Ann, Zoey and Maggy sent this lovely portrait of Herman to us. They also sent us a great Christmas picture which we will be using later. I am really sorry that Herman and I haven't been keeping up with our visiting. I have been working late because this is a really busy time of year at the store and I haven't been feeling so great. It turns out that I was coming down with a cold. It's nothing much, but it is making me feel tired and the constant nose dripping is annoying.
Hey, Mom, you brought me some great little mousies and some more balls home tonight, but you didn't play with me like you always do.
Karen Jo: I'm sorry, Herman, but I just didn't have the energy tonight. I'll make it up to you tomorrow.
But you just play with me for a little while and then you leave.
Karen Jo: I have three days off for Thanksgiving, Herman, so I will have lots of time to play with you.
Yay! That sounds great to me. Will we be having something yummy for Thanksgiving?
Karen Jo: I'll be having roast beef and baked potato and salad and you will be having chicken with broth.
I have decided that roast beef is yucky, so I'm glad that you have chicken for me.
Karen Jo: I know. You didn't eat any of it the last time I gave you some. It's too bad you didn't think to teleport it over to Roxy before it got all dried up.
I am glad that you brought me some more balls to play with. Most of the ones I had disappeared.
Karen Jo: I noticed that. Only the purple one with pink spots was left. Is that because it is your favorite?
Sheesh, Mom, that one was left because I only play with it when I can't find the others. What happened to the other ones?
Karen Jo: I don't know, Herman. I suspect that you chased them under the dishwasher or the refrigerator. I will look for them sometime soon.
Will you get me some mousies like the ones that Gracie likes?
Karen Jo: Yes, Herman. I have seen them at the store, but I am staying in for the next three days, so it will be a while before you get any more new toys.
Aw, shoot. I love getting new toys, even the lame ones like you brought home last night. I didn't even play with them much.
Karen Jo: But this morning you discovered that the fuzzy weasel has a rattle inside and then you liked it.
Yeah, I guess it's not so lame after all. Hey, I like the snuggle you put in the chair. It was just right for my nap this afternoon.
Karen Jo: That makes me happy, Herman. I got that snuggle in an auction. I think DKM made it to help raise money for Lilly Lu, Iris and MuShue after the fire. I know that it is called The Lilly Lu. I was hoping even then that I would have a kitty some day who would enjoy it. I hope that you will nap on it again when I have time to take a picture.
You know I don't pose for the camera, but maybe it will happen.