Thursday, May 20, 2010

Weird Mom

This is how our soccer games usually end. Mom hits the ball back to me and I keep it. I think I might have been getting a bit drowsy. Mom has been acting really weird lately. She just stays home and lies around the house most of the day. She's not forgetful though. She feeds me and gives me my treats and my medicine. I don't know what's going on, but I like having her around all the time.

Karen Jo: I am on staycation. I have been so tired that I have just been resting up instead of doing all the work that I had planned to do. At least today the weather finally warmed up nicely and it really felt like Spring for the first time. That seemed to energize me a bit and I got a bit of work done.

We got open windows for most of the day. Yay! I complained when Mom shut the window I was lying in front of when it got dark.

Karen Jo: The temperature was dropping and it was getting cold, for me, anyway. You seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit.

I have a nice thick fur coat. It felt great to me. I hope we get lots more open windows. I really like the fresh air and I can hear the birdies better.

Karen Jo: It's supposed to stay nice for the next few days at least.

Great. I am doing very well. My poop is staying thick, but not getting any more toward normal, so I keep getting my medicine. I have stopped fighting it so much, as it isn't as nasty as the antibiotic. Mom thinks I am gaining weight. I am eating up most of my Medley and some of my Stinky Goodness and nibbling on my crunchies. I have decided that the green pea and duck stuff is pretty good. I feel like playing more and more. I knocked my squeaky mouse around today. Mom brought me home a scratching post with a furry thing on a spring on top. I like attacking it. I got so energetic that I nearly knocked the whole thing over. I like sleeping on the base of it, too.

Karen Jo: I think you have started smacking the furry thing on a string attached to the kitchen door, too. I keep finding it flung up over the doorknob and I don't really think it is the breeze doing that. I tried weighing you again today, but you got so squirmy in my arms that it was really hard to read the dial on the scale. It does look like you have gained back two pounds, though. That would put you back to where you were when I adopted you. I know that I can't feel your bones so easily through your fur now. Your shoulders still feel a bit bony, but your breast bone isn't sticking out any more and I can't feel your spine when I pet you. I am tempted to call the vet and see if I can just take you down and weigh you. We could try out your new PTU.

I don't want to go to the vet, even just to get weighed. I've seen that new PTU and I don't want to try it out.

Karen Jo: If the weather's nice, I could walk you down to the vet. You could sniff lots of fresh air and see the sights from inside your PTU. That wouldn't be so bad, would it? I really would like to know how much you weigh now.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, a walk in da nice weather would be furry good, don't yoo think Herman? We went out in our pop-up doggie kennel today and it was fabulus! So glad yoor feeling better. Dat Duck and Pea stuff is what we eat here, dad calls it duck pee...heehee

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

I's glad to hear you haf perked up a bit, Herman.
You gotted a neat new toy yesterday, didn't you?
I don't blame you, not wanting to go out in tha PTU. They want to take me and get mine nails trimmed, but I scream and holler so much, they don't like to do it. Hee hee. Mine sekrit weapon.
Love & Purrs,

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You keep eating my friend!! And cuddle your mummy lots, she deserves it.

Jacqueline said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better every day, Herman...We love it when Mommy opens the windows; it makes Bird TV so much more fun to watch!...We think you should stop squirming and let your Mommy weigh you at home instead of the vet!...Good luck with that sweetie; have a fun Friday handsome boy...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Everycat said...

Y'know Herman, a visit to the v-e t just to get weighed wouldn't be so bad, no needles, no prodding or poking. Think of the lovely fresh air on the walk too!

It's lovely to see you doing well again, keep up with that pea & duck, it's very good stuff and will give you lotsa energy for whapping and attacking your toys.

Karen Jo, I hope you get lots of rest on your staycation and re-energise! Maybe you need some duck & pea fuuds? tee hee!

Whicky Wuudler

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Sounds like things are getting a little bit better there Herman. We are so glad ta hear that...

Getting walked ta the V-E-T in yer carrier? that actually sounds rather interesstin.You should agree ta give that a try. Iffen it isnt TOO far, of course.

Summer at said...

It sounds like you are doing much better, Herman! I agree, going to the vet to get weighed is not my idea of a fun time (I have had to do this too). Maybe your human will find a time when you are not squirmy so she can weigh you at home.

Winston said...

Oh Herman it sounds like you are feeling a bit better. It must be good to have your mama at home with you, it's nice to have company when you feel poorly. We are still purring for you x

Anonymous said...

Oh Herman! We are SOOOOOOOOO happy to hear you are doing so much better!!! And, that walk sounds PAWESOME!~ Even if it IS to the V~E~T. Think of ALL the fresh air, smells, you will have along the way. Maybe just give your mom one quick sec, just to weigh you, then it'll be done and over with!

Marg said...

Herman, we sure are glad you are feeling so much better and liking your food better. That is very exciting. And it is great fun to have the windows open. Ours are open right now too. Good to have that fresh air smell.
Have a really nice day.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey Herman, you're really doing good so getting weighed is something to be proud of my friend...even if the Vet Human is involved. We're always purring for you my sweet friend.

Daisy said...

We have a baby scale (it looks just like the one our vet uses) that our mom uses to weigh us about once a month to make sure we aren't losing or gaining weight, since that's an early indicator of a problem. We just sit in it and our mom presses a button to weigh us!

Parker said...

Oh Herman, I am so happy that you are feeling good!

Lisa Kolosey said...

Sweet Herman! We're glad you are having nice warm days to enjoy and your Mom around a lot more, too!
~Lisa Co9T

The Monkeys said...

We're glad the weather is getting better, and a walk in the sunshine sounds great! Keep up the good work, Herman!

The Island Cats said...

Herman, we're glad you're continuing to do better! Enjoy your time with your's fun when moms are home, even when they just lay around!

Pip said...

Oh Herman we are so very very glad to hear that you are doing better and better. And that KarenJo gets a well deserved break from her works.
It is obvious that you two enjoy each other's company so much. Take care big guy.


Hi Herman and Karen Jo

We were thinking of you yesterday and beginning to get worried since you hadn't posted in a few days...we are glad to hear that it was just cuz your Mom was busy with her staycation! Herman it sounds like you are doing so much better and feeling better and better. All of those purrs are working. Just continue enjoying the whiffs of spring.


SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Herman, we are so happy to hear that you continue to be doing better......we love you and continue to send healing purrs your way. xxxxxxxxxxxx

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so glad you are doing better, Herman! You should let Karen Jo walk you to the vet. The fresh air would do both of you good!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are pleased to hear you have had a better week this week and you have played with your new things. We think you must have enjoyed having your Mom home with you.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I bet if you were good you could even wrangle a stroller out of that Herman! I am glad you are feeling better. I bet that as you feel better your person will feel more energized--stress is very tiring.

Katnip Lounge said...

How nice that Your Mom is staying home, Herman! You can have your every whim met all the time!
Keep up the good eating. Felix got really thin after his knee surgery and Mommy worried...she hated to feel his bony little hips under his fur suit. So our Mommy is glad you've put some meat back on your bones.
Your new scratchy toys sounds FINE! We think we have something similiar and we beat the snot outta it. Every day!

Anonymous said...

Hey Herman, I'm glad you that feel better mate.

Keep it up!
