Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm Back!

Mom got home after dark on Tuesday and brought me some new toys:  two small squeaky mousies, one with a fever-butt, and a furry ferret.  I played with all of them a little bit, but mostly I just wanted Mom to pay attention to me.
Here I am today, ignoring my new toys, as usual.  I was really glad to see Mom home again, especially as I had eaten up all my Stinky Goodness.  She brought a strange man in with her who wanted to pet me.  I went over to him and let him pet me just a little.

Karen Jo:  That was my nephew.  He drove me home from the airport.

Then Mom fed me and petted me and played with me for a while.  Then she decided to go to her room and turned out the lights and left me all alone in the dark again.  I cried and cried until she came back and turned on the lights once more. She petted me and asked what was wrong.  Then she said the magic word "bed" and I followed her back to her room and curled up on the bed with her and we watched TV together and I got petted and petted and petted.  It was wonderful.  She only got up to get into her PJs and into the bed and then I got petted some more.

I missed Mom a lot, but I didn't mope or stop eating or anything like that.  I met the cat sitter at the door whenever she came over and let her give me my Interferon with no fuss at all.  I didn't get my poop medicine while Mom was gone, because Mom said that was a bit too complicated for this cat sitter, but I am pooping just fine.  No trace of pudding poop, so Mom says I don't have to take my poop medicine any more, unless the pudding poop comes back again.  Yay!  I played with the cat sitter a little tiny bit, but I wouldn't play with the other lady who came by a couple of times.  I did let her pet me some.

We didn't blog before now because Mom has been a bit tired or something.

Karen Jo:  I was two time zones away and on a different schedule.  I am almost back to normal now.  I had a nice visit, but didn't do much.  I did get lots of rest and I feel great.

Thanks to every cat and dog who came to my house trashing party.  I got almost everything back to normal before Mom showed up, so she didn't suspect anything.  All she found was a bit of unrolled TP.


Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad to hear that your Mom is back where she belongs Herman...with you! I'm very proud of you for doing so good with the sitter!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad that your mom is back. I think you are right to not pay to much attention to those toys. She needs to know she cannot just go off and leave you like that!

Guinevere said...

Aw, I hate leaving my kitties! Glad you're back home!

Max said...

Unrolled TP = Interior design. She'll never know... ;)

The Island Cats said...

YAY! We're glad your mom is home now, Herman!! Make sure she continues to give you lots of attention!!!

Summer at said...

It sounds like you were a VERY good kitty while your human was away, Herman. She should be very proud of you!

(Oh yeah... and the house trashing was great fun!)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Herman, we are glad ta hear ya may not need the poop medicines again.

An it is only right that Mom wakes up ta get ya into the bed for cuddlin an scritchies!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are so glad your Mom is home. WE know you enjoyed all teh attention she gave you!

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Mommy has abandoned us too, Herman, and we are doing our best to trash the house by ourselves. She will be home on Saturday and mommy's sister is coming in to feed us and play with us but it's not the same. But...mommy's sister does give good skritches!
So, snuggles and happy purrs that your mommy is home.
Taz, Runt, Charles in Illinois

Kea said...

It's nice to see you both back! We're glad your mom had a good visit, though of course it would be tiring.

And we think you did very well with the cat sitter, Herman; we're impressed. Nothing beats moms or dads, though! :-)

Anonymous said...

So glad your mom is home and all went well with the pet sitter!

meowmeowmans said...

We are glad to hear your mom is back home. Great job with the pet sitter, Herman!

SuziQCat said...

Glad to hear everyone is home safe and sound, and that the house was cleaned up before she arrived. We don't want to get into trouble for partying! Those toys look like lots of fun Herman, especially the mouse with the fevver butt!

Dma said...

glad you survived your mom's absence and even more glad that things are back to normal now...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad your mum is back with you all safe and sound Herman. That is good news that you are doing proper poops now.

Katnip Lounge said...

Hurrah for Herman! Your Mom is home, and you are on a "regular" schedule.
heh heh.