Here I am chillaxing on the floor because it is too hot to do anything else. See that big ball behind my head? I knocked it partway down the hall last night.
Karen Jo: It's not all that hot, Herman. It was 79 F when I took that picture.
Try putting on a double-layered fur coat and get back to me on that one.

Karen Jo: I'm really sorry about that, Herman. It's really all my fault. I have been giving you four or five pieces of Party Mix treats in your PTU after your medicine, but I finished the package and rather than open a new one, I started giving you three or four of your new treats, not even thinking about how much richer they are than the Party Mix. I even noticed that you hadn't been eating all your treats and were building up quite a stash in your PTU. Thursday night, you decided to pig out and it made you sick.
Thursday night is also the night that I decided to finally try out my new litter. My old litter was getting pretty gross, so I figured that I had nothing to lose. Friday morning, Mom took away my old litter, but I am happy with the new litter now. I left Mom a really good present in it Friday afternoon. I MADE A SOLID POOP! Mom didn't give me my medicine all Friday as a reward.
Karen Jo: Alas, I stopped your medicine too soon and you made really thick pudding poop today, so you are getting your medicine again. I am overjoyed to find out that it is possible that your poop will get back to normal again, though. The vet had told me that maybe the feline leukemia had messed up your insides so badly that you might never make solid poop again.
I am so happy that I am running down the hall at full speed again, just for the pure joy of it. I am getting Mom up for breakfast again, too, but not quite as early as I used to. You should see me clean my dish of Medley now. I even came out and met the strangers that invaded my house yesterday.
Karen Jo: My brother, nephew, nephew's girlfriend and my new grandniece came to visit and my brother and I cleared up a lot of the business around my mother's estate yesterday. It was quite a load off my mind. I think a lot of my need for so much rest lately came from unfinished business on my mind (and worry over Herman), but it is almost all done now. I feel much more energy already. I go back to work tomorrow and I feel ready for it.
Mom says I do have to go back to the vet for some spot shaving on Wednesday, but it shouldn't be too bad.
Karen Jo: We have to get those mats off you, Herman. I found another one forming in your armpit. I think they must hurt you a bit, as you get really ticked off with me if I even touch them. I will continue with the daily furminating and try to stop any more from forming, but you seem to be really prone to them.