Karen Jo: I was tired of being without a camera. This is just a stopgap while I do some research and find out what camera is really best for me. At least I can take pictures again.
I think Mom has given up on trying to sneak healthy stuff into my food. I have just been getting my yummy Stinky Goodness and sardines and treats from what she is eating.
Karen Jo: I didn't give up, Herman. I have been sneaking The Missing Link into your Stinky Goodness since Monday night. I think you must like it, because you hardly leave any Stinky Goodness to get dry any more.
I've been getting healthy stuff since Monday? Wow! Who knew that healthy stuff could make Stinky Goodness taste even better? Tonight was steak night and Mom gave me little bites until I didn't want any more.
When Mom was out buying her new camera, she bought me some new toys, too. She found a Cat Dancer and a Pawbreaker. I like both of them. I actually reached up for the Cat Dancer for a while and I chased the Pawbreaker all over the living room. A Pawbreaker is a ball made out of compressed catnip. I can lick it and chew on it, as well as chase it. I have licked it a little, but mostly I like to chase it and smell it.
Karen Jo: I am going to keep an eye on it. If it gets to be small, I will take it away and get you a new one. I don't want any choking problems. I was glad to see you so active with the Cat Dancer. It's a shame it didn't last long. Do you just not have much stamina?
I don't know. I just know that I love to play for a few minutes, then I lose interest.
I have come to love being brushed so much that I roll over on my back and let Mom brush my tummy, even between my back legs. She even gets a couple of strokes in on my butt, but I don't allow more than a couple. I come right up to her whenever she picks up the brush.
Karen Jo: I think that between the brushing and The Missing Link, your fur is beginning to look better. It still sticks out in every direction, but I think I detect just a hint of a shine in your coat. The curly look is going away, too. The fur on your back no longer falls into waves after I brush it. I think you are beginning to get a little bit healthier, Herman.
That's cool. I am all for being healthy, as long as my food tastes really good and doesn't upset my tummy.