Monday, January 30, 2012

Mancat Monday

I was sound asleep in my hammick when Mom started to sneak up on me with the camera.  I just opened my eyes a slit, saw what she was doing and went back to sleep.  Mom spilled some nip on my hammick the other day and that makes it even more special.

Karen Jo:  You certainly are not a nip-head.  You didn't even play with the ball that I had marinated in the nip today.

Nip doesn't affect me all that much.  I really go for a new nip toy the first time you give it to me, but after that it doesn't seem like as much fun.  The only nip toy that I played with time after time was my nip syringe.  It's too bad that Emma destroyed it.

Karen Jo:  I am thinking about getting you a new nip toy from that company for your birthday.

That would be nice.  You were on the computer a lot today, but you weren't blogging.

Karen Jo:  I need a new computer or to update the one I have.  I was researching what I need/want for hours.  I found a good deal and ordered it.

That was kind of fast, really.  Shouldn't you have put more research/thought into it?

Karen Jo:  Maybe, but the one I found had everything I needed/wanted and it was on sale, but only through Sunday.  I only had an hour to make up my mind, so I went ahead.  Had I spent more time on research and thought, I would have ended up paying at least $200 more for a machine with the same/similar specs.  From what I checked upon about the prices of the parts I would need for an upgrade, buying a new computer was cheaper.

I hope you didn't spend my food money.

Karen Jo:  Don't worry about it.  My Social Security payments have started and my pension finally starts next month. We will be doing fine.

Not much else went on today.  I napped and ate and ignored my toys.  Mom did the laundry and used the computer.  I discovered that the printer makes interesting noises, but the paper coming out startled me.  I found a moth in the litter box room and played with it for a little while, but it was tiny and I lost sight of it soon after it took off flying.  I did bat at it a couple of times when it first took off, but I missed.


Us4 Cats said...

you are a beautiful mancat!
and oh yes, that paper coming out those printers is odd isnt it.... we used to do a double look but then we found its fun to swat at the paper as it comes out!!!!

Ellen Whyte said...

Well Herman, you should try pulling paper out of the printer. It's FUN! And, you can leave your claw mark of quality on everything your servant prints!

Summer at said...

I wonder what would happen if your human got you some valerian or silvervine, Herman? They are like catnip, but a little different!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We like nip but we also love silvervine leaves - they make us go a little "silly"!! It sounds as though your new computer is on the way Herman - you'll be busy snoopervisiing your Mom to make sure she doesn't forget to put your blog on it.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Bengal Business said...

O Herma what a handsome mancat you are We hope that we will find a moth in our litterbox someday...NOM NOM! Purrrs Lars and Odin

Unknown said...

You are quite an exquisite mancat. Printers can be pretty noisy!

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

SuziQCat said...

Herman is looks like you have had a nice weekend. With you mom getting a new computer, she should be able to blog for you more!

Oui Oui said...

A new computer is always fun (once its set up, that is)! Thank you for your kind remarks. It was such a shock, and a truly awful way to go. Take care.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

How exciting to get a new computer! YEAH!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Maye you can use the new computer to order treats Herman!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sorry we interrupted your nap! Mom will love a new computer and may be able to blog more!

meowmeowmans said...

Hi there, handsome Herman. What exciting news that your mom got a new computer. We agree with Brian ... you should use it for ordering some nommy food! :)

Hugs to you and Mom Karen Jo.

The Island Cats said...

That's a nice picture of you, Herman. We hope you get a nip toy that you like.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You need bigger moths, Herman! Or maybe glasses. Heh-heh...

Jacqueline said...

Sweet dreams, handsome Herman!...Happy weekend, sweet friend…xoxo…Calle, Halle, Sukki

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

Kite is like that - the nip does not affect her very much, either. She turns her nose up at it.
BTW, us girls are swooning - you're such a handsome dude :-)

Jacqueline said...

Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat