Zoolatry made this really nice Christmas picture for me. Isn't it great? I want to wish all my friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate. My Mom is slowly getting better and I hope we can get back to a more normal blogging schedule. She has to watch it, because sitting in the computer chair with her hands on the keyboard for too long gives her an an owie. I still don't get much play time, but today she found a wand toy that I actually like. It has a little mousie on the end. She looked for a new end for Da Bird, but all the store had was feathers, but then she found this one. The wand is shorter, so it doesn't bounce around as much and it isn't scary when it comes back toward me. We played with it for quite a while. She was going to buy me a drinking fountain for Christmas, but the lady in front of her bought the last one. I will get one soon.
Thanks for your suggestions that I play with Mom on the bed, but when I get up on the bed with her, all I want is cuddles. I used to get up on her right side, as that has the most room, but she had to use her owie arm to pet me and I wasn't getting as much petting as I wanted, so I persuaded her to scootch over more toward the middle of the bed, so I can get on her good side and I now get all the petting I want. I just push her hand away with my paws when I have had enough and want to snooze. I found out that I like to cuddle up to her side and rest my head on her arm and have her pet my chest and upper tummy. I didn't used to like having my tummy petted, but I like it now, as long as she doesn't get too close to my back legs. I purr and purr and purr next to her. Arms make very good pillows. I have also found out that I like to be brushed, but Mom has to brush my tummy while I am standing up. I refuse to lie down on my back and let her brush my tummy.
I eat a lot now and have gained some weight. I even have a little bitty furchin. Mom tickles it sometimes, but then I have to put the bitey on her. I never bite hard, so everything is OK. I am learning not to use my claws when I play with her hand.
Today I did something new. There were lots of birdies at the feeder and I lashed my tail and chittered at them a little. Before I have just watched them. Thank goodness Mom is well enough now to go out and fill up the feeder, so I can watch them again.
I hope that all of you get lots of play time, cuddles, petting and family time during the holidays.
Happy HOWLiday to BOTH of WOO!
Isn't a furever home great?
Khyra & Her Mom
Merry Christmas to you and your mom, Herman!
Merry Christmas to you Herman and your Mom! We are glad she is feeling better! We miss her and you! You are coming along very well.
So glad that your mummy is feeling better in time for the holidays, and Herman you're looking SO GOOD!!! We wanna run and pounce with you!!
Merry Christmas Herman and mom! Sounds like yoo are taking good care of mommy now. Purrs are da best healing stuff!
Merry Christmas, Herman and Karen Jo!
Herman, you got the best Christmas present - your new home!
Happy first Christmas, Herman!
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Meowy Chrismouse!
I is Jake!
Merry Christmas, Herman & Karen Jo.
We are so happy that you are getting lots of petting and discovering new things that you like. We are glad your mom is getting better too!
Have a great day!
Roxy, Lucky & Mom
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Doood, I am *really* glad you got your forever home, and you picked a really good person to be your server. Cuddle and purr on her a lot so she gets better quicker and can wait on you hand and foot! ;)
Merry Christmas to both of you.We hope your mum continues to make a good recovery.
It sounds like you have worked out a good system for making sure you get lots of scritches despite your mom's owie. My mom is fascinated when we kitties chitter at the birdies and squirrels. She's very curious about what we're saying to them. We hope you have a very merry Christmas!
That is great that you and Mommy are getting used ta each other and you are learnin the pleasures of cuddles and brushings...
We hope Mommy is feelin better...
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