a lot of medication to keep you healthy and happy, Herman! But your human is right, other than the meds, you totally sound like every other kitty I know!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

yum!!!! We LOVE lamb too! My Mom bought a lamb shoulder last week...we were all lambed out for the week! lol

You are so good Herman to remind your Mom about your meds...so happy you are doing so well!

My Cody also has been sleeping more due to the cold temps...
Another sign of illness in cats is hiding more often than normal and hiding in places that they usually don't hide in.

Enjoy your lamb!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We've never eaten lamb that mum has cooked - does it taste nice?

Kea said...

We're thrilled you're doing well, Herman. You have a terrific mom!

Enjoy that lamb!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are glad that you and your Mom educate people on special needs kitties. we hope it helps others adopt them!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Herman--you get lamb?! How lucky you are. Enjoy your bed. Ichiro's stuff is pink too-because like Skeezix, he knows that real mancats use pink liberally...

Katnip Lounge said...

Herman, Mommy has had kitties that needed a little extra in the health department, and they were and are GREAT Cats! A couple of pills a day for a wonderful companion like you? Sign us up!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khytty AND lamb?

I'm SO there!


OKcats said...

I'm glad Herman takes his medicines (mostly) like a good boy. I dread giving meds to any of my cats - I can't imagine doing it so frequently. But it sounds like you've found a way to make it good for him! My cats are crazy with the playing - there is no apparently rhyme or reason to when they play the most. It just seems like the mood strikes them randomly. They're way more lethargic in the hot days, but even then they can get the crazies. They just keep me guessing!


Awww {Herman}
YOU are such a special boy.
We did not realize your Mom worked at a supermarket...our Dad did too for nearly 40 years.(He retired this past June)We are so glad you are still doing so well.


The Island Cats said...

Herman, you sure are one lucky cat!! You got a mom who loves you and takes good care of you and you got a cool hammick that is right in the sun puddle and you are gonna get lamb!! Yummo!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Herman, it is OK that your hammick is pink. We girls here love bloo! It doesn't matter with kitties...

Team Tabby said...

Herman, how was da lamb? We're a little jealous, we jus get the usual,which is good,but we jus don't get enough!

Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

caspersmom said...

Hey Herman, that's great you letting your Mom know it's time for your meds. Me, I'd probably run away from them. Patches is really good when Mom puts her medicine in her ear for her thyroid. Really wish we had more sun puddles around here. We're doing good getting a little in the morning.


meowmeowmans said...

Herman, you sure have a great Mom! And Karen Jo, we think you are awesome. Thank you for giving Herman such a wonderful home, and for your message about adopting animals with health problems. :)

Enjoy that lamb, you two. Nommy!