I got my very first award from Tygana at One Cat's Nip. Thank you so much. Here are the rules:
- Copy and paste the Kreativ Blogger picture onto your blog.
- Thank the person who gave you the award and post a link to their blog.
- Write 7 things about yourself we do not know.
- Choose 7 other bloggers to award.
- Links to those 7 other bloggers.
- Notify your 7 bloggers.
1. I have one pink paw pad. The others are all gray.
2. The bump underneath my chin has almost gone away. Mom thinks I must have scratched myself or something and it's just a little scab.
3. My eyes are green/gold with a little hazel brown mixed in.
4. I turned 2 1/2 on Sunday.
5. I sometimes stick my nose in my Mom's dinner and she doesn't get mad.
6. Mom put a blanket for me up on top if the file cabinet in case I wanted to get up high and I have never gone up there.
7. I never crawl under a blanket or anything else to get warm.
Now for the hard part, finding seven other kitties who don't already have this award.
Cubby and Clifford at Friends Furever, because it is their birthday.
Cheysuli, because I think she needs cheering up a little.
Loki, because he's just so cool.
Chairman Mao, because they need some encouragement to blog more.
Roxy, because we both like to jump up on the table.
Mickey, because we mancats have to stick together.
Angel and Kirby, because they are such good friends.
Congrats on your award!!
It was nice to get to know you better. It's funny, the PM has hazel/green eyes with little gold mixed in.
Purrs Goldie
Pawsome! I love learning new things about my cat friends! I can'ts believes your moms doesnt mind if you put your nose in her foods, if I do they call it my foods and takes it away!
Congratulations on your award! And thank you so much for thinking of me!
Congrats on the award and for passing it on to us!
Cubby and Clifford say thank you for the cool award!! They'll post it on our blog soon!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Congrats on your award. This is really a great way of getting to know you better. Proudly display it forever at your place.
Congrats on your award, Herman! You should try going up on the cabinet! You might like it there!
Thank you for the award! We will get going on it. I have to think what you don't know about me!
Congratulations on your award! Thank you, thank you so much for thinking of me!
Big hugs,
One pink paw pad an others gray? Cool. Now we gotta checks ours ta be sure...
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