Saturday, October 23, 2010

Last Mom Day

Another older photo.  Mom finally caught me sleeping.  The sun was so warm and I felt so good that I didn't wake up like I usually do when Mom tries to sneak up on me during my afternoon nap.  Mean Mom deserted me off and on for most of the day today.

Karen Jo:  I had to go get your Interferon and do the grocery shopping this morning.  It looked like it was going to rain down buckets, so I wanted to get it done early.  I got home, gave you your Interferon and cheese, ate my own lunch and decided to go out again to do some more stuff before the rain came down.  While I was in the grocery store, getting the stuff I forgot this morning, I met my best human friend and we got to talking, then she invited me to a very early supper, so I went.  We talked and ate and talked some more and by the time I got home again, there wasn't enough light to take a picture of you.

I like the new treats you got me.

Karen Jo:  I like you to have a variety.  I found some Feline Greenies and brought them home.  I also found some very healthy treats, but I remember the last time I got you very healthy treats.

I remember, too.  Instead of eating them, I would stash them around the house.

Karen Jo:  I have some good news for you.  You are doing so well that your vet has decreased your dosage of Interferon.  Now you have it every day for a week, then get a week off.  Do you know what that means?

I don't get my shredded cheese for a week?

Karen Jo:  No, I won't deprive you of your cheese.  It means that if you keep on having good poop, you won't have to take any medicine at all every other week.

Yay!  That sounds great to me.  You had that catalog with the kitty on the front out again.

Karen Jo:  Yes, I got a new issue.  Your Gotcha Day is coming up.  I need to find something good for your present.

That sounds great to me.  Everything is going so great, there must be some bad news coming.

Karen Jo:  There is.  I go back to work tomorrow.

Oh, no!  I like having you home every day.

Karen Jo:  Don't worry.  I will be having my days off soon.


Angel Simba said...

That is great news about your medicines, Herman. Mom and I are so glad you are doing well.

Katnip Lounge said...

Herman, it's great that you are getting so healthy! 13 tails up from us.
Hmmm, we wonder what you'll get for your it'll be fun!
We miss our Mommy when she goes to work. Daddy says we sleep all day, but we think he's fibbing.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad that ya can have less medicin now, Herman! AND still get yer cheese... Hope the prezzie is a good one!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Way to go Herman, that is good you still get the cheese!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Good news is what we like to hear Herman - we are so pleased for you and your mom who looks after you so well.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
ps we love cheese too and ham!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Wonderful news about your Interferon, Herman!!!!!!!!!

Wow, has it been almost a year???? We remember when your mama gotcha!!!!!!

Happy Sunday.....xxxxxx

Summer at said...

Yay Herman! I'm so happy to hear that you're doing so much better! Paws up on the decreased interferon dosage.

P.S. My favorite cheese is parmesan. I get little slivers sometimes.

Jacqueline said...

Such great news you are doing so well, handsome Herman...Thanks so much for coming to our party twice, we had a fun time with you there, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Everycat said...

Herman, that is a lovely picture of you. That's wonderful news about the inteferon. You are doing so well now, it makes us very happy!

Whicky Wuudler

caspersmom said...

My goodness it almost your gotcha day already. Mom always says time waits for no one, just keeps on flying by. So glad you are doing so well Herman. Hope someday you won't have to take any meds. Sounds like your Mom had a real nice day having dinner with a friend. She deserves it Herman. Did you get your rain?? We sure did, rained all day yesterday and last night. The wind was terrible last night too. Take care.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo sure haf yoor mom trained good Herman. Ours is getting outta line, she won't give us yummy cheese any more acuz it gives somecats da skwirts. Hmf, what difrince does it make how it comes out as long as it tastes good going in! Is yoo gonna haf a party fur yoor gotcha day?