Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I was keeping the bed warm, hoping Mom would come back, but she didn't.  She got up, got dressed and went to work anyway.  At least the red and white bedspread is appropriate for Valentine's Day.  I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day with lots of love and treats.  I will get something special.  Mom brought sushi home again and she says I can have some this time.

Karen Jo:  I really wanted the smoked eel, but all they had left that wasn't spicy was California roll or tuna cream cheese roll.  I like both, but I thought you might enjoy the tuna more, so I brought that one home.  It's funny.  I haven't had sushi for months, but now I am craving it and had some last week and now I'm having it two days in a row.  I am thinking I might have it once a week.  It's pretty healthy, especially if I buy the brown rice ones and I like it.

I am in favor of that, I think.  Since I haven't had any yet, I don't know if I approve of it or not.  Will you give me lots of love and treats today?

Karen Jo:  Of course, Herman.  I will give you all the treats you want after I get home from work and I will pet you as long as I can at bedtime.  Just remember that I eventually have to go to sleep.

If you napped like I do, you wouldn't need so much sleep at night.

Karen Jo:  That's true, but I have to go to work to bring home the green papers for your food, treats and litter.  Not to mention paying the bills for the heat and water.  If you want to keep the life to which you have become so accustomed, you have to let me sleep at night.

I have been pretty good about that.  I haven't gotten you up at oh-dark-thirty for breakfast more than once a week lately.

Karen Jo:  I appreciate that.  Lots of mornings you don't get me up at all.  You are content to wait until I have to get up to use the human litter box.

I am almost out of Stinky Goodness.

Karen Jo:  I noticed.  I will bring you home a couple of the twelve can boxes tomorrow.  It is already on my shopping list.  Is there anything else you want?

I haven't gotten any new toys since Christmas.

Karen Jo:  You scarcely play with the ones you have now.  Besides, you already have one of every kind they have at the stores in town.  I did get you a new toy bucket, so I don't have to put them in your cube any more.  Now you will have two toy buckets and I can move the toys from one to the other as I get them out for you to play with and put them away again.

I played with my Christmas star flashy ball this morning.  I haven't seen my nip ball in ages.

Karen Jo:  I tossed it into your cube the last time I vacuumed.  It's still in there somewhere.  I will find it eventually, as I get the other toys out.

I don't get enough nip.

Karen Jo:  I put new nip on your scratchers every month.  I feed you at least some nip treats every day.  Ask your friends if they think I should put new nip on the scratchers more often.  If they think so, then I will do it.  I really don't know how long it lasts.

OK, gang, let's have some opinions.  I think I should get new nip every week; Mom thinks once a month is enough.  How often do you get new nip?


Summer at said...

Herman, I think you should get new nip every DAY! Especially on Valentine's Day!

Jacqueline said...

New nip is awesome!!...Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Monkeys said...

We think nip is perfect all the time! We agree with you, Herman!

Happy Valentine's Day!

AFSocksScylla said...

Happy Valentines Day Herman, I hopes you have a wonderful one. ~Artemisia

PS: Mommy just waits till it looks as if the nip isn't working anymore. So it could be a couple of months before we get fresh.

Angel Simba said...

Happy Valetine's Day to you and your Mom, Herman.

SuziQCat said...

Herman, we hope you get lots of yummy treats tonight for Valentine's look so pretty on the red and white comforter.

We don't get new nip on our toys very often at all. In the summer time we'll get some fresh nip about once a month though.

Luscious Lucy said...

Oh gosh, Herman, we're with you! We believe a nip a day keeps the cruddies away :D
You know: Here a nip, there a nip, everywhere a nip-nip.
You look very beautiful and handsome on the red and white bedspread, Herman, just as a Valentine's cat should. We send you extra nose licks this special day.
Happy Valentine's Day from us to you :D xoxoxo

You can tell Karen Jo that we send her a little leg rub, too :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentines Day! We don't like nip but if you love that nip then we think you should get new nip at least once a week or more often than that if you can manage it. Hugs and nose kisses

Hannah and Lucy said...

We get our new nip when mum remembers and she doesn't remember often enough!!

Kea said...

Gees, we get nip less than once a month! Not at all since Annie has been sick. It makes Nicki mean too.

Anyway, we're wishing you and your mom a wonderful Valentine's Day!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Valentine's Day to both of you.....xxxxxxxxxx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey Herman, we have a weekly NipFest wheather we need it or not! Happy Valentine's Day!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We get nip when the Woman feels like it so I think weekly guaranteed nip would be grand! Happy Valentine's Day!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, Herman, we don't get the whole thing about nip, but we think you should get it as often as you need it, like maybe every day:)

Happy Valentine's Day to you from all of us.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Furry Bambinos said...

Your Mom is way better at the new nip than ours is!

Happy Valentine's Day! Sending love and purrs your way!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)

Katnip Lounge said...

Herman, dude, you have The Life! We want to come and be spoiled by your Mom.
We get nip once or twice a week, and of course we enjoy valerian root occasionally, too.
Happy Valentine's Day! We hope you enjoy your sushi tonight!

wildcatwoods said...

We get nip once a week - that should be the rule. Happy Hearts Day!

Cats of Wildcat Woods

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Valentines Day! WE do not get nip enough either!

Lisa Kolosey said...

I'm working from an old bag of fresh grown nip from probably two summers ago. Whatever floats your boat Herm.
~Lisa Co9T

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It sounds ta us like you are living quite a good life Herman. All the available toys, good stinky goodness, and differnt Bein foods, too!

We get Nip more or less randomly; but it is fresh Nip. There is some dry stuff TBT sprinkles on the 2 EmeryCat scratchers "when he thinks of it".

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Happurry Heart Day to you and your Mum...and Fresh Nip daily when in season, and dried when not...that's what we'd wish for!


Mom has no time table for giving us nip. We got some yesterday, but I think you should get it as often as you like it.

A very happy Valentine Day!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your mum.

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

Purrs! Happy Valentine's Day =^_^= MMMmm nips!!!

Ellen Whyte said...

You tell it as it is, sweetie. make your demands known!

Thanks for your kind words. Au ate last night AND this morning!!! We're hoping this means he's decided to live. He's a tough kitty so if he has the will, he should recover. Thanks for the purrs. We really appreciate it.

The Island Cats said...

We don't get nip nearly as much as we would like!! We are quite deprived!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Herman! Everything in moderation, that said, I am not partial to nip myself, so I can comment on the appropriate frequency.

meowmeowmans said...

New Nip? PURRfect! Happy Valentine's Day, Herman and Karen Jo!

Us4 Cats said...

Awwww you look so warm and cozy on your red blanket : } we nuggle with you.

happy V day!!